Paul working for you.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016



One Comment:

Kagemusho's picture
What's the old saying? "Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas." Warren cannot possibly be ignorant of Hitlery's treason and treachery.
Another old saying, from Scotland: "Once you touch the Devil, you can never let go"  Warren has done so.


  1. I have written to both Senator Warren and Jim Mcgovern letting both know that the support they are giving Hillary Clinton is at the expense of my support next election.

    I will not vote for any elected delegate from Worcester county who support Hillary Clinton despite Worcester counties support for Sanders. Warren has lost all credibility as a progressive by supporting the corrupt Hillary Clinton.

    It's unfortunate that people we once thought had some integrity forget what the word means.

  2. I have a tough time supporting someone like Killary Clinton because what you are really supporting are the international corporations and large financial institutions. According to FBI and CIA members who were involved with the massacre at Waco Texas the White House ran the show at that tragedy. Here is the most disturbing documentary I have ever seen and Killary is right in the middle of the events at Waco. KillaryatWaco I hope Elizabeth Warren will take the time to watch Waco A New Revelation before she signs on with the Devil herself.

  3. bob m, I save writing to warren and McGovern. I have never voted for a dem, and never will. this country was never started for the "hand out" idea of government.
