Paul working for you.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Selectmen Meeting June 6, 2016

Templeton Board of Selectmen 
Pauly Cosentino Sr, Town Hall, 160 Patriots Road, 
East Templeton
Monday, June 6, 2016, 
6:30 p.m.

Amended Agenda

6:30 P.M. Call to Order
 Discuss possible Special Town Meeting & Warrant 
        Article for Utilization of Stabilization Fund 
        for Police & Fire Departments
 Action on All-Committee Meeting
 Action on Joint Board of Selectmen & 
        Advisory Committee Meeting
 Animal Control Office Update
 Police Chief Updates
 Fire Chief Updates
 Highway Department Updates
        Action on Town Administrator Search
 Scout Hall Update
 New Business
 Selectmen’s Comments

The listing of Agenda items is those reasonably 
anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at 
the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be 
discussed and other items not listed may also be 
brought up for discussion to the extent it is 
permitted by law.



  1. This will be a very interesting meeting.

  2. Another Special Town Meeting?

    Didn't we just have the Annual town meeting? Or will it need "Emergency Legislation" like the Special Town Meeting in March? How is that "Emergency Legislation" coming along? Will it impact the construction project schedule for the Water tank?

    Was the Annual town meeting posted correctly?

    How much is in stabilization again? Isn't that one time money? As when it's gone, it's gone?

    To pay for the police and fire department operational budgets - a year to year expense?

    Say it ain't so?

    What about the that slide during town administrator's presentation at the Annual Town Meeting...The one where the selectmen had agreed not to use "Free Cash" for operational expenses? But it's okay to use stabilization money?

    Maybe Annual Town Meeting should have gone through the budget line item by line item?

    It's not okay to use stabilization money without town meeting approval! It would need a 2/3 vote to access that money! You might want to clear your schedules to attend yet another special town meeting! We are at the point where this would be a VERY SPECIAL town meeting.

    Already voted to transfer over HALF A MILLION DOLLARS at special town meetings in FY '16! Seems to indicate a problem with budgeting.

    Or you can listen to the Sound of Silence

    1. This is your money they are burning through. Not just mine, yours too. What no more found money!! Gee that is to bad. Did Santa Clause give away too much money for raises earlier in the year ?? How can he be so short ?
