Paul working for you.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Miracles in Baldwinville!

Miracles in Baldwinville!

Not only do trees spring forth from chimneys:

 But Our Lady of Perpetual Water Leaks has seen fit to provide the town with another spring on Elm Street!



  1. At a selectmen meeting in the last week the issue of the tree on the tucker building was brought up and measures have been put in motion to correct the growth.
    #1 highway could rent a high enough lift to remove the tree. 800.00 dollars us
    #2 petition our senators to correct it as it is a housing authority issue.
    The #2 course of action was voted on and will be done.
    The board feels it is important enough to have the senate rep take a look see and return safety to the residents of the Tucker Bld.
    Lets hope the issue isn't handled like the ethics are.

  2. As for the water spring and fluoride contamination in Baldwinville we are told it's a service leak and not a water main doing the damage in the area. Hard to tell whats going on underground but we get a free under car wash out of the deal.
    They do things right over there.

  3. So where will they dig this time and how much would the cost be. With the new crew expansion Monday am should see a very large cost to do a water line repair. What next will the TMLWP need?
    How about a million dollar battery!!!

  4. David,

    Water on Elm is just the new "Templeton undercarriage cleaner". Probably going to charge ratepayers for the "service".

  5. Do we need a million dollar battery Templeton?
    How often do they need to be changed out.
    How much will your rates go up to pay for it.
    Will they put it in winchendon and pay a pilot payment for that too?

  6. Another cut road in Templeton. At least this one will get the proper repairs.
