Paul working for you.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

December 30, 2013 BOS Meeting

December 30, 2013 BOS Meeting
This meeting was not recorded

The minutes for December 13th and 16th were approved.

Cote’s Market now has a full liquor license that will expire on December 31, 2014. Obtaining a liquor license is a very slow process.

Otter River Hotel Liquor License – After much discussion the BOS voted to approve the liquor license for the Otter River Hotel with the understanding that the liquor license may be revoked if the agreement to pay of back taxes is broken.

Appointments and resignations – Karen Gautreau was appointed to the Board of registrars and Steve Laprise was appointed as a poll worker.

Jeff Ritter’s letter of resignation was accepted with regret.

Julie Farrell resigned from the Templeton Elementary School Building Committee as the BOS representative. Kenn Robinson was nominated and voted as replacement.

Alan Mayo Discuss hiring of part-time Laborer –
The Cemetery/Parks department is currently very short staffed.  After considerable debate, a motion was made Selectman Robinson to hire a temporary laborer. This motion was seconded by Selectman Morrison. After more debate regarding the hiring and expense freeze, the motion was defeated. Personally, this was one of the most difficult votes I have ever made. As department head Alan accomplishes miracles with his very small budget. Once the budget shortfall is addressed, the BOS can revisit this request.

Bethany Loveless – COA van purchase
Some good news! COA Director, Bethany Loveless has managed to pull off a miracle – a new (used) van for the COA for the price of $1,634 to be taken from the formula grant. Bethany has also applied for two mini-grants which pay for the purchase as well. Once the title and transfer is complete the Dodge will be deemed surplus. A final decision on the surplus vehicle will be made in the future.

Town Administrator job description
After considerable discussion, it was decided to direct the town coordinator to develop a job description for a town administrator to be based on some sample language from other communities.

The BOS seemed to agree that the financial responsibility of developing a budget should rest with a town administrator. The town administrator should also be the director of finance for the town. As it currently stands, our bylaws (Article IV – Advisory Board) charge the Advisory board with developing the budget. In most towns, this responsibility rests with the town administrator.

It appears it may be time to transfer this authority and responsibility to a town administrator. To accomplish this transition, section 4 of Article IV may need to be amended. In my opinion, all of the other sections of Article IV are still relevant and necessary to a strong Advisory Board.  I also believe a strong Advisory Board is very necessary to the financial health of the Town of Templeton.

BOS Policies & Procedures –
After discussion, it was agreed to use the original version of BOS policies & Procedures to move this item forward. Input from board members should be submitted by Friday January 3rd for discussion at the January 6th meeting.

DOR Review –
The Department of Revenue financial management review was discussed at length. While it will take some time to implement all of the recommendations, this report offers some very good advice to get the town on a solid financial footing. Unfortunately, we will probably need to use free cash to address the current budget shortfall of $505,000.

There was brief discussion about the town building assessment committee, which is looking at Templeton’s current building stock.

Financial Department Meeting –
A meeting was discussed to take place so that all members of the financial team including the Town Clerk obtain training from the DOR. It was agreed that an agenda for this meeting is essential.

Interim Town Coordinator –
The impending vacancy in the town coordinator position was discussed. There are a few options in how to proceed. These options will be discussed more fully.

Cable Commission License & Fees-
The Chairman of the BOS was approached by Garry MacEwen to use $50,000 from Templeton’s franchise fees to install a robotic studio in the KIVA. This proposal will likely be discussed at the next BOS meeting. Templeton has an active and very capable Cable Commission. Hopefully, there will be input into this discussion from Templeton’s Cable commission.

Selectman’s comments-

There will be a Sewer Commission meeting on January 6th to review sewer rates. A request has been made for the sewer commissioners to attend the BOS meeting the same night to discuss Cook Pond Estates.

Selectman Robinson has information and letters regarding his program “Open for Business”.

My opinions… supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. For those of us who do not see the video, I appreciate the summary posted here.

  2. VOTE FOR DIANE HALEY-BROOKS for BOS lets go forward not backwards

  3. VOTE DIANE HALEY-BROOKS for Templeton's future not for past mistakes
