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Friday, January 3, 2014

State's recommendations should be reviewed

State's recommendations should be reviewed

To The Editor: 1/2/2014
Robert C. Mitchell
Templeton citizen

To The Editor:

I would like to respond to Andres Caamano’s commentary on the Templeton shortfall, as he seemed really long on wind and very short on suggestions. In fact, his only suggestion would seem to be “once again using free cash would be the best option”. Perhaps he should have taken a little trip in the way back machine before he determined where the buck should stop and who said it, as it did not originate with Mr. Truman though he did have the sign on his desk. Perhaps he could even go back a little further in his way back machine to a more relevant quote by George Santayana, “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.

Perhaps Mr. Caamano should have taken a longer look at the “Town of Templeton financial management review” (Department of Revenue report) as the suggestions within are as relevant today as they were when the past board decided to pass the buck after the revenue department reps left the building. In section 6 page 11-12, the Department of Revenue specifically states, “We recommend the town limit its use of free cash … In order to achieve a sound and sustainable annual spending plan, Templeton should wean itself off its reliance on free cash to balance the annual budget” and “If free cash is used to stabilize the tax levy, we suggest that the town retain an incrementally larger portion of free cash as unexpended to serve as a starting point in the subsequent year’s free cash calculation”. It surely is too bad the buck didn’t stop in 2009, but it’s a good thing it stopped with this board when they voted to accept the report in November 2012.

With the referendum vote to split the light and water and upcoming rate increases at the sewer department, I will once again — as in past letters to the editor — urge Templeton voters to read the revenue department’s report. They might be interested in this piece of past history as section 13 “Adopt formal pilot (payment in lieu of taxes) with the municipal light and water plant” has still not been adopted, so “the decision by the light and water plant on how much to actually contribute occurs annually and on a more or less ad hoc basis”.

Sewer rate payers and all Templeton citizens should also be concerned about section 13, “Establish enterprise fund expectations”. This was stated in 2009 as “Over the preceding three years the sewer enterprise fund has relied on over $580 000 in retained earnings to support ongoing operations”. Folks, these are right from the report (on line) along with many more suggestions that are all bucks that the present board has to stop and while I’m not going to point fingers, I will say one doesn’t have to jump in a way back machine to figure out why we are where we’re at.

While I do not appreciate Andres bashing the present board and his shoot the messenger attitude, I am happy he is at least checking the blog and hope he always sees my letters in the The Gardner News first. I am also hoping he takes a good look at the fan base he is attracting on the blog as I’m pretty sure the folks huffing and puffing, claiming to tell the truth and hiding behind pseudonyms, are a big part of Templeton’s problem and why I do not blog. I’m also certain if he reads a few posts from these folks, he’ll realize that he won’t ever see a letter from them — as folks that read the paper will discount most of what’s said as soon as they see their real names.

In closing, I would like to make sure folks in Templeton understand that while I hope they will go to the polls on Jan. 14, I do not believe their vote there will resolve many of our issues. Once again, I would like to point out that citizens need to attend town and board meetings as it is allowing cliques clubs and committees with special interest to control town and board meetings that have caused most of our problems.

Robert C. Mitchell
Templeton citizen


  1. Vote Mitchell for Selectman

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    The nuclear option should NEVER be used.

  2. VOTE DIANE HALEY-BROOKS for BOS. Lets move forward without repeating the past.

  3. Vote Mitchell for selectman.

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    The nuclear option should NEVER be used.

    Let's keep comic book characters out of politics.

  4. VOTE FOR DIANE HALEY-BROOKS for BOS lets go forward not backwards

  5. Vote Mitchell for selectman.

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    The nuclear option should NEVER be used.

  6. VOTE FOR DIANE HALEY-BROOKS for BOS lets go forward not backwards

  7. Vote Mitchell for Selectman.

    Remember the past to ensue a better future.

    The nuclear option should NEVER be used.

  8. VOTE DIANE HALEY-BROOKS for BOS put some fresh air in that stale room

  9. Vote Mitchell for Selectman.

    Remember the past to ensue a better future.

    The nuclear option should NEVER be used.

  10. VOTE DIANE HALEY-BROOKS for a brighter future for Templeton, the past should never be repeated
