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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Democracy wins in Shrewsbury

Democracy wins in Shrewsbury

Something both ordinary and extraordinary happened in Shrewsbury on Tuesday.

Yes, for the first time since the passage of Proposition 2½ in 1980, voters passed an operational override of the limits imposed by that legislation, choosing to add $5.5 million to the town's budget for school, municipal, and capital purposes.

But adding (or refusing to add) dollars here and there to a municipal budget is, after all, a fairly routine decision.

What made the results Tuesday extraordinary was the turnout. Of the town's 22,908 registered voters, 10,804 or 47 percent turned out, exceeding the 42 percent who decided against the last override question in 2008.

Yes, 47 percent is less than half. But by the standards of municipal elections, it is outstanding. Shrewsbury voters were divided on Tuesday — two-thirds for the override, the other third against. Many still disagree.

But all were united in having participated in a show of democracy that leaves no doubt where the town stands, and sets an outstanding example of civic participation for all.


  1. rewarding the school again in another town , frankly . the cause is not 2 1/2 or lack of money It the state increase yearly to system base in fraud this includes The IRS and DOR and Washington DC two party system on YOU . The federal reserved system base on fraud ,the system violated art 1 sect 10 and every ripple you see is due to it Until the people wake up vote in GARY Johnson , for president in 2016 soon or later the system will fail and what is left will not be united states of America

  2. My understanding of the Proposition 2 1/2 was that this law was created to rein in inflation. Inflation got so bad in post WWI Germany that you paid for your meal before you ate it because the price would go up during its preparation due to the government printing more money. Inflation now called quantitative easing or QE is when our government allows more money to be printed causing the money then in circulation to be worth less. All Federal Reserve notes are put into circulation as the result of borrowing, someone holds the bond on that loan. Our dollars are debt certificates. There is an old saying "Gold is the money of Kings, Silver the money of Gentlemen, barter the money of peasants and debt is the money of slaves." The debtor is beholden to the creditor. It is believed that our current debt ceiling is close to twenty trillion dollars and rising, can this debt be paid off if the loan is called in? It is my opinion that the greatest curse we leave our children is the national debt that will insure their eternal slavery. Pete Farrell
