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Monday, June 23, 2014

Some Town Offices CLOSED !

Some Town Offices CLOSED !

Town offices and departments located at 690 Patriots Road are closed this week in order to move to East Templeton. The Tax Collector's office is open on Monday June 23rd for tax payments.


  1. Most of the town offices are closed, but this time it is for a good reason. The offices on Athol Road are moving to their new home in East Templeton. Thank you to the School Committee and Ms. Miller for leaving a perfectly good building, making the space available for the town offices to move in to. Gee, I wonder why the classrooms are "over crowded"?? Any move to create problems, seems to be Ms. Millers way to do things. That slam dunk recall in Phillipston did not happen yesterday, maybe it is because the question "where is the money going to come from" was not asked. In Templeton, why wasn't the question "do you want to fund a new school" , asked before a ton of money was spent planning this school ?? Must have been Ms. Miller was afraid to ask, because in return the residents of this town could ask her "where is the money coming from"? As far as I can see, the price of oil is not going down, anytime soon. It may be that winter seems to be a long way off, but it is not too early to plan on how we are going to get through the next New England winter. Bev

  2. Bev i would like to point out that Mrs. Miller did not decide to move out the previous super Dr. Wiess made the change to cut their expences and keep afloat. We as a town do the repairs to the elementry schools and foot the bills to do any repairs over a set amount. Any repairs over a set amount must be voted on. Anyway i think the bad move was a good move for us in the end. Just think we could be over budget and underfunded for the 252 project by now. As far a the money for the new school it was explained to me our loan for the last school upgrade would be ending by the time the new school will be open and being paid for. If someone could enlighten us on the pay off dates and the start dates that would be just super!

    1. Sorry to Ms. Miller, if I blamed her for something she did not do, and thanks to Dave for setting things straight. Cutting their expenses may have been the reason for closing E.T., but it also created another situation, over crowded class rooms. According to projections, the classes should go down in size, from what I understand, so if that is the case, the over crowding problem will be solved. Two fifty two, would have been the straw that broke the camels back, and sunk the town for sure. Thank goodness for the people who can think for themselves. Next time any of you see Virginia, thank her for writing the Letter to the Editor in the Gardner News, suggesting that people vote no for the override. You could also ask her how it feels to hurt so many people she lives near in our little town ? It is one thing to be loyal to your friend, but only a fool does anything they are told to do, without looking ahead to the consequences of their actions. Walking around with blinders only works if the rest of the people you inpact wear them too. Bev.

  3. "Your welcome Bev " anything i can do to help out the town through this dark historic period of frustration,misguided, misgiving time. I forgot misspend,mistaken,mission. The only mission Templeton has done correctly is cut ,cut, cut, for three years and when the next time a cut comes down the road we know who to blame and will not be able to point the finger at the past "we" now own the blame. If your not willing to help out with the problems than step aside and let the people who care about Templeton deal with the mess left behind. The crowd that follows Virginia should by now know the truth is other than what she portray.

  4. The amount listed in the regional school agreement with Templeton is $5,000.00. Any repair over 5K is the responsibility of the town. That includes taking a few repairs and combining them to get over the 5K amount. Yes it has been done in the past couple of years, I believe the amount totaled was a little over 10 grand. Now that does not mean that if the school district wanted to, they could pay for anything over 5 grand. As for debt for past repairs, some of that debt was "refinanced a little while ago which extended the payoff period back a year or so but supposedly it saved the district some money. You can check with the BOS or the advisory board for the exact figure and time.

  5. Does that amount go for the Elementary schools also? Is the NRSD the ones who pay up to the 5k amount?

  6. That is for the elementary schools only. Any repairs at NRHS come from the district. T employing owns the elementary schools, TC & Baldwinville
