Paul working for you.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman I am sorry Bill perhaps I am not understanding you as I thought you were talking about positions and cuts at the school. The taxpayers will fund the new school and it will be on our tax rate in about 3 years

Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman I completely understand all the challenges we face in our school district as I was the leader for the override last time. I also understand that our tax rate just went well over $2.00 in one year and it's going up again. The Superintendent creates the budget and it goes to the School committee and the budget subcommittee... I ask you why didn't they say no to the cuts and let's go for an override? Because, it won't pass. How do you ask a town that feels it's already over taxed to pass an override right now and a new school in the fall? The superintendent did not take a raise last year, were you aware of that? She has goal oriented raises of a percent. Isn't that showing that she is aware of the concerns everyone has? We have been working on a new school for 10 years and we cannot wait any longer. Also, I attend the budget meetings and as many of the school committee meetings as I can and there is never anyone there. I just spoke out about cutting the Outdoor Adventure Ed/Environmental Science that was going to be cut and I was the only one there who spoke out and yet I heard lots of negativity surrounding that one position. I fully support our schools and I am fully involved and I will support the budget the committee just put forward with all the cuts


  1. Diane,

    Not to be contradictory but didn't the schools health insurance increase since last year? Did the superintendent pay her total increase or did the town?

    It's really tiring seeing people say teachers got no raises, blah,blah yet the 4-9% insurance increase is paid for by the taxpayer. Over the past few years many people didn't get raises, but they had to pay taxes based on overrides for the inefficient operation of the school.
    Please tell me why we pay over $400,000 for principals and vice principals in one building for 1000 kids? Please dont tell me that teachers are "underpaid" either. They are paid way above the average wage for a templeton worker and many only work 8 months a year.

  2. The den is full of snakes as meeting lessor public will , The mother milk is the property prize owner by extraction of there will of unrepresented body " point ," tax base vs continue attacks of there debt , . The school is mill stone around the excuse of the over ride over 200% tax increasing and growing // You have elected no steward !!!!. only those who are passionate for the very mongoose which madly consumes ...
    If education was given out naturally . its all about lettuce so says the brochure ... at time given , without the social engineering or common without the driven secret social pathetic panics in drama play , Like if any change is really made in right direction where budgets ware truly warn
    The expenditure of self concern pay checks and raising cost of everything due to hyperinflation The only self control is none for any citizen The authority of 2 1/2 limits are gone and so is protection the hen school we would go turning out genius .. or just modified behavior potato taters who later have coach called a TV and couch to eat chips
