Paul working for you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Thank You Templeton !

Thank You Templeton !

It has been an honor to serve the residents of Templeton as a member of the board of selectman for 10 years.

I have met many interesting people over the years. I was able to accomplish a lot during that time. I would like to thank all of the people who voted for me in this election.

While I am still pondering a recount due to the incorrect absentee ballots, I wanted to thank the people who have supported me over the years.

Julie Farrell


  1. As Bart said," the people in the Town of Templeton will have the government they deserve". Think about that one for a few minutes. How many people had a clue that Echo Hill would come in the back door. Congratulations to the people who did not have a clue as to who they were voting for but voted anyway. Thank you Julie for your caring heart, the time and energy you spent to make this town a better place to live. Your friend, Bev.

  2. Thank you Julie for your excellent service to the Town of Templeton. If there has been a more fair Selectman in this town over the last forty years they remain unknown to me. Thank you Bev for all you have done to support Julie over the years and the other Citizens of Templeton as well. Eternal vigilance.

  3. Congratulations Julie Richards on you victory and the best of luck as a Selectman!

  4. It appears we are going to see if this was a mistake or a good change.

    Good luck to both Julies.

  5. Just remember the recall and the so called changes touted back in 2012.

  6. Julie, I feel we should be the ones thanking YOU for all the years of dedicated and unselfish service you have given the town of Templeton. You taught us to do our own research, ask questions, and stand up for what you believe in—even when it is unpopular. You’ve been used as a scape goat or framed as an evil person by people who were (are) out to fulfill their own self-serving agenda. I don’t know how you were able to withstand the personal attacks with such self control. But all that aside, your knowledge of bylaws, regulations, procedures, budgets, and the inner workings of government is what you will be remembered for. Any claim or opinion you could back up with supporting material. Not only did you carry out town business like a professional, you attended almost every single fundraiser and community event in town. Very few town officials have done this. You dedicated your own vacation time to volunteering at the town hall and senior center projects. You reached out to citizens who suffered a loss or hard times. You listened to all sides of an issue with an open mind. You gave this town a blueprint for what a true community leader looks like.

    Although I do not think your political career is over, I hope that the lessons you taught us will be used moving forward. Now it is time for others to carry the responsibility and to understand the rules and enforce them fairly. It is going to be a bumpy and difficult time as the town tries to claw its way back into financial stability. Maybe all the people who rolled their eyes and criticized you will finally understand everything you were trying to communicate to the citizens was the truth, now that they are in charge and privy to the responsibility and details of town operations. I hope they do not have to endure the abuse you did. I hope lessons were learned as a result of past actions. If anyone was told Julie Farrell was responsible for the town falling into financial ruin, I suggest they do their own research and review past meeting minutes, watch past meetings on YouTube, and read Julie's writings on this blog and on her other websites. The evidence is all there that Julie tried to bring attention to wrong doings but often was the minority voice.

    Now it is time for you to regain your personal life, Julie. Sleep. Go to baseball games. Read a novel. Take a walk. Go kayaking. Relax. Recharge your batteries. You deserve it. I look forward to seeing what you take on in the future. I know it will be based on promoting the greater good. Thank you.

    -Ashley Bird

  7. jF The word .........sleepers .... remember some boats don't float ... but sink

    1. Most anything Julie does or said had facts/plans to back them up. Her boat would not sink because she would do things right the first time. It is time for the rest of the Select Board to step up and be ready with the information to back up what you say or do. Sorry, but this is the real deal for this Board to do it's job. Remember the town's people are watching you.
