Paul working for you.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy Blizzard!!!!

Woo Boy Hope everyone got all their milk and bread and beer hee-hee-hee .  Gas for the generator. Got your snow plows on. plenty of wood for the wood stove.  Don't forget the dog food. (Tank never let's me forget wooboy)For anyone who hasn't heard the roads are being shut down at 4pm - emergency vehicles only. Hey remember the blizzard of 1978 where were you - I was towing cars off of rt 2. This storm I'll be out in my loader. wooboy can't wait.

Thank you in advance  all Templeton emergency people - police - fire - rescue and yes thank you the light co linemen.  Thank you Bud and the highway guys and sewer guys that plow.

Happy blizzard everyone. stay safe and warm. Pauly


  1. If anyone is dumb enough to get stuck on Rt.2, they will be glad to see the CO&S tow truck coming. Of course there are always a few, so maybe they should get charged more for being stupid. Yes, there is more than one in the world, [stupid people]. Well the wind is picking up, so the drifting is going to be bad. There is one good thing about snow, it will melt! I just called Carol Garvey, to see how she is doing. She has been taking care of her brother. He had open heart surgery, but is getting better, so she is good.. Every one stay safe. Bev.

    1. Good reminder to make sure neighbors, friends and family are okay. I think we'll be fine if the snow stays light and fluffy, not wet and heavy.

  2. Thank you to all our public safety workers. We are fortunate to have such dedicated people in our town. Stay safe!

    If you don't need to go out, please don't. It's a great time to bake! and catch up on FB. Making rum balls as I blog...then whoopie pies.

    Check out this video:

  3. Update: you should NOT go out! Did everyone get the Code Red Message?


  4. good reminder Julie - Hope everyone has signed up for Code Red follow the link at with so many people having given up their home phones it's important to sign up your cell phones.

  5. How do you opt-out of code red? I don't need a call to tell me there's a blizzard.

  6. I think there is something on the website or you could call the PD dept.

    I have snow up to the middle of my doors can't get the dogs out until I shovel :(
