Paul working for you.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Here it is folks.....

BOS Meeting February 11, 2013…the Movie

(veterans agent conversation + PILOT discussion)

Just an FYI – The BOS re-voted the date for submitting warrant articles for the Annual Town Meeting in May. The new date for ATM articles is March 14, 2013.  The BOS will vote to approve articles for the ATM on March 18, 2013.

The warrant closes for the STM on February 19, 2013. The STM will be held on March 6, 2013 in the NRHS auditorium at 7:00 p.m. This STM has been called to address some articles/votes from The May ATM and the STM in November 2012. There will also be an article regarding land for the new elementary school.

Also, the number of signatures for a citizen petition to be included on the ATM warrant is 10. In this matter, Templeton is now like every other town in the commonwealth.

Be inspired to participate!

Julie Farrell 


  1. Be sure there are not little ones in the room when you watch this as there is a lot of swearing in this meeting. I learned the hard way when my 3 yr old was next to me this morning when I saw it on tv. That veteran guy O'Brien said the "s" word and "bs" word at least twice. Now my son knows the "s" word. Thanks O'Brien. Real class.

    Besides that incident, it was a good meeting to see. I can't wait until the next town elections. It would be nice to have a whole board that is truly working for the best interest of the town and not for their own or their friends. I still can't understand how that guy can sit on the BOS and light dept and not try to assist both sides solve problems. What's the point in serving on each board/committee if you abstain from voting on anything. Did the letter from the BOS to the Light Dept ever get sent from like 3 months ago?

    1. I liked Scrappy coming into the meeting late and unprepared.

  2. What I heard from our illustrious BOS leader was that he does not know what the PILOT formula is, but he is sure that Light dept. is giving their fair share. If you do not know the formula, like the rest of us, then how in the hell can Stewart be so sure. Because everyone in the dept says it is okay? Way to look out for the town Chris! Of course he doesn’t want the petition to fly, he then might have to figure this out. Right now, he can show up to meetings, or not, and collect some extra cash and believe those that have been lying to the town, great leadership there. If we do not know the formula used then how do we, as a town, know that the Light dept is not BREAKING the law. We don’t know, and Stewart doesn’t seem to care.

    1. Score one for the good guys!!! I just got our light bills. The customer charge has gone down to $3.00, and there is information about energy audits, and rebates! All we want is for the Templeton Municipal Light to work for the people in this town. I really do believe, in this town, they have not been doing that. Don't tell me that in order to get a PILOT we deserve, you are going to get it out of the rate payers!!! NO NO NO, that is not how it works boys. We get paid, then you get your benefits, from what is left. Thats how it is supposed to work! Do I want to hurt our Light Department? No I do not. I do not want to hurt all the other people who work for the town, either. They have suffered lost time and wages. I do not want to see them loose any more, while the light dept gets rich and fat. All we asked is for the Light Department to do the right thing. What did they say? No , not our problem!! Time will tell how this works out. Just remember the Templeton Municipal Light and Water belongs to us. If you have heard rumors about the business being sold and everyone being fired, none of that is true. We do need to remove the commissioners, and the manager and replace these people with people that know what they are doing, so the town will run more efficiently. Bev.

  3. I didn't see the vote to treat the customers fair.How dare they do like they should have from the start. Must be the only face saveing they have at this point. The facts are out there Templeton and the $3.00 is the newest one! Great job commission now your only screwing us out of 3.00 per bill instead of 4.00 per bill,that we didn't pay until the greed of 2009 hit you.Now how about the $300,000.00 for renewable energy credits Templeton recieved for the year . gona keep it all for yourself or share it with the owners?
    You obviously hear us now and we are more than a few as you now know! FACTS to name a few $$$ R.E.C. = 300k+ nuke rebate 130k + customer charge 168k per year,it goes on and on but if you could get the half the town is owed to the BOS we could be made to be happy and all get along for the change to be good for you and us, how about it commission open up the 7+ million dollar free cash cookie jar and share it like you should have all along! Templetons money.
    Wow rabates now too. What new and amazing things will they come up with next that we were told that we don't get?
    More to come after the advise board meeting.
    Petition filing.
    Dave Smart

  4. WHOOO BOY !! A whole dollar !! I can't wait to go the dollar store and spend it. WHOOOOO BOY !!

    Bev and Dave----Don't you get it? They will wear you down till you don't have any fire left, then it's back to the good ol' boys club.

    The only way to fix this is to liquidate the light department and/or FIRE Driscoll, which could happen if the Citiznes petiton passes, which it WON'T because too many citiznes are buffaloed by W&L into believing the town is getting a good deal. TEMPLETON WILL BE SCREWED AGAIN !!!!

  5. NEWS FLASH 'No power outages in the Gardner area!
    It must have been the advise that national grid was taking from Templeton light Commission to trim the trees But not the bugets!

    1. I am sorry, but I have faith that the people in this town are not the least bit stupid. I do not think that the people will back the Light commissioners, when they figure out how badly they have been taken advantage of. How many families have been screwed out of rebates, because no one was decent enough to tell them they were available?? The people need to know the truth! The only people who have made out, work for the Light Company. The response we received when we asked about help for the town, was totally unacceptable! Yes, it is a whole dollar, but it is a dollar that the people can keep in their pocket. It is a start! I do not expect a lot from these guys, but that is ok. We need to make a big change over there. We can not afford to stay the way things are. As for the news that the guys trim trees, that is a good thing. That means they are doing their job. Bev.

  6. First off, what is the big so called sevret according to a public power website, the formular is a percentage of the net revenue of the light dept. I wrote a blong on this a while back. I did the math and I believe Dave Smart did also, it came to about $378,000.00 using financial information from the light department. Perhaps someone can look back for that blog and information. I believe the percentage average for mass muni light co was 4%. On another note, if one looks into the downfall of many politicians and ceo, it is usually the coverup that does them in rather than the actual even, american people can be very forgiving if you are sincerely honest with them. I believe it is in our culture to forgive people for some things if they are big enough to honestly explain themselves. Now about swearing especially in public and by our elected officials, bad bad bad idea. Hey we all know people swear, I am very good at it and there are boat loads of people and politicians who are very adept at the use of such language. anyone who has served in the military knows this....but there is a time and place to be respectful and polite and to me that time is when any citizen stops to speak with me, regardless of how I feel about them or they me, regardless if we like one another, always take the high road and be respectful, especially if you hold an elected office. use to be how people acted, cordial and respectful in public. I would just ecpect better from people at a meeting in a small community. lastly, why is someone a jerk for asking questions? Again, in my mind there is a great conflict of interest with regards to Mr. Stewart, he has a financial interest in maintaining the status que as in light commissioners being paid a salary, if the selectmen take over at light, he could lose that money and I believe action like that can get you fined. That is my opinion on things from Afghanistan.

  7. lets see, following Dana Blais logic, if the light dept gives us a break and olnly charges 3 dollars fro customer service, then our rates will have to go up to make up for that lost dollar in revenue. Speaking of customer service charge, if you are charging us for service, how about delivery and answer our questions Dana. you charge us for service yet fail to deliver. Again someone please ask Mr. Stewart if he feels he is in conflict of interest by failing to act as a selectmen becasue that action may jeopardize his salary as a light commissioner. For the record, I really have no ambition to be a light commissioner but I would step up to do it if it will help my fellow citizens get a fair shake and again I will do it for free. Long term goal in my mind would be foe BOS to take control and get some things straight, like PILOT formular and management then hand it off to a board or committee such as a few communities have rather than an elected commission. The basic problem in my mind is a commission at present is all for them rather than the town and in my opinion, it all goes back to one lap, jerry skelton who in my opinion is a dictator, plain and simple. Now I may be a jerk for giving my opinion or raising the conflict of interest question Mr. Stewart, but I am not the one taking money then abstaing from every vote or simply not showing up at all. In my opinion, taking money for/and not doing anything makes one a thief as well and that is my very strong opinion so let the cursing of Jeff Bennett begin

    1. I "swear" that Jeff Bennett is the voice of reason! Your opinions ring true to me.

  8. Jeff, "THANK YOU" for your service. The advisory board was a eye opener last night and has me thinking Templeton problems are a bit deeper than i ever thought. As the old man use to tell me Money is the ruler of all evil.Frank was right to teach me that. When i look at the issues in Templeton all i can say is Templeton needs all the help she can get a.s.a.p.
    When i started going to L+W meetings it was clear to me it was a bell ringing fest, Now it's a warning horn to hold off the mob that they made form with the darkness we call the light dept. All of Templeton should know the amount of money pilot should be and is not the amount we get. The school budget per student is lobsided and needs to be looked at for the percentages paid per town. The need for transperancy is the key for the town to regain the trust of the people and voters will have their day to do the trusting ie,the vote. March 6 will be the first test to see if they will trust the change to a "Better Light" or the same "Dark light". The amounts you commented on are guidelines and have other laws to be followed and are questionable weather they are followed now. For the people in Templeton to not change the duped way things are now would be a shame and costly future mess. The fact is the law is written as so to bring the town of Templeton's Budget into the cost of running the light dept if the profit is not there. If the wind turbine is a no start and loss it could come out of the general fund when the light dept can't pay its bills. There is one hell of a bill that goes with it and we still don't know a thing about the audit for it. That may be a big problem for Templeton,Thats when the Templeton in Templeton light comes out the most. When they need the help for the missteps they have taken.
    It is with pride i will file petition papers today and give the voters in Templeton the ability to get control back of the Templeton Municipal Light and Water plant.
    Thank you voters who signed.
    Always my opinion
    Facts are Facts.
    Lets see the Light Templeton
    Dave Smart

  9. Any word about the new website? For light and water?
