Paul working for you.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Shedding Some Light …part 3

There will be a meeting of the TMLWP on November 13, 2012. The meetings start at 6:00 p.m. The Water department and the Light department meetings have been posted. There is also a meeting of the Berkshire Wind Cooperative on Tuesday as well. Busy day!

For the TMLWP Light department meeting, there is no mention of the meeting in Princeton last Tuesday of the Massachusetts Municipal Light Department Wind Energy Cooperative Corporation. At this meeting, discussion took place of Princeton Municipal Light Department’s desire to sell its two wind turbines. The Berkshire Wind Coop is a different entity.

Most reasonable people would think there would be discussion at the TMLWP meeting regarding the news that Princeton would like to sell its two turbines and the implications for TMLWP. I was also looking forward to a discussion about the audit for Templeton’s wind turbine.

At least the 2013 Light budget is on the agenda for the Light meeting. I look forward to the discussion of using the American Public Power Association calculations for the PILOT payment to the town of Templeton. I believe it would be beneficial to both the Town of Templeton and the TMLWP to formalize the PILOT payment as suggested by the DOR Review.

See you Tuesday night!

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Formalizing a PILOT payment system between the town and the light dept is needed why? Because apparently the manager (s) past and present did not have the town's best interest in mind, niether did the light & water commissioners...even when it is a TOWN owned entity. The idea, in my opinion, to have a town owned light co is to benefit the residents with good service and low rates. The service may be there but no longer the low rates, part of reason behind higher rates is the wind (green) coop where Templeton now gets some of its power (electricity) from. Right now this so called green energy does not benefit the consumer. find out how much power, provided by coal, gas, nuke, or hydro it takes to produce these machines. It is like ethynol, it takes more fuel to make one gallon of ethynol than you save. These green projects should be developed by the government or private sector on small scale to improve the viability so it can/could become economical. We can not be taking the jobs away and then increase cost of electricity and expect good things to happen. We as a country need to retool our education system to be able to evolve and take advantage of this shrinking world that is now tied to the internet. When someone can come up with an idea then send that idea over the internet to some co that will develope it then find a reliable cheap production facility overseas ( technically proficient workforce that is non unuionized, cheap labor) then get the product advertised and shipped world wide for less than it costs to just manufacture it in the US, we have to rethink our options. In the mean time we need to do everything we can to hold costs down and almost everything we do revovles around electricity. It was not good for Templeton to ignore this recommendation. Julie Farrell has spoke about this for many years now, and for the record I am not one of Julie's people, in the sense we have a plan to take over, however, as we are both selectmen, the residents of Templeton are "our people" the residents should also be Chris Stewart's people. Unless he has forgotten or never knew it, we represent all of the people of Templeton so you all are my people, Julie's people, Chris' people etc. Maybe there was nothing illegal done but maybe things were done incorrectly or could have been better. An investigation or look through many things may enlighten us all on how to proceed in a much better fashion. It can not hurt anything, it can only help and make Templeton a more credible community because we looked ourselves over and put everything on the table for the world to see, good and bad and we then correct it.

    1. There is never going to be a day that everyone will agree, with the way someone votes all of the time. Many times there is more going on than meets the eye. All any one can do is their best. Saying that, when you hold a position, and you are no longer in the "cheep seats" in the back of the room, things look alot different from the front. The way I look at it is, ok to have your own opinion, so long as you do not take it upon yourself, to do anything to hurt your town or the people in it. No one gave you the lisence to do what you want, to get what you want. In the past eight months, we have seen our selectmens meetings surrounded by police, we have seen the good people who came to a meeting, be forced to leave the room. I watched as Pauly was humiliated, for doing what really was the right thing. Swarms of residents, running around town, to recall Julie and Bob, running Jeff Ritter out of town. For what, so some one could go on with their adjenda. Paying people, more than they were worth, just because they could? I have seen enough, thank God, people have finally figured it out. I want you to take two or three people with you Thursday night, we need to ask for Paulys investigation, so we can start to heal. I have a good feeling about where we are, as a Town. We are having a Personnel Board meeting tomorrow night, we will attempt to plug the holes that allowed the Conservation agent to be paid, way more than he was worth, I want to make sure our office people are treated as fair as can be. Alot has been asked of them, I want them to know I appreciate them. We are a good group of people, the Citizens 4 Templeton., the things that we have accomplished already, are starting to count. Help me please, get through Thursday night, come and support us. I do not want to stick every man, woman and child, or every older person with the debt from others. It is just not fair, it would be the wrong thing to do Bev .
