Paul working for you.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The DOR Report

It is interesting that, our Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, Chris Stewart is so afraid that our image as a town would be hurt, that he has not supported the investigation of Article 8, that we as a town voted for on Thursday night. Maybe he does not realize, the towns' image had already been trashed by a previous board in 2009, when they refused to accept the report by the Division of Local Services / Technical Assistance Section, Massachusetts Department of Revenue. Sorry but it is too late to close the barn door, as the cow is running down the road. It is interesting that I walked into a discussion Mr. Ritter was having with our new Town Council,
on Thursday night. It seems, Mr. Desrensis, was warned about "going to Templeton", and "those people", meaning you and I. It seems the bad taste has not left their mouths, even if it was three years ago. I spoke up, and said," yes, they had been treated very badly, by our previous BOS. I did not blame them for the bad feelings they had toward us". I told Mr. Desrensis,{I'm not sure how to spell his name, but you get it} they had every right to feel the way they do, and the meeting was on the blog, if he wanted to see it. BTW, he has read the blog. Mr. Ritter informed Mr. Desrensis that we had finally accepted the report and had already started working toward the changes they had recommended. At this point, it looks like our previous BOS, had managed to really super insult, and royally piss off, a very important group of people. These people control some of the things we need. Do you have any idea why they will not be willing to bend for us? We practically spit on them, and told them how stupid they were, when all the time they hit the nail on the head. I think it is time we invited them to have a meeting, I don't care how or where, and apologize to them. This was not good, no way no how. It is time for us as a town to right a wrong. I know that there are some things that can't be fixed. I hope this is not one of them. It is also time for us to be more care full who we vote for when people run for a important job, like being a selectman. It is a very important job, that should not be mucked up by personal agendas. We can never go back to where we have been. It's cost to the town financially and emotionally, is a price to difficult to bear. My opinion, Bev.    


  1. I find it interesting that AFTER the vote at STM last week the subject of the Ethics Liaison resurfaces. His appointment expired on June 30, 2012 and has not been appointed for 4+ months. But NOW it comes to light after the town voted to pursue an investigation. Why is it that most other towns their liaison is the town clerk but here its someone else. At what point are we actually going to evolve?

    1. This is another one of GS"s last minute appointments. It was another way for the Echo Hill Gang to keep their fingers in the pie. We are in the process of going forward, only sometimes it feels like we are standing still. The selectmen will have to revisit the Ethics Liaison soon.Bev
