Monday, December 31, 2012

  • for the blog‏

response when I asked for help into looking into election procedures in Templeton - notice "ethically prohibited from getting involved" say what?
Jeff Bennett

From: "Anne - Rep. Gobi (HOU)"
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2011 6:42:55 PM
Subject: election

Phil forwarded the email to me that you sent him. Phil will be out for a few days he is at the hospital and will be a father for the first time soon. What you went through must be very disappointing and I read in the paper that you plan to request a recount. I am ethically prohibited from getting involved but I am sure your attorney will take all appropriate actions and raise any questions/objections during the recount procedure.
Take care
Anne Gobi

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Acceptance of DOR Report

The official name of what is commonly referred to as the DOR Report is:

The DOR Report was completed and published on the DOR website in October 2009. After repeated attempts to discuss the DOR Report at BOS meetings, it was learned that Rep. Gobi had sent a letter to Deputy Commissioner and Director of Municipal Affairs, Robert Nunes. Former BOS chairman, Gerald Skelton referred to this letter during a public BOS meeting in 2009.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Blog from Jeff B


Clearly DOR believes that previous town accounting practices should be questioned, and we’ll need to embrace their advice if we are to move ahead with their blessing. Even here in Afghanistan, I can see the ghosts of the past leadership of Templeton raining it's head and making it harder to right the ship that is Templeton. I believe there is now a good team in place all working to fix what can be fixed and begin a new system so that moving forward, as has been suggested in the past (by those who it seems wanted to keep things hidden, in my opinion, which I have not waivered from) Templeton will now have to have a state mandated special town meeting to fix an article that was okay-ed by the vaunted K&P law firm that Wilder, Mullins and Columbus tried so hard to keep, I think I now know why. Apparently, last Mays annual town meeting votes have still not been certified which essentially means that all the votes involving money do not really count yet. That is the job of the town clerk. I do not have them in front of me but I know they exist in e-mail form, the articles that were voted on by selectmen and sent to town counsel then those articles were changed and resent to town counsel (Kopelman & Paige) and we can all recall how selectmen had an emergency meeting with advisory board to try and fix them, apparently we did not get them all. Julie Farrell was not on the select board then so there is one set of independent eyes on the board now to look and to speak on this if she so wishes. E-mails are public records so what I speak of is available for viewing by all. The temporary bring back of Carol Skelton cannot be over looked in this mess, in my opinion. As you can see from the attached e-mail, there are folks from outside Templeton who after seeing the records of Templeton, are beginning to question our past accounting practices. Time for selectmen to take a more active role in finances. There seems to be proof positive that past accounting practices are questionable at best. More and more information comes to light and Paul Cosentino sr. begins to look more credible and a whole lot less than the crazy old guy from Templeton that alot of people, from the Templeton chief of police to the former town coordinator to former selectmen and present selectmen tried to make him look like. One only needs to listen to a tape of a meeting (one I filed an open meeting complaint on and was found proper by the Attorney General) in which you can hear the former town coordinator steering the "verdict" which resulted in Pauly being banned from town buildings for a while. There is more to come and people will begin to see without a doubt why some past and present selectmen worked so hard to keep the status quo as in get rid of Jeff Ritter, bring back K&P get rid of Farrell and Mitchell and bring back carol skelton. Some people may owe Paul Cosentino sr. an apology. Remember, Templeton will have to have a state mandated special town meeting. Time for citizens to get copy of the DOR financial review of Templeton and ask why did those past members vote against it. My opinion is they did not want that door opened and we are beginning to see why. I wonder how that complaint/suit filed by carol skelton against some selectmen (the ones who voted to terminate her appointment as town coordinator) and the town is going? Time to perhaps get access to e-mail accounts of columbus and skelton along with phone records. How many calls with K&P from the home of columbus and skelton. My opinions and musings but based on factual records, past and present. Happy New Year. If you signed the recall petition, you may consider yourself part of the biggest con job since bernie of M. as you wait for the tax rate to be set.

Tax Bills Delayed

Word was recently received that the tax rate for Templeton could not be set in time for tax bills to go out next week. Deborah Wagner, field representative from the DOR sent the following message yesterday: 

Subject: FY 2013 Tax Rate
Hello, everyone,

I just got off the phone with the Director of Accounts, Gerard Perry.  With regard to the MEMA funds of $163,131 voted in article 31 of the Annual Town Meeting to fund the town budget, the Director has concluded that this was not the correct treatment of these funds.   Because the 2008 Ice Storm was debt excluded by the town, the funds received from MEMA should be used on the DE-1 in the reimbursement and adjustments column (H) to reduce the debt exclusion amount.  The corresponding amount would then be placed on page 2 of the recap Part III, line IIId, line 4.  This would be for the entire MEMA amount received.  I believe looking at Vendorweb that this amount was $188,883 received on 12/12/11.  This will leave the funding for your operating budget short by the $163,131.  You will need to correct this by rescinding this vote at a Special Town Meeting and appropriating an amount to fund the operating budget shortfall.  The Director has concluded that we will not be able to set your tax rate until this meeting is held.  

I have been working closely with Fred today, who has really been great, and I think we would both agree that we are getting closer to completing this process.  However, there appear to be some issues that we cannot resolve or are unsure of why they exist, most importantly is why the town is about $238,000 under the levy limit at this time.  So, there may be other issues that will need to be resolved at a Special Town Meeting in any event.  I think we would all agree that the town was not going to be able to get tax bills in the mail by 12/31/ 12.  The Director also wanted me to caution you that bills cannot be mailed until a tax rate is certified – an offense that would be reportable to the Attorney General. 

I think, in addition to the Special Town Meeting, that the next step is to look at any budget planning documents that may exist—what were the planned revenues, appropriations, etc.  That may help us resolve any levy limit issues.  A folder of documentation must exist somewhere.  If you can locate them, I would like to take a look to see if I can resolve some of the remaining issues.  That being said, this is really your process, and I can only offer my best interpretation of what has occurred with the 2013 budget. 

Fred and I will keep working at this with Jeff’s help.
Let me know if you have any questions. 

Deb Wagner
Bureau of Accounts Field Representative
Division of Local Services, Department of Revenue 

Our accountant, Fred, and has been working diligently to try to get the tax rate certified as have a number of town employees including but not limited to the treasurer, collector, assessor, and the town coordinator.  

There is strong likelihood that we will need to convene a special town meeting to address some of the issues surrounding prior votes at the annual town meeting in last May.  

I’ll keep you posted with more information as it becomes available. 

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! ! 

Julie Farrell

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Reflecting on 2012

Happy New Year - let's look back at 2012 - We have had some good things happen. Jeff Ritter came back - woo hoo! Carol Skelton is gone. Bubba Columbus got voted out - Wil Spring got on the Advisory Board and woo boy did he shake things up (cheap cheap) Hee-hee-hee. Julie got voted back in - thank you very much!
Scrappy left??? his employment in Winchendon. Tammy our wonderful Treasurer went on to better things - Dan has big shoes to fill but he can do it.
We have a new accountant who is working his b--- off on the Tax recap I've heard.
We are moving ahead.

Now here are some of my thoughts for New Years resolutions for My Town of Templeton.....
Let's start with the selectmen hee-hee-hee
Chairman Stewart will get a backbone and vote what is best for the TOWN
Pat Mullins will find another breakfast partner.
Ginny W will get advise from somewhere other than Echo Hill

Woo Boy - I need all you bloggers help on these.

John Driscoll will get the gist of "open meeting" and "public information"
All past due taxpayers will pay their accounts in full.
The Water Dept will start working with the Sewer Dept...

Ok folk now its time for all your thoughts and comments - come on
Remember - these are my opinions hee-hee-hee
Thanks for reading -Pauly

Monday, December 24, 2012


‘Twas the night before Christmas,

Sent to me by and anonymous blog follower................................

‘Twas the night before Christmas,
And over at Echo Hill,

The air was cold,
And Carol shivered with a chill.
Town documents were stacked by the fireplace with care,
In hopes that they’d all be destroyed before Martha Coakley gets there.
The stooges were all snuggled up in their beds,
While visions of blueberries danced in their heads.
And Ginny in her nightgown, and Bubba in his cap,
Already asleep, Mullins dreamed of what he could scrap.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
The Skeltons sprang from bed to see what was the matter.
A group of town residents, who could it be?
People smart and kind, who call themselves C4T!
“Now Bubba, now Ginny, now Scrappy, now Dennis”

Dispatch to the barn,
And deal with this menace.”

Gerry’s eyes -- how they burned! His face, how scary!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His twisted mouth was drawn up in a scowl,
And he stood in the night grasping a trowel.
He sprang to his Cadillac, and to his stooges gave a whistle,
And away they all sped like a rocket-launched missile.
But I heard Gerry exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.............Hee-hee-hee - Pauly



And Happy Holidays (sorry Jeff)

There is a lady in Gardner by the name of Louise Breen who makes wonderful little Santa pins. She crochets the face, beard and hat, then she adds eyes, a nose and a pin. She makes they pin at her own expense then gives them away. In the past they have end up at hospitals and nursing homes etc. She gave me a bag of them and I decide to hand them out to people I encounter during the day. I gave one to the elderly gentleman volunteer who had helped me the day before with and issue. He was delighted. I gave to the young man working as a valet in the Worcester, he was trilled, it went great with his Santa hat. I gave one to the young women delivering food trays to the hospital rooms. You would have thought I had given her a twenty dollar bill. I thought about her job and I realized most people probably never ever noticed or acknowledged her. I did. I continued my day giving them out to the people I dealt with all day. The women at the information booth, the person checking equipment, the cashier at the restaurant. These random acts of kindness thrilled the recipients, one man said he was going to bring it home to his wife. Giving out these little Santa pins to people I didn't even know made me feel warm and fuzzy (hee-hee-hee as Pauly would say) but seriously it made me feel great. Then I called Louise and let her know what I did and told her how everyone was so happy  just to be acknowledged and given a pin. She was happy that her pins were such a success. You see Louise is 84 years young, she makes these pins and other things to stay active. So you see these little Santa pins brought joy to those who received them, Lousie who makes them and myself who gave them away. So you see you don't have give out 100 dollar bills as a secret Santa, just any random act of kindness will do.

So as we celebrate Christmas and the New Year let's all look around and do something nice and pay it forward.
Thank you Sgt. Jeff Bennett, Sgt. Austin Cosentino, Mark Corey and all our service men and women.
Thank you to all the Police, Fire and Rescue personnel.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

An "anonymous" Blog Follower

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Time out for Christmas‏

Well guys, Time has come for everyone to buckle down and get those last minute gifts, wrap the presents, trim the tree, {so I am a little bit late} and have one peaceful night. Time to enjoy family and friends. If you have any little kids in the family, that makes it so special. I can't tell you guys how much I think of you all. Yes you guys, the ones that do not agree. You are on the blog because you care what happens to this little town, even if you see things in a different way. Gladys's stone is decorated for the winter, so that job is done. That stone is more than a tribute to a wonderful woman, it is a reminder of a woman who believed in doing things right, and standing up for those who can't stand up for them selves. She loved her kids in school. She made them believe in them selves. Gladys set a standard for women in town government, she broke the ground as the first woman selectman in this little town, a fact she was very proud of. Christmas was her time of year, she started shopping in the spring. The things that we have gone through, will go down in history, as the hardest time this town has ever seen. It is my hope that we will take care of Article 8, in the spring, and pick up the pieces of our town government, and go forward. I will look forward to a new year, a fresh start, what could be better than that. Bev

Friday, December 21, 2012


I was at working, planning a new curriculum unit, when I stumbled upon this website: The Story of Stuff Project. I began poking around and viewing some of the videos. The videos are relatively short about 20 minutes in duration. When I got home from work, I watched the video The Story of Stuff.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Country road…take me home…

Without creating the need for a front end alignment …please 

On December 18th, the MMA (Massachusetts Municipal Association) released a report on the need to increase Chapter 90 funding. Citing a $362 million funding gap, MMA is calling for an increase of $100 million to fund the state’s Chapter 90 program. 

Chapter 90 was created in 1973 and funded with a portion of the gas tax. Chapter 90 funding has not kept pace with the increased costs for road construction. The gas tax revenue has been adversely affected by increase in hybrid and fuel-efficient vehicles. 


BOS Meeting Recordings 12/17/12 

Part 1 contains the presentation by Chief LaPorte on the ambulance service.
December 17, 2012 BOS meeting  part 2 


Julie Farrell

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Selectman on active duty stays in touch.......

If anyone looks at the financial statements concerning Templeton, you will see that Templeton has long and short term debt beyond our debt limit. According to the rules, a municipalities debt limit or borrowing power comes from state law or statue that is set by the state legislature. There is assessment value involved which basically is an assessed taxable amount based on a percentage of market value. I read that as a town's borrowing power is directly proportionate to its assessment of local property value. I am sure a visit to the assessors office can make that clearer. My concern is how was Templeton able to do this, that is get so far above our debt limit unless perhaps someone at the DOR and Templeton accountant were doing some shady cyphering with a little help from a selectmen or two and perhaps town counsel. These are facts being found and brought forward by the "new" Templeton financial team of Advisory, Fred Aponte, town accountant, Dan Keeney, Treasurer and town coordinator Jeff Ritter. Who and how it was accomplished is probably subject for discussion but the fact remains, Templeton is in above its head financially and you can look at who was at the helm while this happened. While there is much talk on the blog about what to do, how to do it and different things to get us out of debt, I think it is important for all to see just how we got in the mess and why it will take everything we can do to dig out from it. My theory on how and why is for later. I just wanted people to see the information for themselves and then form questions and opinions such as should we publish delinquent taxpayers names. I believe this information just adds to the list of questionable practices that were in place and perhaps is part of the reason for many political plays in Templeton as of late. The big to do about letting carol skelton go, the big recall push and the things that happened after the recall, firing of town counsel, firing of Jeff Ritter, bring back K&P and bring back temporary carol skelton then the all out blitz to try and keep her. Her parting shot was to claim 1.985 hours worked to take the last dime out of the coordinator salary account. Contrary, Jeff Ritter came back to work off the money he was given "to resign" yeah right!!!! Take a look at the financial information and go ask the selectmen your questions. Perhaps there are more financial situations at light and water and this is why Julie Farrell had such a hard time getting information when she was a commissioner. The information is there, the indicators that something was wrong has always been there, it just took a while to crack the door open. As it has turned out, it was a good thing in the long run that they never answered Pauly's questions about the con com agents pay, the mishandling of Tammy Collers complaint and a resume of the former con com agent. Those are the things that got me to run for selectmen. I can not take credit and will not for the events that have happened since I was elected, but i do feel I have made a difference in some small way. I was "there" to see people stand-up and demand answers and to be heard. I think some people should re-watch a dvd of a selectmen meeting when Virginia Wilder told a police officer that she wanted that whole section of taxpayers tossed out of a selectmen meeting. Then perhaps take a moment or two to think about making a difference and run for selectmen. Will Spring has shown you can make a difference, just raise your hand and volunteer. my opinion from Afghanistan, Jeff Bennett

Statement of indebtedness

Trial Balance


As Templeton Turns …December 17, 2012

As Templeton Turns …December 17, 2012

The BOS meeting was rather short last night. After approval of the minutes, there was discussion about the ambulance billing service. The board agreed to abate the “Over 180 Days” outstanding amounts that have accrued to over $101,000 as uncollectible. The $101,000 has accumulated over the years…about six year. Going forward the BOS will review the “hardship” cases every six months for abatement. Coastal billing will provide information on submitting a letter of hardship along with the bill for ambulance service.

Dennis O’Brien attended the meeting to explain the request for an increase of $27,500 from the $35,000 budgeted for veterans services. There was an e-mail thread from Veteran’s agent Neil McGuirk to Dennis about this issue in September. “The additional $27,500 increase in funds will be required beginning January 2013.”  Simply put, Templeton does not have the $27,500. We have cut hours and positions. The Advisory Board asked the veterans agent for the figure to budget for FY 13 and was informed that $35,000 was the figure. Dennis suggested that the veterans’ agent should attend the next meeting to give a more detailed explanation.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Light and Water Links

Here is a list of useful links to websites concerning municipal light departments and water systems.

Municipal Light:
MMWEC – Mass Municipal Wholesale Electric Company

MEAM – Municipal Electric Association of Massachusetts

NEPPA -Northeast Public Power Association

ISO-NE- Regional Transmission Operator in New England Control Area

NEPOOL – New England Power Pool

APPA- American Public Power Association
Executive Summary

Public power systems provide a direct benefit to their communities in the form of payments and contributions to state and local government. The total value of the contributions made by the publicly owned utilities often comes in many forms and is not always easily recognized. In addition to payments such as property-like taxes, payments in lieu of taxes, and transfers to the general funds, many of the utilities make other contributions in the form of free or reduced cost services provided to states and cities. APPA calculated net payments and contributions for 284 public power systems in the most current data year of 2010 and determined that the median amount contributed was 5.2 percent of electric operating revenues.

In 2010, investor-owned utilities paid a median of 3.9 percent of electric operating revenues in taxes and fees to state and local governments.

FERC – Federal Energy and Regulatory Commission

Industrial Wind Action – information on wind turbines

Water Systems

NEWEA – New England Water Environment Association

AWWA – American Water Works Association

WEF – Water Environment Federation

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Newtown CT.

If you are fortunate enough to have people in your life that you love, tell them so. Please pray for the families of Newtown CT.


So if you love somebody better tell them so

'Cause you never ever, ever no when they gonna go

If they love you back, just give thanks

Can't keep love like money in the bank


Julie Farrell

Friday, December 14, 2012


okay all so I googled new england public power plants like Jeff B said to do and here is what I found.
the first thing I read on this website is
Public Power:
the not-for-profit electric service

woo boy some people are profiting off of TL&W

Then I read
In New England, there are 79 electric light companies that are owned and operated by the communities they serve. They are governed by elected or appointed officials who represent the interests of their customers, and have brought low-cost, reliable electric service to their customers for over 100 years.
 I agree with the reliable service -thanks to the "worker bees" as someone on the blog said. But
woo boy - elected officials who represent the interest of their customers. No

I looked around this website - look around it yourselves - i couldn't find a pilot formular. maybe one of you smarter people hee-hee-hee, can find it and let us know.

Thanks for reading my opinions - Pauly

Thursday, December 13, 2012

this blog

This blog was created to bring wrong doing in this town to light. To put the open back in open government. and to allow anyone to voice their opinions and ask questions about things. Unlike the Gardner News that would not print My letters to the editor or Jeff Bennett's. Hell TGN wouldn't even put ads we were willing to pay to put in. and of course they would print only one side of the story.

I do not edit or delete any comments. I do understand people wanting to be anonymous. I can tell you stories about people trying to stop me.

I will admit that I have asked Pete F to keep some things on his own website. Woo boy if I didn't know better I would think he sometimes drinks that fluoridated water hee-hee-hee - just kidding Pete.

So if it you want to call us names fine. I dare you to call it to my face, hee-hee-hee.

And as far as facts go - want to see my kitchen table with all the wrongdoings "on paper". Julie has done a good job at posting the videos of meetings - many of us can't make the meetings or don't have cable or aren't home to watch when it is on. She has also posted all the documents "on paper" to back up issues she talks about. She lets us know what has happened at meetings etc.

In my opinion - get it - my opinion Jeff B know what's happening from Afganistan better than some other selectmen. hee-hee-hee

So there you have it - if you don't like my blog don't read it. If you want to be informed about whats happening - please keep reading. and to all that comment - thanks.

Thanks for reading my opinions - Pauly

Personnel Board Meeting

At the Personnel board meeting last night, the board was able to reorganize because there was quorum. Darren Elwell was elected chairman.

One goal of the Personnel Board is to complete revisions to the personnel policy and personnel by-law in time for the annual town meeting in May. Both the by law and policy need to be changed so there will not be conflicts in the wording and duties and responsibilities.

The town coordinator needs to be given authority from the BOS to implement and enforce the personnel policy. Once this transition is made, the personnel board will no longer be needed and will be dissolved at the annual town meeting.

The board came to consensus that the terms “exempt and “non-exempt” would be eliminated from the policy. The terms hourly and salary would be used instead throughout the policy.

We discussed comp time, sick time and vacation accruals. Our current personnel policy that is in effect states (page 28) that comp time may be accumulated to a maximum of 40 hours in a fiscal year and may not be carried over from year to year.

The Personnel board is reviewing the personnel policies from the towns of Sterling, Hatfield and West Tisbury. The goal of the personnel board is to draft a policy that will be equitable for all non-union employees in the Town of Templeton.

Julie Farrell

Dust in the Wind

I read on the blog about an organization called WindAction. I decided to google it up. Lots of interesting information on wind turbines.

Did anyone catch this article in the Worcester telegram today? Imagine…doing a study BEFORE a project begins. Wonder if it will catch on. The article doesn’t include the costs of decommissioning the turbine once it is built. A payback period of 35 to 39 years. I wonder what the payback period is for our turbine? Oh yeah. Still waiting on the audit…after the fact!

How is that “avoided cost” working out for you? All we are is dust in the wind.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell

the Worcester Telegram had an interesting article today

Wind turbine out after study raises doubts

MILLBURY — Selectmen voted not to pursue a wind turbine at Butler Farm last night, after hearing results of a feasibility study that showed the wind speeds were too low and the costs high.

Johanna Hall, project engineer for Weston & Sampson Inc. of Peabody, which was hired with an $85,000 grant from Massachusetts Clean Energy Center to evaluate the site for a range of turbines, concluded that the recorded long-term wind speed of 5.2 meters per second at a height of 80 meters was considered unfavorable for large wind development.

With a cost of up to $4.1 million for the largest 1,800- kilowatt turbine and a payback period of 35 to 39 years, a wind project wouldn’t make financial sense, the study demonstrated.

Environmental and site factors were favorable for a turbine, although there could be excessive noise at the property line, based on state regulations, during the highest wind.

“I’m very happy that we did a study because some towns have already installed them and they’re not working out,” said Selectman E. Bernard Plante, board chairman.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Another fun night at the light & water

Well, we almost had a full house on Bridge Street tonight. It was apparent that the boys were trying to be on their best behavior. . I sat with my back to the wall, almost. It was a surprise to see our old friend Bubba show up for the meeting. I am guessing that he will come in as a hero, and "save the Light and Water from us terrible people!!" How big of him! Jerry must have gave him orders to go and see what is going on. Will asked some questions about the Pilot that we get from the light co. It is funny that theycan give a very round about explication, of how they come up with a figure to pay us, when this past summer they could not give a answer to the same question! When Will asked about a program he had brought up earlier, to help the elderly, Dana wanted to know how many people were low income. No one knew, but he said something to the effect that these people make $ 60,000 to be on fuel assistance. Oh boy don't they wish! Another program Will asked about, Good old John said he had about 300 energy efficient light bulbs, in his office. He would give them out if people asked, but did not feel he could be responsible for their disposal when they break, because they have mercury in them. They also said they gave out water saving devices. What a crock, they had a fit when Will brought this stuff up at earlier meetings. I think they are playing games, trying to humor Will, so he will go away. The big one came up!!!The PILOT, as I said, they gave us a big run around, but it got funny when Dave Smart asked about them charging the Sewer Dept for giving them readings. That is ok, but when Will asked why we do their payroll for nothing, they think that is ok. Bubba tried to imply that they could do their own payroll, and not give us PILOT money. The PILOT is payment-in-lieu-of-taxes. That no way pays for services we provide for them. They were blowing enough smoke to almost call the fire dept. This is going to be a really rough road with these guys. I can tell they want us to go away, and let them play their own games. Enough for tonight, Bev

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Together we Stand

As I sit at my computer,with my cat on my lap,(she wants to learn to type} I was thinking how lucky we all are. When I read online of all the people around the world that are shot, or dragged off to prison for speaking out against their governments , I know I was lucky to be born in this country. I figure If I was born some where else, I would have been dead years ago. The thing I am most proud of is when we the C4T, and our supporters speak out, it is to make things better for the people in our community. Most people go about their day feeling secure, feeling that all is well with things at home. Home is another way of saying their town

Light and Water Citizen Petition

Light and Water Citizen Petition 

Had enough? Here’s your chance to participate to help out your town. The wording for this citizen petition:

Citizen Petition Light and Water 

To see if the town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to seek Special Legislation as set forth below: provided, however, that the General Court may make clerical or editorial changes of form only to the bill, unless the Board of Selectmen approves amendments to the bill before enactment by the General Court, and that the Board of Selectmen is hereby authorized to approve amendments which shall be within the scope of the general public objectives of the petition, or take any other action thereon or in relation to.


   An Act Authorizing the Board of Selectmen in the Town of Templeton to Act as Light and Water Commissioners


Section 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 21 of chapter 41 and section 56A of chapter 164 of the general laws, or of any general or special law to the contrary, the board of selectmen of the town of Templeton shall be authorized to act as light and water commissioners and shall exercise all of the powers and duties of a light and water commission as set forth in the general laws. 

Section 2. Upon effective date of this act, the terms of the incumbent members of the light and water commission of the town of Templeton shall be terminated and the elected light and water commission abolished.

Section 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. 

Signature sheets are available at CO+S Garage or by calling 978-724-4094. This warrant article is for the Annual Town Meeting in May 2013.  


Sunday, December 9, 2012


Don't forget there is a Light & Water Meeting Tuesday December 11th 6:00PM the agenda is here

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Shedding Some Light…water main breaks?? Again?

Stop the presses! Can it be true? It is true! The agendas for The Light and Water meeting are POSTED on the Town website! Hallelujah! Glory be!


Please make every effort to attend this meeting. Ask questions under “Customer Comments and Questions”…. Like about the water main break on Baldwinville Rd last night (Dec 7th). Yes, that Baldwinville Rd…the one that is scheduled for repair and reconstruction for about $3,500,000 in the spring. Yup, yup, the same road.


I have made another public record request addressed to the manager of the Light and Water department, John Driscoll. The response I received is less than forthcoming; it could even be considered deliberately obtuse. Maybe the posted executive session is to discuss suing the Farrells or the town?


I’m not sure what the next step will be to have a department like the Templeton MUNICIPAL Light and Water department comply with Mass general law and fulfill public record requests. One option may be a power play. Stayed tuned!


My opinion…supported by FACTS ! ! !


Julie Farrell

Friday, December 7, 2012

what is an enterprise fund?

I did as Jeff B suggested and I googled Massachusetts Enterprise Funds on item that came up was from the DOR when you have time read through it and read  it again and again - some is about the accounting of the enterprise fund but some is in laymans language that even me with my 8th grade education i get. hee-hee-hee Pay close attention to page 34 number 7

Can an enterprise fund operate independently or under its own procedures?

No. An enterprise fund is an accounting/budgeting method. It does not grant additional powers to the department providing the service. An enterprise is still a municipal department that is subject to ordinary municipal finance procedures. The rate setting process is established by statute or local

charter. Any enterprise fund property/asset is owned by the municipality and may only be acquired, leased or disposed of by vote of the legislative body. At no time can these conditions be altered through the adoption of an enterprise fund.

so read this through and sent your comments.
thanks for reading. Pauly


    Putting the “FUN” in Dys”fun”ctional

    Seeing is believing. Here are the recordings of the BOS meeting from December 3, 2012.

    December 3, 2012 BOS meeting part 1 and part 2– Discussion about the “letters” to be sent (maybe??? Hunh?) to Light & Water kind of. Possibly? Begins at 42 minutes into part 1. Must see TV. Your government inaction.

    Tax delinquencies discussion began at about 6 minutes into the meeting. Jeff Ritter’s evaluation began at about 30 minutes into the meeting.

    Are we having fun yet?

    My opinion…supported by FACTS!!!

    Julie Farrell

    Thursday, December 6, 2012

    Please re-view

    Ok people here is the link to the October 22 selectmen's meeting (part 2) on youtube. Watch it again and again and again. you will see and hear Virginia and Pat vote in favor of sending two letters to the L&W dept. Now at Monday's meeting they changed their minds. Six weeks later. those letters should have been sent weeks ago. Now you people see the frustration I have had over the past years - nothing ever gets done. why - because the selectmen - Chris, VW and PM are not looking out for us taxpayers. They have personal agendas. end of story.

    These selectmen VW PM have broke bylaws - nothing is done - money is wasted - nothing is done - they vote to do something then change their minds nothing is done. I suggest that you all start calling these selectmen and ask them why. why won't they do what they were put in office to do - work for us. woo boy are we seeing the true colors now. it was lies and personal agendas that got these two into office. They will never work for us they haven't yet. get it.
    thanks for for reading my opinions - Pauly

    Let’s Capitalize on the NIMBY Effect

    I attended Tuesday’s Planning Board Hearing on the proposed McLean Hospital rehabilitation facility, and I witnessed the not in my backyard (NIMBY) effect in full force. I’m glad so many residents took the time to attend and voice their concerns, and I’m glad that they had this opportunity, and others, to freely voice their comments and questions. It’s a relatively transparent process that will lead, hopefully, to a final outcome that is agreeable to as many people as possible.
    After the meeting, as I lay awake in bed contemplating the impending federal fiscal cliff, the characteristics of a 21st century education, and what color Christmas lights I should use on the bushes by the road this year, it occurred to me that we as a town should work to capitalize on the level of citizen concern expressed at this meeting, and try to redirect it to other important matters facing the town. Templeton is a relatively small town, and one could argue that in a community this size, everything is in our backyard, whether literally or figuratively speaking.

    Between a rock and a hard place

    Well, it like two of our selectmen have decided to sit tight, and not do their job. Good old Chris is fulfilling his job, for the Echo Hill Gang, by not signing the letter that he agreed to sign at a previous BOS meeting. What is wrong with this picture? Good old Virginia has also done her share to contribute to the cause. Do these people think it is ok, to just ignore what the rest of the town wants?? I guess so! Well what bothers me more that anything is if Mary Curtis had her phone on, wouldn"t that be almost the same thing as tapeing? I wish I had been aware that she was doing that. I would have said something. Virginia needs to decide what side she is on. She needs to find a better excuse for not doing her job, than Mr. Driscoll is mad! So what?? Does she really think any judge would allow a law suit to go forward, because a tax payer asks for information?? Virginia needs to do a job, without the best interests of GS and Company, guideing her every move. Tommy J. was right to confront Virginia. The same thing needs to be done to Chris. If you can not be fair, to the people that you represent, then it is time to get the hell out. If you have a good reason for voting on anything, then tell every one. The people deserve that much. If the people on the Light and Water do not smarten up, I think they will be very sorry. Time will tell. This is my opinion, Bev

    Wednesday, December 5, 2012

    Shedding Some Light…Litigation Anyone?

    At the October 22, 2012 selectmen’s meeting, the board discussed and voted to send two letters to the Templeton Municipal Light and Water commissioners. The letter that I proposed for discussion is a request for information regarding the multiple water main breaks which occurred on July 14, 2012 and the overall condition of the water system.

    The draft minutes from the October 22nd meeting indicate that the Light and Water department feels like they are being targeted. I made the motion to send two letters to the Light and Water Commissioners; Virginia seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes and one abstention.

    Jeff Ritter's evaluations

    Ok people here they are the evaluations of our town coordinator Jeff Ritter in writing.

    Jeff Bennett's who took the time to do the evaluation while he is serving our country and when Julie went to read it our emergency management director interrupted her and our chairman C Stewart made her stop. Isn't it amazing that a soldier fighting for our country isn't even given his 1st amendment right to free speech in his own town.

    Julie Farrell's she wasn't allowed to finish reading her's either.

    Virginia Wilder evaluation woo boy what does her dear friend CS think of the glowing evaluation she gave Jeff R. what's that saying Bev says a wolf in sheep's clothing. hee hee hee and why didn't she sign it?

    Chris Stewart's  

    and finally Pat Mullin's please look this one over carefully. as I always say read it and read it again

    So here they are in writing. come on let's get those comments going.

    Thanks for reading Pauly

    ps thanks Bev for the update
    and thanks to the best baker in Baldwinville hee hee hee coffee cake - nice!

    Tuesday, December 4, 2012

    As Templeton Turns…continued

    For a short agenda, last night’s BOS meeting lasted a little over two hours. We had an update on the Clerical Union organizing. The bargaining for this newest union may be completed in time for the new budgeting cycle.

    The BOS voted to post the tax delinquencies and properties in tax title to the Town of Templeton website. The vote was three in favor and one abstention. Selectman Mullins abstained. This is not an easy decision to make. The Town needs every dollar it can get its hands on. The Advisory Board has voted to begin the budget process for FY 14 with a 5% cut from level funding. I hope that is enough of a cut to stave off bankruptcy and/or receivership. New growth is estimated at about $30,000. Valuations are down. I’m thinking taxes will go up just to maintain. That’s without falling off the “fiscal cliff”.

    Monday, December 3, 2012

    Meetings This Week

    Below are the public meetings to be held in the Town of Templeton:

    Sewer Commission meeting at 4:30 Reservoir St

    Cultural Council at 6:30 Boynton Public Library…accepting a gift from the 250th Anniversary Committee

    BOS meeting at 6:30 Patriots Rd.
    No agenda item for 250th Anniversary Committee.

    Planning Board Hearing continued at 6:30 in the KIVA

    Common Improvement at 6:30 690 Patriots Rd

    Advisory Board at 6:30 690 Patriots Rd

    Board of Health at 7:00 p.m. 2 School St.

    Cable TV Committee at 7:00 690 Patriots Rd.

    Hope to see you at some of these meetings!

    Selectmen Meeting Tonight Dec 3rd 6:30PM


    Templeton Board of Selectmen
    690 Patriots Road
    Monday, December 3, 2012
    6:30 p.m.
    6:30 P.M. Call to Order
    6:30 P.M. Report on: Attachment 1
     Clerical Union Organizing
     Department Head Organizing
    6:45 P.M. Tax delinquencies report from the Tax Collector Attachment 2
    7:00 P.M. Dennis O’Brien
     Veteran’s Affairs report
    7:15 P.M. Semi~Annual Performance Review of Town Coordinator Attachment 3
    Old Business:
    New Business: Action on appt ~ Tom Cook ~ Scholarship Committee Attachment 4
    Discussion regarding payroll & vendor warrants during the holiday seasons

    Sunday, December 2, 2012

    2012 Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony Today

    2012 Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
    The Town of Templeton has scheduled Sunday, December 2nd
    to hold the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in each
    of the four (4) Town villages.
    The time table is as follows:
    Otter River 4:30 p.m.
    East Templeton 5:00 p.m.
    Templeton Center 5:30 p.m.
    Baldwinville 6:30 p.m.
    Santa will be at the Templeton Center
    Common to hand out candy canes to the

    Saturday, December 1, 2012

    fluoride from Pete F

    Hi Paul
    Please find included a reply to Dr. K's article promoting fluoridation.

    Response to Dr. K on Fluoride Myth
    According to a local blogger, The Gardner News and Dr. K had this to say in regards to fluoride.
    I am going to assume that the reader of this article is going to take the time to actually examine what Dr. K has to say because in my opinion he is violating his Hippocratic oath by doing harm to his readership (patients) with his article promoting an enzymatic poison.

    sent by blog follower

    The chief of police warns - beware of this danger!
    Manhole covers missing in Lunenburg Sentinel Article

    Thursday, November 29, 2012

    It’s Elementary!

     After the last blog about the Templeton Elementary School Building meeting…Notes from… ,there were some comments made about the contract for $900,000 with the OPM.

    MSBA rules and regs have changed since our elementary school project began. One of the new rules when we started the project was that in order to facilitate the feasibility study and get the project to schematic design, communities needed to select an OPM from a list of MSBA approved vendors. So we did. The Templeton Elementary School Building Committee(TESBC) did an RFP and selected Strategic Building Solutions from the MSBA approved list.

    The contract with Strategic Building Solutions (SBS) was signed for a total amount of $989,813 (page 28). The vote by the town for a feasibility study was in the amount of $550,000. This contract was signed by former chairman of the board of selectmen, Gerald Skelton on September 15, 2009. This contract was signed by SBS on June 25, 2009. At the bottom of the first page, please note that the contract was stamped “RECEIVED DEC 08 2010”. Received by whom? The BOS? None of this makes sense, unless it was mixed in with the documents from 252 Baldwinville Rd in the white binder.

    My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

    Julie Farrell

    Wednesday, November 28, 2012

    • Attached Minutes‏

    To 'Dave Symonds', 'George Andrews', 'Janet Haley', 'Justin Duplessis', 'Paul Cosentino'
    From:Templeton Conservation (
    Sent:Mon 11/26/12 8:43 AM
    To: 'Dave Symonds' (; 'George Andrews' (; 'Janet Haley' (; 'Justin Duplessis' (; 'Paul Cosentino' (

    Attached are the minutes from the November 19thmeeting, which George has approved. You will receive an Agenda for our next meeting within a couple of weeks, which is scheduled for December 17th. Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!

    click here for the minutes

    Notes from the Advisory Board Meeting

    At the Advisory meeting last night, chairman Will Spring, started a discussion of the budget guidelines for FY14. There seems to be some confusion on the part of some departments what the term “level funded” means. Level funded means you have the same amount of money as you did last year…the total that was appropriated at town meeting for FY13. Some departments are referring back to ghosts of budget past. Those were the good old days. 

    The Advisory Board is recommending a 5% cut from the level funded budget (what was appropriated at the ATM in May) as a starting point for FY14.

    Monday, November 26, 2012

    Christmas Tree lighting

    Town of Templeton
    2012 Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
    The Town of Templeton has scheduled Sunday, December 2nd to hold the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in each of the four (4) Town villages. The time table is as follows:
    Otter River 4:30 p.m.
    East Templeton 5:00 p.m.
    Templeton Center 5:30 p.m.
    Baldwinville 6:00 p.m.

    Notes from the Templeton Elementary School Building Meeting (11/20/12)

    Notes from the Templeton Elementary School Building Meeting (11/20/12)

    The good news from the TESBC meeting held last Tuesday, was that the State ie: DCAM has been conducting soil tests on the parcel of land on southeast side of Route 202 “Crow Hill”. Now that the elections are over, we can focus on submitting a bill to request this parcel of land upon which to build a new elementary school.

    The committee had requested an extension (again) from MSBA while we go through the process of obtaining the land from the TDC (Templeton Developmental Center). The extension from MSBA is important because the extension holds our place in line for funding the project. Otherwise, we go back to square one and start over. The state reimbursement for the elementary school project would be reduced from 59.84% to about 30%.

    Saturday, November 24, 2012

    This weeks Meeting

    Upcoming Meeting 
    Agenda for the Senior Center Oversight Committee 11/21/12 Meeting
    Agenda for the Board of Assessors 11/26/12 Meeting
    Agenda for the Advisory Board 11/27/12 Meeting
    Agenda for the Planning Board 11/27/12 Meeting
    Agenda for the Personnel Board 11/28/12 Meeting

    Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and a successful Black Friday!!!!

    Friday, November 23, 2012


    Have you got the Christmas sprit yet? If not just go to 900 Central Street, Leominster, and stand in the yard. The smell of Fraser and Balsom trees will bring the spirit of the season to the coldest of hearts,{ even mine.} Bart has been selling trees for over thirty years. We sell eight hundred trees a year. We have a tree for every one.

    November 19, 2012 BOS Meeting

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I managed to convert and upload the DVD from the November 19th BOS meeting.  Enjoy!

    The next BOS meeting will take place on December 3, 2012. We are not sure if we will have a meeting on December 17th….so if you know of an establishment that sells adult beverages and usually stays open late for New Years Eve, you might want to mention they will need to make their request by December 3rd.

    Julie Farrell

    Thursday, November 22, 2012

    Something to think about‏

    I sat at the last Selectman's meeting and tried to put myself in their shoes. I have come to the conclusion that, some times they can not win. I sat behind the two women that have bought houses on Michael's Lane. They are not happy with the work that has been done to improve Gilman Waite. A lot of work has been done to make the fields up there better, a place that the town can be proud of. A good place for all of the kids to play, walking trails for the adults. Ok, now what? I think they are so desperate that they are looking for a loop hole, saying the deed says "for the children of Templeton", meaning that teams from other towns should not be there!! They had some complaints that can be addressed, parking on the roads,


    Happy Thanksgiving to All.            GO WARRIORS!!!!!

    And now some helpful hints for a successful meal. Please add your
    If your turkey is not thawed by now put it in a sink full of cold water.
    Allow the turkey to rest about 30 min. before carving.
    Remember if you have other things cooking in the oven with the turkey it may take longer than anticipated.
    One question I have - does the fluoride boil out of the water??? If not hope all of you are cooking with bottled water. hee-hee-hee

    Have a wonderful and save Thanksgiving Day!!!!!