Paul working for you.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Enough Said…252 Baldwinville Rd.

Background information:

Once upon a time, there was a municipal building committee in the town of Templeton. This committee was created by a vote at the ATM in May 2006 (Article 32). Over the years this committee looked high and low – every place a committee could go – to locate a site for a municipal building. A few years and $15,000 later, a site is located! 252 Baldwinville Rd.

At this point in time, Dennis O’Brien was chairman, Bob Columbus was Vice Chairman, Chris Stewart was Clerk, Bob Mitchell and Julie Farrell were members of the BOS. The minutes of the May 24th BOS meeting on pages 371 & 372 record the vote to sign the purchase and sale agreement for 252 Baldwinville Rd. Mitchell and Farrell vote NO. O’Brien, Columbus and Stewart vote YES. The chairman of the BOS, Dennis O’Brien voted to sign the purchase and sale agreement for 252 Baldwinville Rd. Dennis O’Brien resides at 259 Baldwinville Rd. The chairman of the board is an abutter to 252 Baldwinville Rd. This vote to sign the purchase and sale agreement for 252 Baldwinville Rd. is probably illegal.

Within this report is the information:

A bid was received by owner William DiPietro for the land and building at 252 Baldwinville Road. The submitted price was $425,000.00 for a building and 3.2 acres of land. The Building Committee was able to negotiate the sale price down to $400,000.00. A purchase and sale agreement was pre- pared by Town Counsel and signed by Mr. DiPietro and the Board of Selectmen on June 10, 2010. Purchase of the property would be subject to Town Meeting vote in May of 2010. If approved by Town Meeting vote, the transfer of property was scheduled for July 13, 2010.

At the Town of Templeton Annual Town Meeting held on May 17, 2010, the Municipal Building Committee presented the project to the voters asking for $1,980,500.00 to purchase and renovate the building at 252 Baldwinville Road. On a motion duly made and seconded the Town voted to appropriate $1,980,500.00 for the purchase and renovation of the building being transferred. The vote authorized the treasurer to borrow $1,900,00.00 with a transfer of $80,500.00 from the Pajari Municipal Capitalization Fund.

Municipal Lien certificate – 252 Baldwinville Rd had an assessed value $366,500 in 2010.

ENOUGH said that the municipal building committee was able to “negotiate” the purchase price down from $425,000 to $400,000. What ENOUGH neglected to mention was that no appraisal was done on the property (no building inspection either) and the property was ASSESSED at $366,500.

In the Municipal building report it states:
The vote authorized the treasurer to borrow $1,900,00.00 with a transfer of $80,500.00 from the Pajari Municipal Capitalization Fund. “

Omitted from the report are these words from warrant article 64:
“…with the approval of the Board of Selectmen….and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to apply for, accept and expend any grants or loans…” Guess ENOUGH forgot he was no longer a member of the BOS when ENOUGH applied for the 40 year USDA loan. for 1.9 million.

At the STM in November of 2011, the Municipal Building committee submitted Article 12 for an override.

Article 12
On a motion duly made and seconded the Town voted to transfer from Communication Salaries Account the sum of $2,366.28 to the Police Chief Salary Account. Passed/Nov. 7th @ 8:13
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds, borrow or otherwise provide an additional sum of money to pay costs of designing, reconstructing, project management, originally equipping and furnishing the building located at 252 Baldwinville Road, Templeton, including the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto; and to meet said appropriation authorize the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, to borrow said sum under M.G.L. c. 44, or any other enabling authority, provided that said appropriation shall be subject to and contingent upon an affirmative vote of the Town to exempt the amounts required for payment of principle and interest on said borrowing from the limitations on total taxes imposed by M.G.L. c. 59, Section 21C (Proposition 2 1⁄2); and further to authorize the Selectmen to apply for, accept and expend any grants or loans that may be available to the Town in connection with this project, or to take any other action relative thereto.
Submitted by the Municipal Building Committee

A motion was duly made and seconded to allow the Architect to address the meeting.
Passed/Nov. 7
th @ 8:35

A motion was duly made and seconded to move the question.

Passed Unanimously/Nov. 7th @ 8:47
On a motion duly made and seconded the Town voted to raise and appropriate Four Hundred Thousand and No/100’s ($400,000.00) Dollars, and in addition that the Town transfer One Hundred Fifty Seven Thousand and no/100’s ($157,000.00) Dollars from the Wilber E. Pajari Stabilization account all to pay costs of designing, reconstructing, project management, originally equipping and furnishing the building located at 252 Baldwinville Road, Templeton, including the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto; and to meet said appropriation authorize the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, to borrow said sum under M.G.L. c. 44, or any other enabling authority, provided that any appropriation hereunder shall be subject to and contingent upon an affirmative vote of the Town to exempt the amounts required for payment of principle and interest on said borrowing from the limitations on total taxes imposed by M.G.L. c. 59, Section 21C (Proposition 2 1⁄2); and further (1) to authorize the Selectmen to apply for, accept and expend any grants or loans that may be available to the Town in connection with this project and (2) that the funds from the Wilbur E. Pajari Stabilization account shall not be spent unless and until there is a successful vote by the electorate on the $400,000 proposition 2 1/2 question as noted herein.
Defeated by Hand count 75 yes, 44 no/Nov. 7th @ 8:52
A motion was duly made and seconded to reconsider Article 12.
Passed/Nov. 7
th @ 8:58
A motion was duly made and seconded to move the question. Passed Unanimously/Nov. 7th @ 9:15
On the main motion.
Passed by a 2/3 majority by hand count 78 yes, 30 no/Nov. 7
th @ 9:17

This action at town meeting tied the Pajari money ($157,000) to a successful override vote. [already had $80,500 from the Pajari Capital Stabilization account].

The override failed on Feb. 6, 2012. 

At candidate night on April 11, 2013 at the legion, ENOUGH stated that ten people disbanded the Municipal Building Committee. Once again ENOUGH is incorrect. There was an article to disband the municipal building committee at the May 2012 ATM:

Article 44. To see if the Town will vote to disband the Municipal Building Committee. The citizens of the Town of Templeton request the following public documents:
Signed Purchase and Sale agreement
Signed Settlement Statement/Settlement Agreement
Identification of Real estate broker for this transaction
Appraisal of the building
Documentation of building inspection prior to purchase
Documentation of soil testing
Documentation of air quality testing
Documentation that all liens including back taxes were paid to the Town of Templeton
Or to take any other relative thereto.
Submitted and Written by Citizens’ Petition
On an amended motion duly made and seconded the town voted to disband the Municipal Building Committee. The citizens of the Town of Templeton request the following public documents:
Signed Purchase and Sale agreement
Signed Settlement Statement/Settlement Agreement
Identification of Real estate broker for this transaction
Appraisal of the building
Documentation of building inspection prior to purchase
Documentation of soil testing
Documentation of air quality testing
Documentation that all liens including back taxes were paid to the Town of Templeton.
Passed/May 21st @ 10:16
A motion was duly made and seconded to adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, May 23rd @ 7:00 p.m.
Passed/May 21
st @ 10:18

Article 44 was the vote to disband the Municipal building committee. In order to place article 44 on the ATM warrant over 100 certified signatures were required. 

The previous article – Article 43 states:
Article 43.
To see if the Town will vote to petition the general court for special legislation as set forth below; provided however, that the General Court may make clerical or editorial changes of form only to the bill, or to take any other relative thereto:
As stated in the provisions of Chapter 39 Section 10 of the general laws or of any general or special law to the contrary, The Town of Templeton Board of Selectmen shall insert in the warrant for the Annual meeting all subjects the insertion of which shall be requested of them in writing by ten (10) or more registered voters of the Town.
Submitted and written by Citizens’ Petition
A motion was duly made and seconded to move the question. Passed/May 21st @ 10:06
On a motion duly made and seconded the town voted to petition the general court for special legislation as set forth below; provided however, that the General Court may make clerical or editorial changes of form only to the bill, or to take any other relative thereto:
As stated in the provisions of Chapter 39 Section 10 of the general laws or of any general or special law to the contrary, The Town of Templeton Board of Selectmen shall insert in the warrant for the Annual meeting all subjects the insertion of which shall be requested of them in writing by ten (10) or more registered voters of the Town.
Passed/May 21st @ 10:07
A motion was duly made and seconded to reconsider article 43. Defeated/May 21st @ 10:08

Article 43 changed the number of required signatures for a citizen petition at ATM back to 10 from the 100. This change back to 10 signatures was signed into law in December 2012. In May of 2012 the number of signatures required for a citizen petition at the ATM was 100.

I believe I am owed an apology by ENOUGH as well as the rest of the people in attendance at Candidates Night on April 11, 2013.

Read the documents included in the link above to determine for yourself the validity of ENOUGH’s claim to financial expertise. Please read the Gardner news article about the minimum bid for 252 Baldwinville Rd.
It has become abundantly clear that we are fortunate, as a community, to have three good candidates running for a seat on the Board of Selectmen.

In my opinion, selectmen candidates Cosentino, Morrison and Robinson possess the skills and the attitudes to bring our community together; to help our town heal after years of discord. 


My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Maybe a McDonald's or Dunkin Donuts would like that site because it is very convenient to route 2. I doubt they would work with that building though.

    It would be a great stroke of luck if the town gets any bids.

  2. Its funny that he said the "town" voted to purchase the property but only "10 people" killed the project. Manipulation of the truth is an artform to him. I hope he will answer some follow up questions at the next Candidates Night to clarify his statements. But, much like Columbus did last year, he'll probably be a no show. Enough IS enough!

  3. Don't think stupid would approve of one of those businesses being across the strert from him.

  4. Could the extra 33,500 been paid as a finders fee by the seller?

  5. Also,, don't forget that GS also implied that $200k has gone missing from the money allocated to 252 Bald. Rd. Anyone else catch that?

  6. a little story on the USDA loan which is factual and I will attest to it in any court at any time. Believe if you check date, August 8 is a Monday. Was a Friday when I went to BOS office for what I understood to be meeting of muni building comm. Turned out it was man from USDA and he had papers to be signed for obligation of funds. Town treasurer (at the time) Tammy Coller was present as was Carol Skelton (at time town coordinator) wellCarol tried to convince me to sign the forms to keep the funds set aside for the town, it was not a contract or anything, it was just a step to keep money available for town if it goes forward, when I refused Carol asked Tammy if she would sign as treasurer, she declined. Carol persisted when I asked the gentleman if waiting til after the weekend would hurt, after all it was Friday and not much government work on any level gets done over weekend. Man agreed and left. Carol called Gerald and handed phone to me, we spoke, I informed him I had come for what I thought was a meeting and not to sign papers which I thought was matter for BOS, he then told me he had been unable to attend because he was dealing with I believe a plumbing issue at his daughters home. So on August 8, I guess USDA showed up and the papers were signed without consent of the BOS, thought all matters legal were the realm of BOS (those pesky town by-laws) So there was husband n wife, as indicated in the DOR report dooing town business basically behind the towns back. One would think that someone with a college degree and 27 years managerial experience who is a financial expert would know and understand the vote on this financial matter was approval of BOS, and Gerald was not a member of said board at this time. Now what were the words of Julie Farrell at the not required "hearing" to dismiss Carol Skelton "A MATTER OF TRUST" There you have it folks, the work of Gerald & Carol Skelton.

    1. Candidate Skelton is very well equipped to manipulate words in his favor. Speaking half truths to argue his views is how he handles situations and confuses the people he is speaking to. He knows full well that some of the things described above are true, but will never admit it, and will try to retaliate and lash out rather than admit any fault, ever, just like his assumed lemmings that post vile things here on the blog.

      I agree, it is a matter of trust, and I will never trust Candidate Skelton or his wife, our former Town Coordinator again based on their past actions.

  7. Now for an unfiltered opinion style comment. The couple who sues the town together, screws the town together, had enough of Mr. enough already? I do not think the Town of Templeton needs any more of Gerald Skelton any more than the Town needs any more of Mr. Bob Columbus and that is my opinion based on history. And just so you know about this socalled town finances getting out of hand, this years town legal bill will probably be the lowest since 2004, definitly prior to K&P becoming involved in Templeton. There is also between 60 and 70 thousand dollars of taxpayer money not being spent on elected positions in Templeton and since any elected person receiving more than 5 thousand per year makes them eligible to take part in the Worcester country retirement which the taxpayers pay for, that also has been lowered some by this elimenation of elected salaries. Office hours have been cut, we are building the ambulance receipts account up once again, the town accountant is make half what the previous one did and being very transparent at the same time and he is the one who suggested the switch to Vadar accounting software which allows the free flow of financial information to all parties and things are now more transparent. All things considered, I don't see how Templeton's finances are out of hand, unless you are against the town becoming more efficient in using taxpayer dollars. Almost forgot, the new system of using Staples to purchase supplies which is one step closer to central purchasing which is equaling saving more tax dollars with the potential to save even more. Perhaps there is another financial expert out there who can comment on how this equals getting out of hand.

  8. I have one more MONEY saving measure idea. Stop paying the Sewer and the Light and Water Elected officials there pay . Or once again are they better than everybody else ?

  9. Has Gerald been down looking at the books?

  10. I love how fraud farrell supports opinion with "PROBABLY ILLIEGAL"once again fraud ms piggy pulling some wool...its easy to pull wool on kermit hes drunk half the time with light it up mitchell...yes opinion supported by facts

    1. I love how this fraud Anon 1052 supports GS with their words of hate. Look at the big brain, using their small words. Pity this fool, they deserve nothing else.

    2. Do you feel proud of yourself when you look in the mirror? Is the face staring back at you an honest one? Do you consider yourself an asset to society by hurling insults instead of sharing solutions and productive ideas? I would imagine that you get a good rush and a laugh when you make comments like the one above. But, I bet deep down inside, you know what you've said is wrong and hurtful. Maybe you haven't gotten in touch with your conscience in a long while. Just remember, no matter what religion or ideology you follow, the main message is universal: treat others with respect. Karma, the Golden Rule...your actions have a direct effect on your future. If you choose to expel negative energy out into the world, that is what you will receive back. So, the next time something doesn't work out for you just remember you have no one to blame but yourself. Enjoy your negative, miserable, failure of a life.

    3. We will know for sure if it was illegal, the Attorney General will tell us so, after he is through with his investigation. If you can not say something nice, don't say anything at all. If your claim is supported by facts, lets see them, and by the way, if you are so brave to write these kinds of things about people, how about signing your name. Bev.

    4. Ohh looks like the blog is on their heels ...must be the muppetts feeling worried about their ratings!!!

    5. I'd rather be associated with the "Muppets" than the "Really Rottens" from the Laff-a-Lympics (Google it). Everyone loves the Muppets as they were kind and funny. Thanks for the compliment!!

    6. Anon 1052

      An excellent way to disguise their comments, someone seems to think using the yoda-speak generator is! Think again. Strong against you, the force is; necessary, capitulation is. Herh herh herh.

    7. Love will always overpower hate.

  11. fraud Farrell??? With all of the above information, is that all you have? What about Mr. Skelton stating 10 people disbanded the municple building committee. Whether it was 10 signatures or 100 signatures (which is the case here)all that citizens petition did was bring a question to town meeting floor so that ALL of the towns voters who were present could have a chance to discuss, exchange information and ideas and then vote on it. The town voted the committee into existance and the town voted it out, simple as that. Just like when Bob Columbus brought forward the idea of changing from 10 signatures to 100 signatures required for a citizens petition for ATM, it was all of the towns voters present who voted that in and then changed it the following year. As I recall at that town meeting, Bob Columbus incorrectly stated the number of required signatures for a STM. One would think when a selectmen brings something forward and speaks on it, they would have the correct information in front of them. So anonymous, you are factually speaking that kermit is drunk half the time? Do you have video of this as I need a good laugh every now and then over here. Perhaps you read it in a book somewhere about kermit being drunk half the time?

  12. As you may or may not know, I filed an Ethics complaint against Mr. Dennis Templeton taxpayers are stupid O'Brien and if he is found guilty and fined then this selectmen has every intention of asking the State Attorney General to look at this case and opine if this vote to sing purchase and sale agreement is legal or not. This is the same group who suggested paying Eastern Propane to remove a propane tank owned by them. Gerald Skelton even added in that even if we sell back the propane in the tank to Eastern we may only break even (on the cost to remove the tank) When I asked why would the town pay Eastern to remove a tank owned by Eastern from town property. My suggestion was to tell Eastern to remove their tank by such a date or we charge you rent per day for your tank being on our land. It was at this time when Kirk Moschetti spoke up and asked also why would we pay someone to remove their property from our land. To top it off, Templeton taxpayers paid to fill the propane tank and even had to pay extra because the bill was not paid in time to enjoy a discount. Yep, that is the work of Mr. Gerald financial expert Skelton and Mr. Dennis Templeton taxpayers are stupid O'Brien. And that my friend is not opinion, that is fact. Dennis is on video saying Templeton taxpayers are stupid, the propane bills are in the files, I have a copy of my Ethics complaint and reply and if the minutes don't show it, I am sure Kirk remembers it. Either way, I am willing to attest to this in any court any time.

    1. Mr. Skelton had the nerve to say I was the one who cost the town 1.9 million dollars and the ten citizens that were the ones who lost the town hall project. He said this at the Candidates Night at the Legion. There is no way I would ever do anything to hurt the town, but I am not sure the people who don't understand the whole picture, believed his line or not. He is one sick puppy. I am sure he believes him self, and that is the scary part. It is a sad day when the people that work for the town, start to talk about leaving, if he gets in. Can we protect them, from the abuse that he hands out? They have seen his act before, and do not want to see it again. My opinion, Bev.

  13. If people feel so strongly to support Mr. Skelton, how come they do not simply prove the accusations of his poor leadership and actions to be false instead of making hateful and nasty comments of his opponents? There is a lot of information in this blog on 252 Baldwinville Road. Can a Skelton supporter please point out exactly what is fraudulent or misleading? Over the past three years, I haven't heard anyone come forward and make a case that Mr. Skelton is innocent of the accusations against him. At the November 2012 STM, when the citizens petition to ask the state to investigate the wrong doings in Templeton, not a single person stood up to oppose the article or to show proof that the investigation didn't need to happen. Not even a dear friend! All I've seen from Skelton/Columbus supporters are very nasty comments and behavior. Everyone (and I mean everyone) is guilty of making inappropriate comments when it comes to Templeton politics. It has to stop. I truly believe that the majority of people who come here to Pauly's Blog are more interested in finding information about the town and to have a place to discuss issues. We will never agree on everything. But, we can certainly debate and discuss issues and ideas like adults. I CHALLENGE someone who is voting for Mr. Skelton to leave a comment as to why you like his leadership skills, give examples of his achievements. Convince me why I should vote for him. And actually do so without using insulting, negative commentary.

    1. I have seen many negative,malicious and demeaning comments on this blog that are directed toward the "GS" camp. As far as 252 Baldwinville Rd. I think assessed value and what is actually paid for a property are usually two very different amounts, depending on the market.

    2. Anon 9:24

      How is stating that an appraisal should have been done on 252 Baldwinville Rd PRIOR to the purchase demeaning or malicious. It just a fact.

      Just like an appraisal was done on the golf course before any action could be taken to try to purchase that property.

      Why have an appraisal for one property and not the other? These actions don't make sense

  14. It is always someone elses fault with the sociopath/psychopath. All of us supporting the school override can learn a life lesson watching candidate Skelton.

  15. If the history channel can make a show like DUCK DYNASTY just think what they
    Could make if Gerry got voted back in. WHAT WOULD THEY CALL IT?

  16. Anon 2:00 PM - i will be looking for the response to this challenge, but unfortunately, i do not think there ever will be one. you may get a response from workers from the light and water department, but he has been gone from there for quite a few years, i would like to hear about his leadership and accomplishments while he was a selectperson, not the manager at the light and water department.

  17. He rules as a tyrant. Think about it he got JD his job, Dana is his "good friend" so he still has a hold on the L&W.

  18. I have an electronic copy of the minutes from May 24, 2010. I'll post them later. Interesting reading!

  19. May 24, 2010 is the selectmen meeting where Carol Skelton stated that their was an issue with the pay of the con com agent and she was asking the selectmen on an emergency setting to set the pay for the agent because if he was not paid the town could be sued. What the coordinator failed to see was there was no emergency, there had been a question on the 2010 ATM to change grade of con com agent from a 6 to a 10, I spoke against this question at length and it was defeated, actually the change for the con com agent within the article was removed via a motion to amend the article as there were several grade changes within one article. So my question then is still the same today; what was the emergency? Was it that the agent had been being paid above grade 6 (there was/is an opinion from K&P that he was) and he was now going to see a pay cut (from the above $20 per hour down to the grade 6 step 3 amount of $16.83 per hour) There was discussion and a vote with which I still very much disagree with, the BOS voted to make the agent a grade 6 top step to $19.00 plus per hour (I think it was $19.83)Yes Julie Farrell voted for this and so did chris stewart even though the town personell policy states all pay increases including step raises go to town meeting vote. If you speak with Paul Cosentino SR. you will find this is one of the reasons this blog was created along with a certain $1400.00 that was essentially given away to a volunteer (without as far as I know, any receipts provided to the town) Pauly would simply not let this go. When Julie posts the electronic version of the May 24, 2010 BOS meeting, you will see this. This issue along with the way a complaint by former town treasurer Tammy Coller was handled is what got me thinking about running for selectmen. I hope people take note that here is another instance of where Julie Farrell and Jeff Bennett disagreed.

  20. Lets see, one positive thing Gerald Skelton did, okay and i acknowledged this at candidates night, after trying for a year to get some kind of response from the school district concerning handicap parking at the highschool primarily for the elections as I was tired of seeing people, many elderly, walking accross the parking lot using a cane or looking at 2 spaces for handicap parking (there were three but one was blocked with material in it) I tried contacting the school, writing letters to the editor trying embarassment, I even contacted state agency and after counting all of the parking spots at the high school along with the number of handicap spaces I was told that legally the school had met its responsibility for the number of handicap spaces required. So after a little more than a year, I got a call from Carol Skelton that there was a meeting with the superintendent about parking for elections so I went and it was Carol, Gerald Skelton, myself, the superintendent and the facilities manager and what came out of it was at elections, there are some signs that designate elder parking up front. There you go, Jeff Bennett said something nice about Gerald Skelton and thats all I got.

    1. Now Gerry can park right at the door, sounds like another self serving plan of his, He certainly has NO respect for the elderly as seen in his actions towards the senior center.

    2. Love will overpower hate

    3. If you're going to copy and paste something to be obnoxious, you should at least get it right. No worries. Its just another example of something you can't do correctly no matter how hard you try.

    4. idiot if i copy and pasted it they would have been the same Words...ding dong ding dong.....mary jane mitchell logic.... i dont RECALL..BUT mr.mitchell does RECALL! HAHAHAHAHA Im so.......SMART!1!!!1 Had ENOUGH yet! hahahahhahah...get it? smart? enough? recall??? get it people.......crickets, crickets, wow! tough bunch! go america i hope we beat those bad guys

    5. Oh, I get it. You don't. I feel really sorry for you. You must have been really hurt in some way in your life to lash out like you've had. I hope you will find some peace and no longer feel a need to hurt others to get a rush of adrenaline which may make you feel better at first. But, then its harder and harder to maintain that feeling. So, you have to keep upping you hurtful actions. Your actions will have consequences. One day you will feel guilt and regret for what you have done. Go ahead and write something sarcastic back if it makes you feel better. I'm sure you will laugh at my words. Possibly because you simply don't comprehend them. Possibly because you know I'm right but your ego won't let you admit it. You seem to be a very insecure person. I hope you find something in your life that will make you feel confident and proud...something that does not involve inflicting pain on someone else in order to achieve. You are in my prayers. I think you need every prayer you can get as your soul is in need of mending.

  21. I read this blog to get information. To view the selectmen meetings that I can't attend. One thing I notice is that I read facts, I read opinions, but I don't see any facts being posted to disbute the information on the puchase of 252 Baldwinville Rd etc. I see only rude comments by people who obviously don't like the blog.

  22. anon 8:16 AM - please be cautious, i wrote something very similar and was attacked with all kinds of name calling....

  23. Thanks for the heads up
