Paul working for you.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Enough Said…DOR Report

It has become abundantly clear that we are fortunate, as a community, to have three good candidates running  for a seat on the Board of Selectmen. The candidate night at the Legion was very well attended and very well run. The format was alphabetical – the candidates for Assessor spoke first; candidate for Sewer Commission spoke last. The attorney who moderated the event  did a good job; I didn’t catch his name. Thank you to those involved with organizing this event.

There are three good, qualified candidates for BOS. In my opinion, selectmen candidates Cosentino, Morrison and Robertson possess the skills and the attitudes to bring our community together; to help our town heal after years of discord.

And then there is ENOUGH. Some questions for ENOUGH:

Have you or a member of your family ever sued the town of Templeton?

Have you ever had a harassment complaint filed against you while holding a municipal position?

Is it financially responsible to balance the town’s budget using every last dime of “free cash” and/or stabilization money?

As a sitting member of the BOS, did you vote for a raise for your wife?

As chairman of the municipal building committee, why didn’t you have an appraisal or building inspection performed before the purchase of 252 Baldwinville Rd?

As a former selectman, why did you vote to reject the DOR report?

At last night’s forum, ENOUGH quoted sections from the DOR report that he rejected as a sitting selectman. Below are links to documents and video for your review. Please refresh your memory why Enough is Enough !

The DOR report was published by the DOR in October 2009. ENOUGH used his influence with Rep. Gobi to try to edit and/or stop the report from being published.

E-mail inquiry asking why Rep. Gobi  wrote the above letter to Deputy Commissioner Nunes.

In January of 2010, representatives from the DOR appeared before the BOS to explain their financial management review.

Part 1 January 11, 2010 BOS meeting

Part 2 January 11, 2010 BOS Meeting
The vote to reject the DOR report occurs in part 2

Last night ENOUGH  stated he rejected the DOR report because it was “tainted” by 165 e-mails.

“Tainted e-mails” -very large document of all the e-mails and documents gathered by the DOR to perform the DOR financial management review of Templeton. There are 398 documents attached to this link including e-mails. Apparently only 165 are “tainted”, you be the judge.

Robert Columbus obtained these e-mails from the DOR with a public record request. Robert Columbus contacted the superintendent of schools and the school committee where I am employed and gave them these e-mails to try to get me fired from my position.

In conclusion, the voters in Templeton have a clear choice in the next election. The voters can choose to elect candidates that will work in the best interest of the residents to help the town heal or they can elect a candidate that has repeatedly demonstrated by word and actions promoting his own self-interest ahead of the best interest of the town.


My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. "Robinson" not "Robertson"

    1. AGGHH!

      Kenn Robinson,


      Got up way to early to write this before work.

      Again my apologies

      Julie Farrell

    2. Bobby mitchelitis

  2. I learned a couple things last night;
    1)Gerry Skelton opened his speach with "TEMPLETON IS A BUCKET OF MONEY" boy if that doesn't fit him perfectly, He has had his hand in this BUCKET for a long time, just wish we all knew where this BUCKET was so we could dig into it too.

    2)The citizens petition to take the responsibility away from homeowners for their sewer lines past their property lines was written by Virginia Wilder ON BEHALF of DANA BLAIS, Just so happens DANA BLAIS has a sewer line at his property that is leaking under the road and he thinks he is above all other taxpayers and deserves special priveledges and does not have to abide by rules as they are written, so he will have them changed to suit him. Board of Health should be all over him to fix it NOW, not wait to see if he can get the petition passed. Anybody else in town would be forced to start digging and repair it NOW.
    What goes around comes around!

  3. Please remember it is Kenneth Robinson, Doug Morrison and Paul Cosentino sr who are candidates for the selectmen seats

    1. After meeting the candidates, I feel as if I could approach Mr. Robinson, Mr. Morrison, and Mr. Cosentino with any individual issues I was concerned about like roads problems, McLean property concerns, Michaels Lane concerns, etc. I did not, however, get that same feeling from Mr. Skelton. He did not come off as a friendly or approachable man. To me, a good selectman is someone that makes themselves available to the average Joe and treats their concerns with importance, no matter how small it is. I also do not care for Mr. Skelton's use of the term "girls" when speaking of administrative assistants working for the town. There are no children working for the town, so why use that term? Its demeaning, degrading, disrespectful. And, as a woman, I feel as if I went to him with a concern he would simply treat me as a "girl" and not his equal. I also learned he has had harassment complaints filed against him for his treatment of women when he was a selectman in the past. Did he learn to change his behavior since these incidents? Has he undergone any counseling or attended any workplace conduct courses? I just don't see how a polarizing personality that is going to put town employees on edge is going to benefit the town at this crucial time. I will be voting for new people to fill the two selectman seats this election. This town needs new perspective on old issues in order to evolve.

  4. Dana, you gotta do what ya gotta do, fix your sewer line now!

  5. Anonymous 8:25, correction, the petition was delivered by Virginia Wilder, but you must remember who she works for as in who she reports to after the selectmen meetings, echohill group led by Mr. financial wiz Gerald Skelton, who if memory serves me correctly, supported spending tax dollars on an appraisal for Templewood golf course but not on 252 Baldwinville Road, perhaps that was the reason for a gift card that arrived at the selectmen office soon after the purchase of 252. Someone please check assessors maps to see if any part of land owned by Gerald Skelton borders Templewood golf course

    1. Yep,
      Skelton property borders the golf course along a very small section...near the 13th hole.

    2. Can someone fill me in on this golf course issue? Why did the town look into buying this property? Who was on the BOS when the appraisal happened?
      Was there a special town appointed committee involved?

    3. Yep,
      Appointed committee....Gerald Skelton, Bob Cox, Rick Moulton, Chris Stewart, John Henshaw.....Michael Kirby, Peter Kodys, David Pease

    4. Why did the town look into buying this property?

    5. All Jerry's peeps play golf.

    6. Gerry and Bubba spent money on looking into the purchase of the Golf course because it would benefit them, not the taxpayers. Just like they purchased 252 Bald. Rd What would be better across from DOB property an abandoned factory or a beautiful town hall. At candidate night Jerry said the people voted for it unanimously, yeah 10:40PM the third night of town meeting with less than 100 people there. Then he said they didn't get any other bids, thats because the bid package said "12,000 sq ft building" how many of those do you think there are in town .

    7. So then as I understand it, candidate Skelton was appointed to a committee to look into having the town buy property that abuts his own property? Did no one think that because of this fact that candidate Skelton should not have been on that committee. Boy I sure hope he did not vote for this appraisal while on this committee, for his sake.
      I seem to remember at candidates’ night, that he got visibly upset when this subject came up and said that the committee voted to spend town money on the appraisal. Although he did never answer if he himself voted in favor, I wonder what the minutes of this committee would reflect. Was candidate Skelton on the BOS as well at this time? Was his wife, also an abutter, the town coordinator at this same time?

    8. Yes he was a selectman and his wife was town coordinator when the municipal golf course committee existed.

      I'm not sure if the minutes of those meetings can be located. It would make for interesting reading. Maybe those minutes were kept in a white binder as well.

      Can't make this stuff up

  6. One underlying subject that was brought up by a couple of the candidates was the idea of bringing more tax dollars to town via more housing developments. This struck a chord with me and not in a satisfying way. For one, if you look at the real estate listings there are a large number of new constructions homes and empty lots for sale currently. I do not see the idea of new developments as a viable means of generating more tax money to town. Secondly, if there is, in fact, a housing boom in Templeton in the near future, then it is going to make a current issue even more dire: our essential services. Right now, Templeton faces serious underfunding of essential services to its current population. I consider essential services to be police/fire/rescue, highway, school, utilities, and administrative. If there was this suggested influx of new home buyers to town, our essential services cannot support them. In my opinion, I would like to hear how candidates have ideas to attract and retain businesses both private and commercial to Templeton. That is how the town will be able to generate increased revenue, properly fund the essential services, and plan for future growth. Does it make sense to have upwards of 10,000 citizens and only to have them leave the town to make all their purchases somewhere else? How many of Templeton's population leave town daily to earn a living? Also, do will the candidates plan to support the existing businesses in town. Why should a small business owner support one candidate over another? Im just so frustrated that the real core issues are so invisible to the voters. Everyone is so wrapped up in insignificant or trivial personality issues that they are missing the vital issues that will actually make or break this town. I know that three of the four candidates have attended the recent Advisory Board meetings and that is a very good thing. This is where candidates who are genuinely running for election to help the town should be seen. I'm frustrated that the town is so divided solely based on personal issues. But, I guess that can be said on a national level as well. All I can say is I left Candidates Night feeling very discouraged at the overall focus and tone and energy of the crowd. There were more negative comments heard than positive ones--one side vs. the other side. What is it going to take for this divide to be erased and everyone treats each other with a comfortable level of civility?

    1. Anonymous 9:33A.M., I understand your feelings of discouragement after the meeting last night. It is sad that Mr. Skelton has decided to run for office again. If he was not there, I really think the tone of that meeting would have been a lot different. I am sorry if I contributed to your bad feelings. It is hard, after all the evidence we have compiled, for the past two years, to sit and listen to his self centered opinions. It is scary that he has no conscience, of what he has done to trash the town financially, and emotionally. His ability to manipulate the facts, to suit his needs would send the best psychiatrist into a tizzy. I will admit, it is very hard to know what I know and listen to his false promises. I am sorry again, if I caused you or any of the other blog readers to feel anxious. This is a very important election. You all know that we have worked too hard, and improved things, to the point our finances are manageable. We need transparency, and that is what we will have if any one of the other candidates win a seat. Two seats will be better, but what will be, will be. For the record, I did not cost the town any money at all. The town office building was a lost cause when the bids came in at a all time high. Why anyone would think a building in Templeton would need marble floors, is beyond me. Again peoples egos got in the way of good judgment, and that will not change, from the attitude we were shown last night. It is important that you vote, and speak to your neighbors, ask them to vote. The future of this town rides on the choices that are made on April 30, 1213. These are my opinions, Bev.

  7. Hows the weather over there Jeff? I do not see the need to repair or replace the sewer service at my property in E.T at the moment, it is not in use, no sink no toilet. Only water is used to wash a car or two. This petition is not just for me, because I like dirt work and I possible would not have this problem if I had installed it myself. There were not many sewer users who knew this by law, me for one. The only people who like this law are a few installers. Some of The sewers on Bald.Rd are deeper than 30 feet. How much you think this would cost? It's a good thing there are not many breaks. I do not believe it is the homeowners responsibility when we do not own the pipe or the road. Be Safe

    1. Dana with all your great wisdom on how things work in this world. You should do your homework first. After hearing about this the other day I called 7 (seven) surrounding towns, and every town said the homeowner is responsible from their house to the main line. That's just the way it is . So man up and fix it yourself like everyone else has to do.

    2. Dana, if there is no toilet, or sink, and no water going down the drain, then how do even know there is a problem with the line? I smell something fishy with this story. I wonder if the board of health would be interested in sewage draining unfiltered into the soil and the homeowner knows about it and plans to do nothing. I guess your secret is out now, and before town meeting. I wonder how many fines you are opening yourself up to? Probably none because you're agood ole boy, and the network will let you slide because of your connections. Sounds fair to everyone doesn't it? NO IT DOES NOT!

  8. The weather is fine over hear, all the artillery is out going, not much incoming my way, seems like it might be a little hotter over there in Templeton for some. Now if someone has a sewer leak and they know about it, that may be a health issue and may need to be fixed right away. No sewer issues over here, plenty of boxes, as in porta potties and they are very aromatic at 100 degrees. Being as safe as possible. So just who does own the pipe and road?

    1. Any teacher with half a brain julie would know you dont do political business when you are at a school on their time....anyone who does that should be fired...once again go away fraud farrell

    2. Gee whiz bubba
      Why don't you just sign your name and be done with it.

      My e-mail date stamp is not set to Eastern standard time. I wasn't conducting political business on school time or school property.

      Have a great day!

  9. After talking with a sewer commissioner the fact is that the main on baldwinville road is 30 feet but the homeowner pipe is streight to the road and has a drop chimney to the sewer main.
    The home owners won't need to repair the drop chimney just streight to the elbows. Like all the others have to dana.
    Dave Smart

  10. Case in point. Victoria lane is a pressure system to templeton center from their pump station. Question,who is going to fix the pipe and be responsible for the damages if it blows out? Benjamin builders? when the time comes to take over the road by the town i hope we say no. It's your road keep it.

    1. WE need to here from GS on the sewer pipe debate because I think he has a lot of knowledge on CRAP.

    2. victoria ln people have a homeowners assoc that pays for their pumping station and pipe maintenence.

  11. There are many instances where those hooking into the sewer system were well aware that they owned the service from the sewer lateral to their house. There is a contract with Cooke Pond Estates concerning that system and their forced main to Templeton Center. There are many systems where a low pressure sewer line goes long distances to the sewer main. All of these home owners where made aware of their responsibilities prior to hook-up. Many of these systems were hardship cases and replacing their systems with an on-site system was cost prohibited. There is some doubt whether this citizen's petition is legal due to the town adopting sewer commissioner to handle all things sewer. It was felt by past sewer commissioners that this expense did not belong to the town. This should be looked at carefully by the Sewer Commissioners as the expense will most likely fall on the Sewer rate payers should it pass and be legal.

  12. anal 131 I only have 3 things to say and I'm off this topiv, first why dont you man or women up and stop hiding behind anon, second I do not give a rats ass about other communities, anf third lets let the voters decide, bye.

    1. You don't give a rats ass about this community either.

    2. Why would anyone tell you who they are Dana? Your abrasive attitude towards everything would certainly lead someone who doesnot know you to believe that you would stoop to the lowest degree in retaliation. Your language and attitude is not appropriate for public service. Resign your position NOW!

  13. Looks like Dana and the Echo Hill Gang cannot handle the truth.
    Oh wait, TRUTH is not part of Dana's vocabulary.

  14. Dana you have made it quite clear many times you don't give a rats ass about anyone in town in regards to your position at our Templeton owned Light and Water. So Man up and fix your leak that IS a health hazard.

    1. I Think it is in the best interest of the Health and Safety of all his neighbors that his water is SHUT OFF, can his word be trusted that he is not using is sink and toilet, HELL NO, he has been caught in lie after lie.

  15. Bylaw says from house to main , that includes so called chimney

  16. Regardless of who this article may or may not help in the near future should not be part of the thought process. The issue at hand will have a financial burdin on the property owner or the ratepayers as a whole . My concern would be to make sure the private lines in town stay private as there original intent ,therefore not placing more burdin on the ratepayers .If this bylaw is passed the way it is worded now ,I dont think the protections i just spoke of will hold up and all mains in the street will become sewer dept. property and possible future problems . This deserves a indepth look and more research to get it right the first time .

  17. Called the sewer dept and asked how many sewer problems they have had and was told there was only one since the plant was built. Also asked about depths of the main.There is only one place that is 27 feet deep and that is near the high school.The rest of the town has an average of 10 to 12 feet,Some places are only 5 to 6. Well within the reach of todays machines. So with only 1 problem in almost 40 years I don't see much of a problem with the current rules. DANA!!!!

    1. Good solid info here. Thanks for making the call Anon 644! So the situstion seems to be not a dire as some here would lead us to believe.

      So an elecetd official is trying to get ALL ratepayers to pay for his sinular problem? Looking out for the best interests for all townspeople yet again falls victim to selfish officials looking out for their own personal interest. Sound familiar Templeton?

  18. As a concerned citizen of East Templeton and ratepayer of The water Department dana commissions for.I would think the well he represents is in jepordy if there is fluids, and detergents entering our ground water that is headed to our well on sawyer street!
    The thought that dana can be as negative and arrogant to people when on his commission. He needs to be monitored and with your votes i will make sure Templeton has that covered! Vote Smart for a better commission attitude!

  19. Where are the private sewer lines in town. I thought all sewer mains are owned by the town

    1. One example of a private sewer line is in the Cook Pond Estates subdivision . The private sewer line owned by the property owners there goes from THERE PUMP STATION about 2 miles down Hubbardston Rd. where it ties into the towns main line .

    2. So then Kirk, if this article was to pass and found legal would that then mean that the town would take over ownership of this 2 mile hook up?

    3. anon 9:57 That is my point . The way it is proposed right now it says to the property line . My question is would language like that make all the private lines turn over to the town ? I am just asking myself because i feel these questions need to be answered before a vote can take place . The problem with a article like this being done thru a petition ,is that it does not get to be discussed in public meeting {public hearing] format prior to going to the voters .

    4. No public hearings for citizen petitions can be a problem. This is a good case in which if the public is not well informed and listens to hearsay they can be easily swayed by those they trust, deserving of that trust or not.

      So, Pauly’s blog has become the unofficial public hearing on this issue.
      This petition should be voted down!
      The potential hidden costs to the town are far to great to commit to in this time of the town’s belt tightening. This Article is one man’s issue that wants to keep his wallet closed and open mine.

  20. Anon 552 I know there is a problem with the sewer because I spent 400 dollars for a power snake and hired EG waterworks to run a camera donwn the pipe .I asked the sewer dept if they had a camera they said yes but it did not work, I found out later it had not worked for a long time . When Eg pulled out the camera it had pea stone on it, that is when we knee it had a leak. We took out the toilet and sink. Also my sewer was installed by the sewer dept not sewer contractor. It was inexchanged for giving up land for road exspansion and wall. My neighbors got thousands for there land I just wanted sewer and water connection. No toilet or sink at this time .Please send Phill to check it out. I encourage all to check it out

    1. Why would you spend $400 to look for a problem if you had not noticed some kind of evidence that there was a problem to begin with? I would guess that there signs perking up thru the ground for a long time before you spent hard earned cash on testing. How long ago did you remove the toilets for this house after you tested? And who knows the crap crack could be leaching sewage directly from the main line and using your cracked pipe as an escape into the ground water and neighboring wells. How long has this problem been going on? Long enough to get a favor done by Selectman Wilder and have an article draw up for specifically you? No special (unethical) treatment going on here is there? You are in violation and you know it. So try to blame the sewer dept for installing the pipe. Deflect from the fact that this has been a problem for a long while now AND YOU CHOSE NOT TO FIX IT. Instead you chose to try and fix the game before you get caught with the fines that the Board of Health should be issuing to you. Got that guy in your pocket too? Fix your drain!

  21. dana, thank you very much, and Virginia, for the opportunity to help you pay for your sewer problems !!!! NO THANKS!!!! two suggestions, #1 sell some your income property and pay your own frikken bills !! # 2 make like a bear, there's lots of woods in town !!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Boy that is an intelligent post..must be a puppeteer!

    2. As I recall sitting at the selectmen meeting, it was bob columbus and sean hamilton sitting in the front row with each holding up one hand and moving hands in a working a puppet and that is on video so if there is any puppeteering going on, it is most likely the bob & sean show.

  22. I'm allittle confused. are we talking about Dana's property on Patriots Rd that backs onto rt 101. He say he has no sink or toilet. what about the house there.

  23. Hey Dana, Looks like your big mouth really got people going. Dana missed another opportunity to keep his mouth shut!!

  24. I do not have a personal beef with Dana. I do have a problem with his attitude. I was not sure what all these people were talking about with their complaints about the attitude over at L&W, but if Dana’s responses on this blog are any indication of how he handles conflict then there IS a problem. Telling people that he does not give a rat’s ass about something is not the kind of behavior that I want representing the Town of Templeton or me as an advocate of how MY money is spent. Wasting time on his personal issue will directly impact the amount of my and your money being spent on his problem. What he is trying to do is get the townspeople to pay up. Lay the burden in the town’s lap, which in the end means more out of my and your pocket. The personal agenda of the old guard has really got to stop. I do not know you, and you do not know me, but we make up the town of Templeton. Please stop thinking about what will help you and start thinking about and work towards what will help us all.

  25. Thank you 11:41 for pointing out the non bias opinion of the chairman of the commission of the Templeton Municipal Light and Water Plant. "It is our business" and if elected to the commission i will change the attitude that reflects how the people are treated at meetings.I second that 6:03,some loose their perspective after being in office to long!
    No "jobs" will be lost and Templeton will only gain the respect it once had.
    Candidate for light and water
    Dave Smart

  26. This attitude is nothing new. I was astonished with Dana's attitude when we asked if the light company could help the town out, considering the financial mess we are in. We we were told "it was the town's problem, not theirs". I guess I must be nieve, but I think we are a town, and the departments should help each other out. Oh how wrong I was. The financial wizard dug the hole we are in, and left us with no way to fill it. I still think we should be responsible for each other, and I know there needs to be changes in that board. The most amazing thing was when Mr. Spring asked about a reduced rate for the elderly, rebates, and other different programs, other light companies offer. We were told no way, they could not do anything like that. I just happened to check out EMWIC's web site, and low and behold, all of the things we asked about are offered to towns like ours, because we are members, and have been since the 70's. It seems, our light commissioners did not know this, and the only ones that did, are the Light Company employees. It is a real possibility that a very large number of towns people missed out on rebates, that would have helped them financially in the past. The people who are Light and Water Commissioners, need to do a much better job at taking care of the departments under them. It is not acceptable to raise rates, with out looking at the department first to see where cuts can be made. This is what anyone in the business world would do. This is what the Light and Water should do also. This is my opinion, Bev.

    1. Bev what about you and all the septic problems you caused for home owners in town not knowing that you signed off on improperly installed septic systems by a contractor in town why don't you ever talk about that hmm I wonder was it because you we're under his desk to or did you get a cut from each short cut installed system you wanna talk about people why not talk about how much you cheated on your husbands or is that a sore subject I agree with Dana the town should pay for street work past property line. Maybe someone should look into you sewer problems you got plenty of sh---t coming out of your mouth. So blog on bev

    2. Anon 11:11

      A new low ! The Echo Hill Puppets how low can you go?

      Blog on Bev, it seems to be working.

    3. Yes, a new low from them & it does seem to be working, Julie, because now I am being called names, as well. But that's okay, it means that our pointing things out about everything that has failed the townspeople is getting someone fired up & worried. And as time goes on it will all come out in Bev's washing machine!!

    4. I sure hope that Anon 11:11am never needs to rely on the kindness of their neighbors or strangers in a time of need because they have just created some super negative karma for themselves with that comment. I hope the people they defend are truly their dear friends because they'll sure need them when their actions come back for payment.

    5. Love will always overpower hate.

  27. This must be a RECORD number of responses on Dana's petition. Boy, he really started a S**T storm on this one (pun intended). I think he'll get his Ass handed to him at town floor.
    How many of you recall his comment at town meeting last year when speaking against the flouride article? Let me quote: "I don't care what you vote, we won't take out the flouride"
    Well someone posted earlier "what goes around comes around"

  28. I hope Dana has to read the petition. He should be able in 6 minutes prove why to pass it and what the reasons are for it. Did i hear move the question Mr. Moderator? let me repeat the request "move the question" Mr. Edwards taught me that trick.
    Anyone to second that? With "no" rebutle!
    That "will" feel like crap for you dana.Paybacks a wonderful thing. I hope you learn how to play nice from this.I guess there are a "few people" on this blog willing to express a thing or two about you. I think you bring out the best of people,Thank you!
    Dave Smart

    1. A BIG thank you to Dana for bringing up something different for the townsfolk to get all fired up about just before the election. I'm sure the ECHO hill gang wanted to keep us townsfolk in the dark about the real reason this was being brought up. Not to mention how many votes this will cost GS at the end of the day. So once again thanks Dana. Hope you sleep well last night.

  29. Why did the town look into buying this property?

  30. I could only guess it was for a future school site, Is that why a golf course was put there quickly to up the value of the land and have a get rich quick deal from gerry?

  31. I believe jerry wanted it as a Templeton Municiple Golf Course. Does anybody see a pattern here. No doubt he himself had the staff all picked out to run it.

  32. Enough said Jerry does what benefits Jerry. Let's nor forget that Virginia said she wrote the citizens petition for the sewer line bylaw channge. Will she come down off stage to read it? Would she have done this petition if it wasn't one of her friends? Would she have done this petition if it was say - Pauly or you or I? Would the Echo Hill gang who all signed have signed it if it wan't for one of them.
    Same thing with their article for a government study committee, does everyone remember when the GSC with R Hubbard, John Henshaw and others when to town meeting to ask for money for, (I think it was Harvard Government org or something)and Kay Doyle(K&P) said that the GSC could do what they wanted to do so they withdrew the article. then at the next Selectmens meeting one of the GSC members said he had an opinion from the DOR lawyer and the article was legal. So now these people want a GSC, can we all see through this. Jerry knows he cannot bring Carol back. so the only way to get rid of the Town coordinator is to change the position. When will these people start doing what is best for the whole tome not just for them and their vendettas.

  33. Getting back to the subject of the blog above...I read the 168 pg document Skelton referred to in his speech in which he stated "tainted" the DOR report. The majority of this document are financial statements and other official business documents. So, is he stating that these official documents "facts on paper" tainted the report? That's quite a statement to make without anyone asking him a follow up question to inquire further on his statement. I watched the DOR BOS meeting and he was quite rude to these people. To me, it is clear that anything or anyone who disagrees with him is treated with disrespect and discredited. Any good politician or leader knows how to take criticism well because a large percentage of holding office is fielding criticism from the public. Why was it necessary to get a state rep to write a letter criticising the DOR report? And why is it so hard for him to admit fault or guilt for anything? Listening to his speech, nothing ever was his fault. This is a clear example that his ego is far more important than being a honest leader. For his sake, I hope he loses the election because if he actually wins, he is going to be sadly disappointed. He can no longer bully and skirt the rules like the past two decades. He will not have the help of his dear wife to partner with. He now has many many more people watching every move of the BOS and will question EVERYTHING. It will not be fun for him. In the past, if an employee had an issue with his behavior towards them, there was no real course for them to take. They couldn't go to the Town Coordinator to file a complaint. It was his wife! And if they actually did, she would hand the complaint directly to him to deal with. An employee couldn't go to personnel board because his wife was in charge of that group. Well, not to worry. If Skelton treats someone unfairly, there are now new people to go to and better avenues to report misconduct. Quite honestly, it will make great entertainment value to watch this pompous man actually try his old tricks again only to get frustrated with the results. Will he get another state rep to write a letter for him again when he doesn't get his way? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

  34. He'll just sue anyone that gets in his way.

  35. He'll sue using town money! He can't wait to get his hands in the BIG Bucket of $$$.

    1. If someone sues and wins...american justice would tell you they deservered to win....unless the justice system was a conspiracy ....kermit does say 911you sandy hook were all setup by the government sure i you time kermie will watch an interview with hulk hogan or triple h and start a petition for a new investigation after the horrible events in boston. Opinion supported by facts

    2. Bash and deflect from what you know is the truth with another subject, you are sooo wicked smahhhhhhhhht! You candidate is still questionable as is his and your actions. Must be feeling pretty hot over there. Getting used to the idea of your eventual home.

    3. Anon 1113
      An excellent way to disguise their comments, someone seems to think using the yoda-speak generator is! Think again. Strong against you, the force is; necessary, capitulation is. Herh herh herh.

      opinions no facts

    4. Love will always overpower hate.
