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Monday, March 9, 2015

A public service post

Preparation of the Agenda

The agenda of a selectmen’s meeting had virtually no legal significance prior to a major overhaul of the open meeting law in 2010. Under the previous version of the law, the meeting posting simply had to say when and where the board would convene. Now, the required notice of a meeting must include "a listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting" [G.L. c. 30A, §20(b)]. Note the imposition of personal responsibility: "that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed."

Topic descriptions must be specific enough to advise the public of the issues to be discussed. "Construction," for example, is not adequate, but "award of construction contract for new fire station on Elm Street" is. The attorney general’s office takes a dim view of catch-all descriptions such as "New Business," preferring that the notice explicitly state that time will be reserved for topics the chair did not reasonably anticipate.

Jeff Bennett

The above is from the newest edition of the Massachusetts Selectman Handbook (2014) which according to the MMA, was sent to every selectmen in the state. A selectman handbook can be purchased by anyone from the MMA. Anyone can google Massachusetts Municipal Association and look at their website. There are many articles and information that is in the open and free to read.

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