Paul working for you.

Monday, March 9, 2015

I believe if anyone checks, Templeton is in Fire District 7 and there is equipment available to any department in the district. So why not work on creating DPW districts where instead of every town owning say a street sweeper (if you are not going to contract it out) there could be one or two sweepers owned by the district and each town could use it and yes there would have to be some kind of schedule worked out. This could possibly work for things like screening plants, graders and other equipment that is not used all the time. Yep, this takes work, dedication and the will to do it. I think if anyone checks, President John Kennedy made a speech once concerning the goal to go to the moon and in that speech, he is credited with stating, "we do not do these things because they are easy, but because they are hard"  Until the taxpayers are ready, convinced of need and are sure their money is going to be spent wisely, someone is going to have to get creative and simply stop saying we can't do it cause we don't have any money. If better roads as in well paved roads such as the Baldwinville Road is easier to plow, uses less sand / salt to care for then it stands to reason the best bang for the buck is to fix the roads first, then buy equipment. You can have brand new plows, loaders, trucks and sanders but if the roads are junk, you are still going to have problems plowing and you will still be using more sand / salt or what ever to try to keep them clean. If that is the case then spend the money to fix the roads then buy the equipment.

Jeff Bennett

1 comment:

  1. Good points i agree 100% with all. The question i have is Where's the money.
    You know the big pot like Gery Skeleton called it.
    Baldwinville rd was no cheepo. Millions!
    So the issue is more about the money than the fix.
    The amount of money spent on equipment is minimal compaired to the amounts spent on road repairs. Last i knew equipment is needed to do the repairs.
    Just find the money or tell the ones who need to know how to go get it.
    Money,Money,Money. Lots of it will do.
    Just for a water main to go 1 mile is 1 million. So if the roads are bad and the water main is bad how much money is needed then.
