Paul working for you.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mondays Board of Selectmen meeting, March 9, 2015, selectmen Farrell made a point concerning the investigation that was voted at a previous Town Meeting. After the motion and a second, discussion followed. Chairman Robinson made the point "what is the end game" stating that after 2 1/2 years that it is not really current or relevant. He pointed out that it had been voted and moved on to the legislature where it died in committee. He opined that in his mind it would just open old wounds and old fights and it has been 2 1/2 years and there is only one selectmen on the board now who has been there during time when some of these things happened and the board has changed and we now know how to avoid making these same mistakes, by following the law and the rules. He further opined that since there would not be any money returned or gained by the Town by doing this. What did selectman Farrell propose? The BOS draft and send a request to the Attorney General to look at the four points raised in the investigation sent to the legislature. He also stated that the way to do this would be to have a citizens petition bring it to Town meeting again and if voted in the affirmative then the board would have to act. The motion was voted down three to two with Robinson, Brooks and Columbus voting no. Avoid making the same mistakes by following the rules was almost nullified last night as the board voted to go into executive session where the Chairman failed to state whether the board would reconvene back in open session. Within the Open meeting law guide, the newest selectmen Handbook and a guide to meeting postings from the esteemed law firm of Kopelman & Paige, it states in all three places that the public body, in this case the BOS, must state whether they will reconvene in open session or not. The board voted by roll call vote to go into executive session but they failed to state whether they would reconvene in open session or not until someone asked the question thus saving the board from making an open meeting mistake. Perhaps a small one but one no less. The intent stated was that mistakes of the past could be avoided by following the rules and the law yet the board almost followed that statement up by not following the rules. So why not take the investigation Town meeting vote to the last step, it is the bottom of the ninth with 2 outs and two strikes, why not take the last swing? Why not send a letter to the Attorney General and out newest legislature, State Rep. Whipps and at least ask the question? I personally feel nothing will happen but at least ask the question, that is what the voters said they wanted done at a Town meeting vote. Then the board could tell the people we took it all the way and we lost. There just seems to be a lack of political will to do some things. In my opinion, there is a majority of the board is on a mission of lets all be friends and get along, lets have utopia and everyone gets a trophy. There was an opportunity to speak up for the voters, even if we all know or feel that the state legislature and or Attorney General will not listen and will do nothing, at least ask and get an answer on the record, on paper!

On another subject, it looks like there will be another end with the reported use of future snow & ice funds to be used to buy a new stainless steel sander body, as reported in today's Gardner News. If the dollar figure s correct, it sounds like a combination body (dump body with a spreader system built in, that if cared for properly, will outlast any truck it is put on) To me, this does not make much sense, to be taking money out of next year's snow & ice account before winter is even around the corner (next year) we have not even paid this winter's bill off yet and already robbing pete to pay paul. This move should be met with a resounding no from the voters / taxpayers. While it would be a good move to fund snow & ice at a higher level, there seems to be the mindset that if town meeting will not vote any overrides to buy equipment, we will just take it out of the road money and now the money put aside for snow & ice which I believe should go for salt, wages and yes, a sander /spreader may meet the argument it is for snow & ice but if it is indeed a combo body, then it is not exclusively for snow & ice. There is a perfectly good truck sitting in the highway yard right now with the dump body raised, my question is why is that truck not being used in the winter time. It is a soft top truck and the heat might not be the best but hey, who said life is fair and who thought it would not suck once in a while.

Jeff Bennett


  1. It would appear another citizen's petition is needed to give direction to our Board of Selectmen. After spending eighteen years as a Sewer Commissioner, all of that time trying to right a major wrong it would be nice to have some type of closure.

  2. As we now see the majority of our select board have no reason for closure for the people that voted to do the investigations.
    Would it be they have to go with the flow and not do the work they knew of when they were voted in. The people wanted this done and voted for it. Our town once voted for this and it should be the priority for them to see it through. Not to do so in my mind puts them against it. The vote that is.
