Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Selectmen Meeting Tonight

Selectmen Meeting Tonight

It looks as if the BOS meeting will take place tonight. The agenda has been posted.

There is an agenda item for the Templeton 250th Anniversary Committee

The warrant articles for the Special Town Meeting on November 15th need to be approved and then posted.

The agenda item is discussion on the town’s snow and ice policy.

Hope to see you there

Julie Farrell

Citizen Petition – Chapter 93 Acts of 2000

Citizen Petition – Chapter 93 Acts of 2000

Pauly has tried to get an answer or an investigation into some of the activities in town for quite a while. The citizen’s petition asking for an investigation by the Attorney General has been turned into the town clerk’s office. We are waiting for the signatures to be certified. Hurricane Sandy isn’t helping out.
(Stay safe!)

One of the great concepts of town government is the citizens’ right to petition its town government. If you, as a citizen, feel something is wrong and is not being addressed by your BOS or other department,

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy 10/29/2012

Hope everyone is who is not an emergency worker is safely in their homes. and THANK YOU to all our emergency workers and essential personnel.
I heard that there was a house fire on Lake Ave today anyone have any details. Awful the thought of a family losing everything.
Just heard Templeton Center lost power- anyone else.

Stay save! Pauly

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hurricane update

I see Monty Tech, Gardner and Ashburnham/Westminster schools have cancelled school for tomorrow  Nothing on Narragansett yet. Blog in is you hear anything please.

Thanks Pauly


Citizens4Templeton members Sally, Theresa, Carol and Will sorting food to be donated to the Templeton Food Pantry.
Thanks C4T for your commitment to our town!

Happy Sunday

Hope everyone is getting ready for the Hurricane. I see that Gov Patrick is asking the Pres for a pre- state of  emergency ruling for Massachusetts. I looked on the towns website and couldn't find anything about the hurricane or how people should prepare. Yes most of us know but maybe some people don't. Soooo I know a few TEMA members read my blog , I invite them to write a comment and inform people and give their recommendations. And everyone else please add your thoughts and comments.

Stay safe and dry. thank for reading - Pauly

and Theresa get out of Atlantic City!

Public Meetings

Public Meetings

There will be a meeting of the Templeton Elementary School Building Committee on Monday October 29th. The agenda includes discussion of a letter to MSBA as well as a meeting with Strategic Building Solutions.

A BOS meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 30th at 6:00 p.m. The agenda includes discussion of the warrant articles for the November 15th Special Town Meeting as well as an agenda item for Templeton’s 250th Anniversary Committee and our Snow & Ice policy.

Hurricane Sandy

It looks as if Templeton will feel some effect from Hurricane Sandy. Please make preparations in case we lose power. Make sure your prescriptions are filled. I hope this storm will not be as bad as predicted.

Reverse E911 works to alert the community in the event of emergencies. I do not believe Reverse E911 works for cell phone numbers. If you have discontinued your landline, please find other ways to keep abreast of local conditions. Keep your cell phones and electronic devices charged.

Please look after your neighbors and friends and take care of one another.

Julie Farrell

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Woo Hoo!!!!

The Blog is about to hit 300,000 hits since it was started in March 2011. All because my complaints were going unheard.

Since there is a Citizens4Templeton get together tomorrow Sunday at 1PM at the Templeton Fish & Game Club. Let's celebrate!!!!

The Game will be on - bar will be open - Julie is working on a football thing (can't remember what it is called )  There will be food.

so bring a nonperishable item for the Templeton food pantry and come and join us.

Friday, October 26, 2012

This Saturday Oct 27 @ Steeple Antiques

Hey people I just want to mention a business in East Templeton across from C O &S Garage.

STEEPLE ANTIQUES  137 Patriots Road  owned by Cheryl LaPointe is having a HALLOWEEN DAY on Saturday October 27th (tomorrow) Fun for the whole family.

Check it out and support a local business.

And to Bev- Thanks for the spaghetti sauce - are us sure you don't have a little Italian in you. Hee hee hee

Dark shadows....

Okay I admit I have never watched a soap opera. Hee-hee-hee. This is reality people - get it. Carol and Jerry Skelton, Dennis oBrien, Bubba Columbus, Pat M, Virginia Dana B and the rest of the recall people. led us down a rotten path. Since 2002 I have been trying to call attention to wrongdoings. Yes I blame the recall people to because you all cost this town and it's taxpayers money. our hard earned money.

As Templeton Turns… (episode 2)

Like sands through the hourglass…

Anyway, I finished converting the October 22, 2012 BOS meeting. A three part installment of “must see” TV. The youtube channel is doing well; up over 5,000 hits. I’m not sure what the people in Germany think of these broadcasts. Enjoy your day!

BTW, I was looking over the vendor warrant this week and discovered an invoice paid to Brooks Auto service in the amount of $1,963.61 to repair Truck 33. I believe the water department truck was towed to Brooks and needed new injector valves. This is probably the vehicle that was erroneously reported on the blog as having been in an accident…etc, etc. As always:

My opinion…supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell

Thursday, October 25, 2012

the Old Hearthside

This letter was dropped off to me today. Does anyone know anything about this? this is the old Hearthside rest home / the old Stuart  House on Baldwinville Rd.

My question as I read this is the "2 year" statement - hearthside has been gone since 2009 am I right?

Thanks My opinion- Pauly

Financial Management Templeton Style

Financial Management Templeton Style

 The DOR Financial Management Review  was completed in  October 2009. After many meetings, where I tried to have the BOS discuss the report, Gerald P Skelton arranges a meeting with representatives from the DOR.

I apologize for the poor conversion quality. I was able to upload the meeting for your viewing pleasure.

Seeing is believing. So why not accept the DOR Review?

My opinions …supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell

Thank you Julie - Pauly

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sunday October 28th

Please remember Sunday, October 28, Citizens4Templeton, are holding a meeting at 1:00 at the Templeton, Fish and Game Club. Every one is welcome, and yes they have a television, the game will be on, bar is open. 
And please bring a nonperishable item for the Templeton Food Pantry,

Thank you  

Narragansett Boosters

It seems that the Narragansett Boosters have given recognition to their Number 1 Fan - they gave Pete Kasper a Lifetime pass to all the Narragansett sports activities for his dedication and and support to the kids.
I know he never ever misses a game!!!  Here's to you Pete!! Thanks for supporting the kids all these years!!!


Citizen Petition Alert

I will be collecting the citizen petition sheets on Wednesday October 24th. I would like to turn them in on Thursday to the BOS office.

I would like to thank all of the volunteers who took time out of their busy lives to collect the signatures.

Verbal don’t cut it

I want to say thanks to the cable commission that video the selectmen’s meetings. I can’t make the meetings sooo I can watch them again and again and again for the cost of a DVD.
Sooo here is my comment on the meeting. The DOR report- its about  time …..
I went through my papers – still all over the kitchen table and found the originalletter that was sent to the DOR asking for help – as you can see it is signed by then selectmen Julie F, John Henshaw and Pat Dunalevy (rest his soul) but not by JS or DOB. Woo boy dosen’t that say it like it is. And what a top notch Advisory Board we have (squeak squeak) look at their recommendations & then look at the DOR recommendations. Hoo boy do I remember that meeting when JS DOB. Hey Julie do you have a copy of that meeting for the blog. Hee-hee-hee

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

As Templeton Turns

I’ll be posting the recording of this meeting in a few days.

Many people attended the last night’s BOS meeting. Some of the hot topics were:

BOH regionalization with the Town of Barre
Bond payment for 252 Baldwinville Rd
Action on proposed letter to TMLWP
DOR Financial Management Review

Sunday, October 21, 2012

BOS Meeting October 22, 2012

BOS Meeting October 22, 2012

The BOS agenda has been posted for October 22, 2012. We will be discussing a number of items including the letter I would like the BOS to send to the TMLWP for a written report.

We will most likely discuss warrant article requests by BOS members for the Special town Meeting scheduled November 15th. I have submitted two articles for consideration, both by-law changes:

What is leadership?


Leadership  - an interesting word that can mean different things to different people. I have been elected to a position of leadership as a member of the Board of Selectmen. It is a position I take seriously. I devote a lot of time to researching issues and reading up on municipal practices. I put in the time so I can make informed decisions to improve the town. I know you can’t make a good decision with bad information, so I check things out. Trust, but verify.

Saturday, October 20, 2012



A few people have agreed to gather signatures at the Baldwinville Post Office this Saturday. If you are concerned about the town of Templeton, please consider signing this Citizen Petition.

If anyone wants to help with gathering signatures see Julie or Bev at the Baldwinville Post Office.

Advisory Board Recommendations vs DOR Report

I have had a few visits from people who have told me that the selectmen at a few meetings ago - voted to accept the Advisory Boards recommendations. I am waiting for a copy from an AB member so I can post it here. Now the advisory board - the new member since May - had not even heard of the DOR report. you see the report was done in 2009. When it was brought to their attention and they read it - wooboy!!!!! what did they find - their recommendation and the DOR recommendation were all very alike if not exactly  alike. HEE hee hee how did the Advisory Board do this - I think this just proves that we have a top notch AB. but here's the thing ..... Bev told me that at the selectmen's meeting last Monday Julie made a motion to accept the DOR report and not one of the other selectmen seconded it.


A few people have agreed to gather signatures at the Post Office this Saturday. If you are concerned about the town of Templeton, please consider signing this Citizen Petition.

Friday, October 19, 2012


links to writs of attachments in favor of the Town of Templeton  that K&P never renewed $4.9 Million and 3.1 million

your opinion counts

Monday October 22nd at 6:30pm there is a Selectmen’s meeting that is very important. Please try to attend. These are your tax dollars not to mention your town! If you need a babysitter, I’m sure there are a lot of capable students at Narragansett that could babysit and could use a few (several) bucks. Even if one adult from each family attended. Here’s why.

Elementary School Update

The Templeton Elementary School Building Committee met last night. We discussed which piece of land at the Templeton Developmental Center would suit our needs for a new elementary school.

After a site walk on the parcel on Crow Hill, we decided that parcel would be suitable for an elementary school. There are some issues that will need to be considered. The site will need a septic system and a well. This site is setback from the road (Rt 202) on the opposite side of Rt 202 as the TDC.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

This was submitted to the Gardner News in recognition of Tom Carroll. The snews refused to print it as written and I have forwarded you their reply also for the blog


Mr. Bennett,
The letter to the editor about Judge Carroll is fine, but it implies he gave "special" treatment. If you want to resubmit the letter without this information, it should be able to run within the next few days.
Steve Marcotte
Assistant Editor
The Gardner News
309 Central St.
Gardner, MA 01440
978-632-8000 Ext. 31

Remembering Tom Carroll

I first met Judge Carroll back in 1976, I stood before him for a DUI charge. I pleaded guilty and he ordered me to pay a $50.00 fine with $12.50 court cost. I stood before him again a short while down the road. Again the Judge asked about the case then asked me about it, then he left the court room for a short while and came back, he rendered a verdict and I believe he gave me a brake, again. I did not find out until 1998, after my dad died, that on that day, when Judge Carroll left the courtroom, he called my father and asked him about me. I was told my dad's response was "let him get out of it the same way he got into it" My dad was apparently trying to teach me a lesson and once again, Judge Carroll helped me out. My name is one of many on what is I am sure a very long list of people Tom Carroll helped out while he served on the bench. Another thing I found out was not only were my father and Tom Carroll friends, at one time the Judge was my fathers attorney. Little did I know back in 1976 that I would turn to Tom Carroll in 2011 for some help and advice. When I was considering a recount of Templeton election concerning my run for selectmen, it was Tom Carroll whom I turned to for advice on an attorney to represent me in a recount. Not only did he refer me to an attorney but we talked for a few minutes about my dad, politics and "the pickle" I was in, concerning my bid for selectmen. He asked how my mom was doing and wished me luck. One thing I will always remember is not only did Tom get back to me the same day, but he asked about my family and commented that it looked like I had gotten on the right track. Pretty amazing to me that not only did he help me out when I called him out of the blue, he spoke to me as if we had been talking on a regular basis, even though I had not spoken to him in over thirty years and that was in front of him in a court room where he must have seen literally thousands of people come before him. I am glad he was there back in 1976 and I am especially glad he was still around in 2011. Many people may remember Tom Carroll for many different reasons, I will always remember him for helping me in 1976 and 2011 when he had no obligation to do so. He just kept doing the good thing, and I thank him for doing so.

Jeffrey Bennett
Templeton, MA

Thanks Jeff for this. Tommy Carroll was a good friend of mine and certainly gave me plenty of good advise over the years. and who needs the snews - we have the blog! Pauly

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

DOR Financial Management Review

For those of you who may be interested, I have an electronic version of the DOR review.

You can also view it at this address.

I think it makes for interesting reading and has many worthwhile suggestions to improve town government. I voted to have the review performed and I voted to accept the report.

BOS Meeting October 15, 2012

 I wanted to get this information out to people for Monday’s BOS meeting( October 22). The BOS decided to postpone a vote on the borrowing for the debt payment on 252 Baldwinville Rd.

I am making these documents available so residents can see what the impact of this borrowing will do to our budget. If you compare the 5 year, 7 year, and 10 year projections, you will see that at a MINIMUM the town (that’s you-the taxpayers) will need to come up with $766,000 to pay for the long term debt for this project aka BOONDOGGLE.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

some notes for Monday's meeting

Please everyone be at the Selectmen's Meeting Monday October 15th 6:00PM at the NRHS Kiva
Julie's letter to the Light & Water dept will be discussed also Treasurer interviews. the agenda is here

Also for everyone who has questions as to how $700,000.00 could have been spent on 252 Baldwinville Rd here is the link to the information pages

For those of you that cannot make the meeting I suggest you call one of the selectmen or the selectmen's office at 978-939-8801 or put it in writing to the selectmen all your questions and concerns. This is your town and your money and that was your money that was wasted.

Thanks - Pauly

Citizen Petition for November Town Meeting

Citizen Petition for November Town Meeting

I have distributed the signature sheets for the Citizen Petition to a few places and a few people. I just dropped a few sheets off to CO&S garage.  The sheets will need to be turned in by October 29th to the BOS office.

BOS Meeting October 15, 2012

BOS Meeting October 15, 2012

Please make every effort to attend the BOS meeting on Monday October 15th. The agenda lists a few items in addition to the interviews for treasurer.

So, if you are interested in the options available to repay 252 Baldwinville Rd ( The Boondoggle)… as in how much the town will need to cough up to pay for this blunder. I’ve heard of suggestions to knock down the building and put that property into conservation. (We need to have a contest to name this property).

If you could write a letter asking for information from TMLWP, what would you want to ask or know?

Hope to see you in the KIVA on Monday!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Candidate Forum Recordings

Candidate Forum Recordings

The recording of the Candidate Forum for the 2nd Franklin District is ready for your viewing pleasure. This forum was held on October 10, 2012 in the KIVA at NRHS.

Part 1 of the 2nd Franklin Candidate Forum

Part 2 of the 2nd Franklin Candidate Forum

Part 3 of the 2nd Franklin Candidate Forum

Local newspapers covered this event. The article by Mark Haranas of the Gardner News was continued to page 4.

There was an item in the Worcester Telegram and Gazette.

Thank you Pauly for this blog. After reading these articles, I thought I had attended a different event.

My opinion…supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell

And Thank you Julie and Bev for putting this all together. Pauly 

Friday, October 12, 2012


So, Will Spring, Chairman of the Advisory Board is looking for volunteers for some work that is needed at the ET school. Kudos to Will for trying to save the taxpayers money. So if you can help contact the Selectmen's office to leave a message for Will. Every penny we save is another penny in our pockets!

Now on another note I had a friend call me. He was listening to his scanner and he heard something about a town of Templeton vehicle being in and accident in Gardner. Anyone hear anything about it?



In reading a few comments I thought I would remind you all of something.......
Actually we have no formal Pilot with the TMLWP - in the 2009 Dept of Revenue report it was suggested that we enter into a Formal pilot agreement with them - but remember GS, BC DOB voted not to accept the DOR recommendations   REMEMBER THAT MEETING - they (GS BC etc) humiliated the DOR.

Click on the blue word

My opinions- Pauly

October 9, 2012 BOS Meeting

The October 9th recording of the BOS meeting is ready for your viewing pleasure –


Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Few random thoughts

I heard that the windmill was turning this morning - has it been fixed?

Don't forget that the Selectmen are interviewing the candidates for treasurer this Monday October 15th 6:00PM at the KIVA  

This is very important so please try to attend!

I would like to give a shout out to a couple of local businesses that have been around for years......
       PAT'S POODLE PARLOR (South Main St, East Templeton)
       PEASE'S ORCHARD (Phillipston Rd - top of Brooks Village Rd) - Best Cider donuts around!!!!

More to come........

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

At Your Service

So. How about that Light & Water meeting last night? Not many answers to anyone’s questions. The AC pipe has been sent out to be tested…shouldn’t cost more than $250 for that test. They might try to lower the level in the water storage tanks to try to reduce the psi especially for Patriots Rd (150 psi), but it is not a sure thing.

I now know why the executive session was posted for the light and water meeting. I received a wonderful letter from Mr. Driscoll in the mail today. I thought it was my rebate check for the overpayment on my water bill last quarter.

Just a few notes

First I would like to thank Bev and Julie for putting together Candidates Nite and just a note they are paying to have this video taped (out of their own pockets) so those who cannot make it tonight will be able to watch the video. Thanks Julie and Bev for giving us the information to make informed decisions.

For those of you who missed last nights selectmen's  meeting - Bev informed me that the town has $700,000.00 of debt on 252 Baldwinville Rd that will have to be paid back. This is why Bob C, Jerry S, Denis O should never ever be allowed to be on any committee in this town.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Selectmen Meeting Tonight Tuesday October 9th 6:30pm 690 Patriots Rd the agenda is here

Light and Water Dept meeting Tonight Tuesday October 9th 6:00 PM Light Building agendas are here
and here 

Candidate Forum

Candidate Forum
2nd Franklin district

There will be a Candidate Forum on Wednesday night (October 10, 2012) in the Kiva at Narragansett Regional High School. The Forum will begin at 7:00 p.m.  The candidates for state representative of the 2nd Franklin District are:

Denise Andrews  campaign website

Susannah Lee  campaign website

Rick Schober   campaign website

Narragansett Regional High School is located at
462 Baldwinville Rd
Baldwinville , MA 01436

We hope to see you there.

Bev Bartolomeo and Julie Farrell

Monday, October 8, 2012

More Fun News

I just finished reading the latest edition of the Beacon, a publication by the Mass Municipal Association. My concerns about the economy and the effect sequestration (automatic budget cuts on the federal level) were reinforced after I read this article by Geoff Beckwith.

BOS meeting 10/9/12

BOS meeting 10/9/12

The next BOS meeting is scheduled for October 9, 2012 at 690 Patriots Rd. The agenda has been posted.

Hopefully, there will be quorum for this meeting. TMLWP is holding their meeting at 6:00 p.m. I don’t know how people can be at two places at the same time.

It looks like it will be a short meeting. I am curious about our options to pay off 252 Baldwinville Rd. As well as the possibility of regionalizing the BOH with Barre. Barre has a landfill right? There is also an item to discuss lines of credit, maybe the BOS will make some decisions about that situation.
Should be an interesting meeting.

Hope to see you there.

Julie Farrell

Please be aware that there will be a DETOUR by the bridge construction in East Templeton. The detour will be in effect until Friday 10/12/12 from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Propaganda Fluoride

         Propaganda was the word that stuck in my mind while trying to write up an article concerning why the Templeton Board of Health (BOH) has decided not to endorse a warning to be placed on water bills concerning the health hazards (fluorosis) involving fluoridated water and infant baby formula.  Fluoride has been associated with fluorosis in all four of its forms (very mild, mild, moderate and severe).  Forty one percent of adolescents in the United States have dental fluorosis in one form or another.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

This was sent to me.

Here is something some sent to me......

First - Has anyone been on the S. Royalston Road latety, yes I know it is the worst road in Town which should be on the list for an overhall not Echo Hill - Baldwinville Road.. Did you see the old, junky camper with no tires on it parked on the side of the road with a for sale sign on it. It really is on a town road. Accident waiting to happen. Isn't there a law against this? Second - we really do miss Jeff B. He, like Julie, is such a well informed resident and willing to take anyone on. Third - welcome to our new Fire Chief Ray Laporte. You are a great addition to our Fire Dept. Fourth - Pauly we are waiting on you to get well. We need your great blogs. Sooo...Get better!! Fifth - is the BOS going to cancel their meeting so we can attend the Light and Water meeting. What about Chris? 

Good points anonymous - and a good question how will Chris Stewart attend both meetings? and while we are discussing the L&W dept maybe they should review the public records laws and the open meeting laws  They also may want to ask Jeff R on how to post an executive session - you are not suppose to put the person's name in the posting - duh! 
Just my opinions - Pauly
And to all my fellow bloggers thanks for reading and commenting during a time that I'm not feeling to good. 

Friday, October 5, 2012


If you are on the town water supply in the town of Templeton, you have the honor and privilege of being poisoned by water fluoridation. There is no way to opt out unless you drill your own well (an option worth consideration).

Meeting Alert

Meeting Alert
TMLWP October 9th

The next meeting for Templeton Light and Water has been posted for Tuesday, October 9th. The Water meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. The Light meeting will begin at the conclusion of the water meeting.

I plan on attending these meetings. I still have many unanswered questions about the water main breaks, my summer water usage, and the audit for the wind turbine.

I finally located the job description for the manager of TMLWP.

There is a conflict with the BOS meeting scheduled for October 9th.  I hope the meeting conflicts are resolved .

Hope to see you there.

My opinions …supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell

Call for Help!

The seniors at Narragansett need some help. The EEE threat has jeopardized Homecoming.

At last night’s BOH meeting, the BOH upheld the ban on outside activities from dusk to dawn, because of the threat of EEE. A large group of seniors attended last night’s BOH meeting to try to get a waiver for Homecoming activities.

There was discussion on why the fireworks at the Ferncol fair were allowed to take place. The Ferncol Fair is on state property and the Templeton BOH has no jurisdiction on that property.

Can anyone think of state property where the homecoming activities can be held? Let’s try to figure out a way to help these kids.

Julie Farrell

Thursday, October 4, 2012



In January, automatic budget cuts are scheduled to occur in discretionary and non-discretionary federal programs… three months into the Federal fiscal year. These cuts will be felt at all levels of state and local government.

I think sequestration is an important issue. I think we, as town, should be prepared for the impact these cuts will have on our community.

This short video will give you an idea of the politics behind sequestration.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell

Treasurer interviews

I see that the Selectmen will be interviewing candidates for Treasurer on Monday October 15th.  Have we learned any good lessons from the past?  This town needs a good financial team, end of story. Here is the Job Description for the treasurer. Read it carefully  and attend the interviews and let's make sure that when the selectmen vote for a candidate - they do it "for the best interest of the town".  I also heard

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

ADVISORY BOARD MEETING - WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 3rd 6:30PM 690 Patriots Rd the agenda in here.

Monday, October 1, 2012



Templeton’s SWAP Report

Templeton’s SWAP Report
Source Water Assessment and Protection

I located my copy of the most recent Templeton Water Report. This report mentions the SWAP Program. Templeton’s SWAP Report has a wealth of information about protecting our water supply. It was published on February 26, 2002. The information in the report is 10 years old.

Since this report was published I believe we have a stormwater plan, which is mentioned in the report. I don’t believe we ever created a Wellhead protection committee, which was one of the recommendations (page 8).

Templeton Meetings for Oct 1-Oct 4

Templeton BOS – Executive Session October 1 at 690 Patriots

Templeton Light agenda and Water agenda October 2 at 6:00 p.m.

Templeton Board of Health October 4 at 690 Patriots Rd.

Hope to see you there!