BUDGET HEARINGS are scheduled for Tonight, Wednesday February 28th 6:00PM - also at 5:45PM will be the discussion of the Open Meeting Violation.
So where do you people think Mr Mullins got a new job?
And for the record I did not threaten anyone.
My Name is Paul H Cosentino. I started this Blog in 2011 because of what I believe to be wrongdoings in town government. This Blog is to keep the citizens of Templeton informed. It is also for the citizens of Templeton to post their comments and concerns.
Paul working for you.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Information for concerned citizens
I will start by saying I am one person who raised concerns about the capacity of the conference room at 690 Patriots Road. This was not the first time it was over capacity but people are starting to pay attention and attend meetings and it is not fair to them to have to stand in a hallway unable to see or hear what is going on in a public meeting. It is also a violation of the law to not allow people to attend public meetings. To Virginia Wilder, I would suggest you may wish to look into the mirror when talking about people who profess to care about the town but are destroying its operation. Just who went to a nursing home to obtain signatures for a political petition?
at night's Selectmen's meeting
It is beyond me how a member of the public at the bos meeting on Feb 27, 2011 can say to another member of the public that they do not have a right to be there. This person will remain nameless, but I think their mother works at the library. The room was packed beyond the posted occupancy and enforced by the fire chief. This nameless person further stated that if all the extra members of the public would leave that they would be able to continue with the meeting. Well correct me if I am wrong but the bos have an obligation to adhere to the open meeting laws. And if the room is packed, let it be the wake up call that it was intended to be. We the public will not be pushed around anymore!!!
Thank you so much for your blog I read it daily and appreciate all you do to keep us all informed. Keep the good work
Dianna Morrison
Thank you so much for your blog I read it daily and appreciate all you do to keep us all informed. Keep the good work
Dianna Morrison
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Please Read
This letter came to my email I want every one to read it. I have left out the email address because I do not want anyone to get retaliation because of my blog. and to the person wrote this thank you so much and take care!
Dear Mr. Cosentino, I would like to thank you so very much for all the work you are doing on behalf of all of the "innocent" people in town & establishing this Pauly's Templeton Watch site. Plus, commend you on your bravery, honesty, integrity and unwavering due diligence in finding out & documenting all this information. I believe that you are absolutely correct in everything you have pointed out thus far & know for a fact that you are doing a great service to this town, it's taxpayers & all the citizens that reside here. Even those who don't follow politics or dare ask questions for fear of reprisal are going to benefit greatly from your courage & fortitude in raising the red flag
Dear Mr. Cosentino, I would like to thank you so very much for all the work you are doing on behalf of all of the "innocent" people in town & establishing this Pauly's Templeton Watch site. Plus, commend you on your bravery, honesty, integrity and unwavering due diligence in finding out & documenting all this information. I believe that you are absolutely correct in everything you have pointed out thus far & know for a fact that you are doing a great service to this town, it's taxpayers & all the citizens that reside here. Even those who don't follow politics or dare ask questions for fear of reprisal are going to benefit greatly from your courage & fortitude in raising the red flag
Health Agent Phil Leger
On March 26, 2012, from 1:00 pm to 2:15 pm at the Towerhill Botanical Gardens in Boylston, MA, Templeton's Health Agent, Philip Leger will be inducted into the fellows of 2012 for the local Public Health institute. While I can not speak for sure, I believe this is one of these honor things that professional groups do to recognize people within their respective professions. What ever the exact scenario is, it is again nice to see a public official from Templeton getting recognition for something
Saturday, February 25, 2012
To Walt and all other adults of Templeton
Since Walt commented on this, I will speak to him and anyone else can fill their name in where Walt appears. This is simply my opinion, which may not amount to much, but it is mine. First off, this is the Internet and as a self professed adult, you have a certain amount of responsibility to filter out what you feel is relevant and important and worth talking about. In my opinion, anyways, also, you may not know the full story behind Pauly's frustration, which began back in 2002.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Citizen Petitions
The following Citizen Petitions will be available for registered voters to sign:
Saturday, February 25th 3:00PM at the American Legion, Baldwinville
Stop by and sign one, some or all we need 100 signatures each to get them on the Town Meeting Warrant in May.
Gilman Waite Funding
To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000)from the Pajari Capital Stabilization fund fro use by the Cemetery and Recreation department to fund needed capital improvements to Gilman Waite field, or to take any other action relative thereto.
Number of signatures for Citizen Petitions
To see if the Town will vote to petition the general court for special legislation as set forth below; provided however, that the General Court may make clerical or editorial changes of form only to the bill, or to take any other relative thereto:
As stated in the provisions of Chapter 39 Section 10 of the general laws or of any general or special law to the contrary, The Town of Templeton Board of Selectmen shall insert in the warrant for the Annual meeting all subjects the insertion of which shall be requested of them in writing by ten (10) or more registered voters of the Town.
To see if the Town will vote to amend the Town of Templeton by-laws Article II – Town Meetings by the addition of the need for a quorum as follows:
The number of voters necessary to constitute a quorum at any town meeting shall be not less than one hundred fifty (150) persons then registered as voters of the Town of Templeton; provided, however, that a number less than quorum may, from time to time, adjourn the meeting.
Municipal Building
To see if the Town will vote to disband the Municipal Building Committee. The citizens of the Town of Templeton request the following public documents:
All documentation related to the purchase of the property at 252 Baldwinville Rd to include but not be limited to:
Signed Purchase and Sale agreement
Completed USDA loan application from the applicant
Signed Settlement Statement/Settlement Agreement
Identification of Real estate broker for this transaction
Appraisal of the building
Documentation of building inspection prior to purchase
Documentation of soil testing
Documentation of air quality testing
Documentation that all liens including back taxes were paid to the Town of Templeton
Or to take any other relative thereto.
Shall the town vote to discontinue the practice of fluoridating the town water supply or take any other action relative thereto.
Public Records Regarding 252 Baldwinville Road
At the February 13th Board of Selectmen’s meeting, I made a request for certain public documents related to the purchase of 252 Baldwinville Road. I picked up my requested documents from the BOS office on February 23rd. The BOS office was not able to fulfill my entire request
Who exactly does Kopelman & Paige work for??
When Leonard Kopelman was recently asked who K& P works for, if they work for the town of Templeton – his answer was “We work for the majority of the Selectmen”. So I guess this means that not only do the citizens of Templeton not have an attorney working for their best interest. The other elected boards, the Board of Health, Assessors, Cemetery Commission, Planning Board, Sewer Commission even the Town Clerk doesn’t have legal representation.
So let me add one more name as to who Kopelman & Paige are working for – Gerald Skelton!!!!
Selectmen's meeting Monday Feb. 27th 6:30PM
Here's the link for the Selectmen's agenda for Monday Feb 27th at 6:30pm. Everyone please try to attend. From comments made by this "recall group" we know their next step will be to get rid of our new Town Coordinator and bring the former one back. Then what?? who will be next??
I tried to get on the agenda but it's all up to Bob C who gets on and he said no. Well will they put Carol S back in as Town Coordinator or...... will they bring Jerry Skelton in as Town Coordinator -
People must realize that the only agenda of these recall people is to have the Skelton's and Len Kopelman (continue) to run the town!!
I tried to get on the agenda but it's all up to Bob C who gets on and he said no. Well will they put Carol S back in as Town Coordinator or...... will they bring Jerry Skelton in as Town Coordinator -
People must realize that the only agenda of these recall people is to have the Skelton's and Len Kopelman (continue) to run the town!!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Residents of Templeton;
You should know that our own Alan Mayo, Superintendent of Cemetary and Parks has been chosen to be a recipient of the Joao Rodrigues Distinguished Service award. The award date is Thursday, March 22, 2012 in Orleans, MA. I realize not many people can attend the award ceremony, I thought it worth while to give Alan the recognition he deserves. So stop by or call Alan and give a thank you to him for a job well done. Jeff Bennett
You should know that our own Alan Mayo, Superintendent of Cemetary and Parks has been chosen to be a recipient of the Joao Rodrigues Distinguished Service award. The award date is Thursday, March 22, 2012 in Orleans, MA. I realize not many people can attend the award ceremony, I thought it worth while to give Alan the recognition he deserves. So stop by or call Alan and give a thank you to him for a job well done. Jeff Bennett
Stop the presses stop the presses - Jeff Bennett
, Len Koppelman may have misspoke when he told Julie Farrell that he treats all selectmen equal. First I called him Wednesday afternoon, February 22, 2012 to ask why he requested a copy of the Town coordinators contract. I wanted to know who asked him to look at that. He never called me back. I called him a second time at home when he informed me that he got the message and he was not returning my call. I asked him if he worked for Templeton or did Templeton work for him. He said he made a public records request and as I informed him he should do it in writing because if denied, you can not appeal unless your request
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
State Election Commission by Jeff Bennett
According to the state election commission, the requirement for a recount as far as notification goes is for the board of registrars must set the recount time and place and give at least three days written notice of this to each candidate for the office for which the recount was petitioned. See MGL c 54, section 135. I confirmed this with a call into state election commission on Wednesday, February 23, 2012. I also contacted the state Attorney Generals office,
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Now here this, now here this!
Now here this, now here this!
The word is out, the chopping block is all washed off and ready for phase 2. The word is, it's set for two more appointed people in the next couple of weeks. I wonder who? Anyone got any ideas who is next? I believe only the executioner knows. But be careful, has the executioner got the only ax in town? Good question,huh? What a bunch of bull---.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Bob Mitchell's letter to the Gardner News
To: The editor,
I would like to thank you for printing my letter in Friday’s paper and hope you will allow me to comment on the article that also ran that day ‘Selectmen reappoint K7P as Town counsel”. I know your reporter was very busy at this meeting and would like to add some news for your readers. I did state in that meeting that I believed they were in violation of the open meeting law and that I would file a complaint. While I was a little optimistic on how long it would take to do this the following complaint should be public record at the town clerk’s office and the board of Selectman by noon Tuesday.
Flouride by Peter Farrell
Templeton residents who have spent their lives ingesting fluoride without knowing what the health hazards are would do well to take the time to learn what the EPA scientists have to say on this subject http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR6C2AB4RL0&feature=share these are the Doctors and Scientists who are responsible for keeping us healthy.
Link to Jeff Bennetts news letter
Click on "Link to Jeff Bennetts newsletter" and it will take you to it - if you want a paper copy to pass along stop at C. O. & S. Garage in East Templeton. Copies are in the waiting room (front door)
Templeton taxpayers need to speak up now
In my opinion, the following is my opinion only. I just received the Gardner news and to my amazement it read "such a wonderful deal" for the Templeton board of selectmen. Here we go again people, I am going to put teeth on the cookie jar at the town hall. How much more can us taxpayers take? I know Lenny Kopelman wrote the book on ethics and also gave opinions to the board of selectmen.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
ATTENTION Narragasett Parents
After reading the Gardner News - I am seeing more problems in Templeton - Narragansetts decision not to allow the eight graders to visit Monty Tech - the Superintendent search, the chairman on the school committee not listening to parents (wow his last name is Columbus too) I would like to invite Narragansett parents to post to my blog. email your comments on the school issues in a word format as an attachment to cosentinosalvage@hotmail.com and I will be glad to post them. (keep them clean)
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Some thoughts on the recall
Sometimes you just have to go with what you have and after watching the video of the BOS meeting held on Thursday, February 16, 2012, it is my opinion that the whole recall was a sham and a scam on the voters, including the people who signed the recall petitions, especially the people at the nursing home in Baldwinville. Of all places for a former nurse to go to get signatures. Now I watch the trio of columbus, wilder and mullins, who may have his own problems in Winchendon
Friday, February 17, 2012
view the firing of Town Council
View your new puppets at work!!! And oh by the way has anyone heard the news from Winchendon regarding Patrick Mullins
View your new puppets at work!!! And oh by the way has anyone heard the news from Winchendon regarding Patrick Mullins
In my opinion, Templeton now has a group of three liars on the Board of Selectmen.
In my opinion, Templeton now has a group of three liars on the Board of Selectmen. First, after watching a recording of the so called emergency BOS meeting on February 16, 2012, Bob Columbus said he had an opinion then said he read it somewhere. I think if he had a binding legal opinion, it would be on paper and he would be able to produce it. My opinion is he lied and he got this tid bit from Len Koppelman of K&P. This big law firm sure has a fascination with staying little Templeton, I wonder why that is. Any way, this move seems to clear the way so the municipal building committee can have their way and get the $400,000.00 override question back on the ballot for the May election. Yes people, jerry and the board does not listen to the people,
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Well tonight Thursday at 5:30 PM the new board of selectmen held a meeting posted as being, "consider replacing town Council". What a puppet show! Jeff Bennett was absent due to a personal emergency. Kudos to Chris Stewart, who stated at the beginning that we were a few months away from the end of the fiscal year, and why shouldn't we wait till the new fiscal year to discuss switching attorneys. Kudos to Paul Q, I haven't always agreed with him in the past, but even he stated why not wait till the end of the fiscal year. Chairman Bob Columbus (folks we are really in deep SH---with this one)
February 16, 2012 by Jeff Bennett
According to email records of the former town coordinator Carol Skelton, she received an email dated April 26, 2010 from Shaun Grimley concerning Paul H. Cosentino sr. Apparently Mr. Grimley was looking for a legal opinion to exclude Paul from an executive session meeting of the conservation commission. I have a copy of this email if anyone wishes to see it. Some members, according to Shaun, feel that since Paul made the complaint, he should not be part of the session. They also wanted to know if the conservation agent had the right to decide whether Paul is allowed in the session or not. It is my opinion that this document demonstrates that Shaun should not be allowed to continue to serve on the con comm. but also brings into question of whether he should continue as affordable housing coordinator. To me, this email demonstrates the distance Shaun will go to if he does not like you but also shows Shaun will use your tax dollars against you for pay back or retaliation, in my opinion. My next concern is why did Carol Skelton not share this document to the board when Shaun was up for reappointment last spring? In my opinion this email would have had an impact on whether Shaun was reappointed or not. In my opinion this is one more thing that demonstrates the Board of Selectmen did the right thing in dismissing Carol Skelton as town coordinator. This is my opinion and now I think it is time to begin planning for the recall of Pat Mullins and Virginia Wilder on or about August 6, 2012, when they will have 6 months in office. Further more, in my opinion, it is time for Bob Columbus to go for good! And if a new board can indeed acquire new town council, we will be able to go that route in May after the May 7, 2012 elections. We need a good candidate to run against bob Columbus and show him the door, in my opinion. Jeffrey Bennett
Attention Templeton taxpayers
Do you care how your tax dollars being spent? I know about 106 of you taxpayers don't care because your homes have been foreclosed on in the last couple years. This month alone February 2012 there are nine house auctions taking place here in Templeton, see your local newspaper. I know real estate taxes didn't cause anyone to lose their home. But when you pay 300 to 400 bucks a month just for real estate taxes it makes paying your bank a little harder. For your mortgage and putting food on your table harder.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
An Opinion From Jeff Bennett
In my opinion, it appears Mr. Steve Brehio does not like his name used when talking about Let the people speak inc. Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news to Mr. Steve Brehio, but as a registered corporation in Massachusetts, this information is public records and are available on the Secretary of the Commonwealth's web site. Let the People Speak inc is listed as a non-profit corporation for political advertising. It's listed principle office in Massachusetts is 245 Hubbardston Road, Templeton. According to the 2011 street listing for Templeton, that is home to Mr. Steve Brehio and his wife Darlene Brehio and she is listed as resident agent. So it is my opinion that if residents wish to become card carrying members of free speech in Templeton, you may wish to call the Brehios and request a card or a sign. You may wish to contact Linda Columbus at 17 Main Street in Otter River
Meeting Switching Town Counsel
There is a Selectmen's Meeting Posted for tomorrow Thursday Feb 16th at 5:30PM at 690 Patriots Rd - "To discuss switching Town Counsel" That's all thats on the agenda. Please Please - I am asking everyone to go to this important meeting. This will cost the Town money not to mention it is a BIG mistake - Virginia Wilder said at the selectmen's meeting Monday night "wee need Kopelman and Paige for the Recount" Why? we have a good attorney Lisa Mead - what are you afraid of Virginia????
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Thanks to everyone who writes comments - and to all who read my blog, make sure you click on comments and check them out - well the reorg happened last night - Chairman is now Bob Columbus - vice chair Virginia - Bob C made made a comment to Julie when she asked for info on 252 Baldwinville Rd as a public records request - Bob C said "you don't need to make a spectacle" watch out Bob C - Julie is now just a citizen, voter, taxpayer careful what you say! I wonder if this board will do what Carol S use to do when I asked for public records that they didn't want to share - a bill that it would cost me $326.00 like she did when I asked for the Animal Control adoption/bottle return/donations records.
Monday, February 13, 2012
What Leonard Kopelman will do for you!
It was a lovely May afternoon. I came home from work and was preparing to attend a meeting. I went to my mailbox and discovered this note from Leonard Kopelman. This was quite a surprise!
Just want to let you all know - Both Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell have taken out petitions for a manual recount. One more person to add to the chopping block list - Highway Super Bud Chase Sorry Bud but it appears someone (a friend of a new selectmen) is vying for you job - guess who!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Julie's www.recountcoming.com
Please visit Julie Farrell's new website - http://www.recountcoming.com/ and click on Kopleman & Paige.
Why so many questions in Templeton
Yes in my opinion there were a lot of questions that have not been answered in Templeton. It's not like us taxpayers should not ask questions and I PHC, for one person/taxpayer/voter does not want to be told on the telephone that I PHC am just trying to start trouble in town. Yes, on the phone and after he, yes he hung up on me. I tried to trace the call number, but the chicken livered person’s phone number was "not available". I kind of wonder who that brave caller was. I can only think of 10 or 12 people in
Friday, February 10, 2012
Mondy's Selectmen Meeting
I encourage all to attend the Selectmen's meeting Monday Feb 13th at 6:30PM at 690 Patriots Rd. It'll be interesting to see how this meeting goes. Do these new selectmen have the best interest of the town in mind or do they have personal agendas????? To see the agenda for Monday night go to www.templeton1.org It will be interesting to hear the the update from the Municipal Building Committee - didn't they all say last Monday night(after the vote)that they were going to resign ? Will they ignore the vote of the people??? Hope to see you all there. And one more thing - the recount will be happening - I'll keep you posted. Pauly
Thursday, February 9, 2012
American Tissue Mills by Peter Farrell
Forward: It is alleged that in Massachusetts there is a large law firm that goes by the name of Kopelman and Paige (K&P) who may not be playing by the rules. This law firm that is supposed to be representing the cities and towns is actually playing both sides of the fence in legal matters. On the one hand K&P provides legal counsel to those cities and towns who have put their trust in K&P and believe they are getting a good deal for the money that they are paying. On the other hand K&P is doing favors for some companies that these cities and towns are involved with concerning litigation and other legal matters to the detriment of these cities and towns represented by K&P. It is truly a win-win situation for K&P. It is believed that these favors that are owed K&P by these companies who have saved millions of dollars from K&P’s actions may come back to haunt us as a society. The following complaint concerns just this type of situation.
I would ask that you take this complaint seriously because it is very likely similar law firms operate in other states doing the same kind of business. Likely the EPA is already aware of this.
Complaint: It is alleged that the law firm of Kopelman and Paige and specifically William Hewig III and Mark Reich III acted in a fraudulent manner in 2004-2006 by allowing some members of the Templeton Board of Selectmen
the Ballot
In my opinion-well the recall election is all done for the time being. By 10 AM on Tuesday, February 7th,I had already gotten calls from concerned taxpayers about the rumor of the “chopping block” being all set up at town hall. Also three of the taxpayers I talked to said the recall ballots were very confusing to some. Well I personally talked to Town Clerk Carol Harris at candidates’ night and said, in my opinion that the ballot was going to be very confusing to a lot of people. Especially the elderly. I asked what happened to the yes or no system, I got no reply.
From Peter Farrell
A personal thanks goes out to all Templeton residents who signed the Massachusetts Citizen’s Initiative Petition to reopen the 9/11 Investigation. Although many signatures were obtained the petitions were not handed in to the Town Clerk due to an insufficient number of collected signatures throughout the State of Massachusetts.
Perhaps with better organization on a statewide level the signatures for this petition to reopen the 9/11 investigation could have been obtained but unfortunately this was not the case.
I would also like to thank “Templeton Watch Pauly’s blog”
A tribute to Treasurer Tammy Coller
A tribute to Treasurer Tammy Coller.
It is with great sadness we bid farewell to Templeton's Treasurer, Tammy Coller. Yesterday was Tammy's last day at 690 Patriots Rd. Tammy came to this town seven years ago to fill the treasurer’s position. Anybody who remembers seven years ago and prior to that, remembers that we had a few problems. Tammy grabbed the bull by the horns, jumped right in to the Treasurer's job and worked long hours and very long days to bring that office up to speed. She always gave the job more than 200%. She was a true asset to this town. Tammy went after some of the biggest tax title accounts and successfully collected monies due the town of Templeton. She straightened out many accounts that had not been reconciled in years. She always had a smile on her face and was always willing to help the taxpayer or fellow employee. She leaves very big shoes to fill. Tammy thanks for all the hard work you did for us taxpayers in the last seven years, thanks for all the hard work you did for the employees. We wish you luck in your new endeavor. I hope Ashburnham realizes how lucky they are! We will miss you.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
New selectmen's House cleaning list
Well it is already starting - I'm glad Tammy Coller has found a new job as the accountant for Ashburnham - I'm sorry Templeton is losing her - she would have been the first one the new Powers would have been after to get rid of. according to what was heard at the polls between Virginia Wilder
and Patrick Mullins - they plan on doing their own "house cleaning"
Here's their list
New Town Coordinator - Jeff Ritter
Council of Aging Director - Eileen Clarkson
Council on Aging Bookkeeper Dianna Morrison
Council on Aging Social Service Coordinator Penny Perini
Deputy Assessor Sue Byrne
Please let me know if anyone hears anything else!
and Patrick Mullins - they plan on doing their own "house cleaning"
Here's their list
New Town Coordinator - Jeff Ritter
Council of Aging Director - Eileen Clarkson
Council on Aging Bookkeeper Dianna Morrison
Council on Aging Social Service Coordinator Penny Perini
Deputy Assessor Sue Byrne
Please let me know if anyone hears anything else!
The results - Templeton is so screwed
Well we have lost two good selectmen.I know people were really confused by the ballot - people asked for new ones and I heard one couple leaving saying they should have asked for a new one
The tally doesn't make sense -
if 690 People voted against - not to recall Julie - why the did only 669 people vote for her - this shows that some people didn't continue voting or they voted wrong in the first part - this is how it goes on the others too
738 people voted for the recall of Julie - then 744 voted for Virginia - no sense
682 people voted against the recall of Bob M but only 676 people voted for him for Selectmen
741 people voted for the recall of Bob M but more 743 voted for Mullins - should these number be the same?
Any way there will be a recount - do you remember the recount last May - all the numbers changed
the last part of the ballot the $400,000. lost big time - this again doesn't make sense - Virginia and Patrick are big supporters of the 252 but it lost BIG TIME.
Will this town ever have an election without alot of questions???
Pray for our town of Templeton!!!!!
The tally doesn't make sense -
if 690 People voted against - not to recall Julie - why the did only 669 people vote for her - this shows that some people didn't continue voting or they voted wrong in the first part - this is how it goes on the others too
738 people voted for the recall of Julie - then 744 voted for Virginia - no sense
682 people voted against the recall of Bob M but only 676 people voted for him for Selectmen
741 people voted for the recall of Bob M but more 743 voted for Mullins - should these number be the same?
Any way there will be a recount - do you remember the recount last May - all the numbers changed
the last part of the ballot the $400,000. lost big time - this again doesn't make sense - Virginia and Patrick are big supporters of the 252 but it lost BIG TIME.
Will this town ever have an election without alot of questions???
Pray for our town of Templeton!!!!!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Election Day
OK my friends - today is election day - get to the polls and vote! We need to squash this Bu---.The Polls are open 11AM to 7PM - and do me a favor keep your eyes open while you are there - for wrong doings.
I'm not accussing but..... it appears that these "recall people" have even made (threatening) phone calls to certain people - sorry can't give more because it's "under investigation" and not by the TPD. I was also told by a resident of Pheonix Court that Virginia Wilder was up there last week - bad mouthing me and my blog!! Come on Virginia - if you want the job as Selectman do it on your "experience and knowledge" not by bit---- about me!
One more note - do you know the meaning of the word puppet?
ɪt/ Show Spelled[puhp-it]
See you at the Polls - Remember just my opinions.
I'm not accussing but..... it appears that these "recall people" have even made (threatening) phone calls to certain people - sorry can't give more because it's "under investigation" and not by the TPD. I was also told by a resident of Pheonix Court that Virginia Wilder was up there last week - bad mouthing me and my blog!! Come on Virginia - if you want the job as Selectman do it on your "experience and knowledge" not by bit---- about me!
One more note - do you know the meaning of the word puppet?
an artificial figure representing a human being or an animal, manipulated by the hand, rods, wires, etc., as on a miniature stage. Compare hand puppet, marionette.
a person, group, government, etc., whose actions are prompted and controlled by another or others.
a small doll.
This is from www.dictionary.com I'm afraid these candidates - Mullins and Wilder are just Skelton puppets - We have all known this but I was trying not to have to give my opinion about this - want proof - just look at the Skelton's barn - If you loose 3 elections (2 for Selectmen and 1 for Light Commission) then just find a couple of people to run who will do what you tell them. Remember when Dennis Obrien was a selectman - during the meetings he would watch Jerry Skelton for direction on what to do!
So Please Please Please - Vote Vote Vote AGAINST the recall then vote FOR JULIE FARRELL AND ROBERT MITCHELL and Vote NO on more money for 252 Baldwinville Road.
See you at the Polls - Remember just my opinions.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Templeton's ox bow incident
It looked like the Ox-Bow gang were getting ready for another lynching last evening at the Selectman's meeting. Could you re-post The Ox- Bow incident on your blog as a reminder to all? Thanks.
Templeton’s Ox-Bow Incident
Templeton residents who are following along with events surrounding the Recall Election slated to be held on February 6th 2012 at the Middle School gym might consider the similarities of the current recall effort to the book and movie “The Ox-Bow Incident”.
The story of the Ox-Bow Incident takes place in Bridger’s Wells a small town
Templeton’s Ox-Bow Incident
Templeton residents who are following along with events surrounding the Recall Election slated to be held on February 6th 2012 at the Middle School gym might consider the similarities of the current recall effort to the book and movie “The Ox-Bow Incident”.
The story of the Ox-Bow Incident takes place in Bridger’s Wells a small town
Just my opinions Templeton Saturday, February 4, 2012
I just read the Friday night 6PM February 3, 2012 selectmen's special meeting by George Barnes in the Worcester telegram. The Worcester telegram quoted “Ms. Wilder is furious over the election not being posted for February 6, 2012. She said -not posting on time could affect the recall and also the $400,000. I personally, in my opinion, is Ms. Wilder "really Nostradamus in disguise".
Friday, February 3, 2012
Response to Bernard Heaney, 40 years a resident of Templeton
-Mr. Heaney after 40 years in Templeton you just decided to find time to see how Templeton has been run? What were you doing the other 39 years? How come it took you so long to speak out against people that you think are "bad apples" where have you been for the last 10 years? 2002 two 2011? When all this mess started with the board of selectmen and other elected officials. You must have been on the third stool on the right at the Legion.
Recall election and the corporation
Okay, lets hold the phone, the selectmen, coordinator, town clerk and constable all dropped the ball in one way shape or form. The election will happen barring court intervention. So I hope all the recall folks including bob Columbus calm down. If Bobby had ben on the ball he would have caught this and brought it to our attention, our town clerk could have called asking where is the information for the election. All selectmen get to sign the warrant, they are selectmen until they not, voted out or step down. So lets chill and step back for a moment, because I believe everyone wants this over and done with. By the way bob Columbus, this is not criminal so the police really caint do much but nice of you to waste 45 minutes of Chief of police time.
From: Robert MitchellCitizen Volunteer for Truth in Government
Hello Folks’
I’d like to thank you all for participating in Templeton’s political process, all though I wish we were writing to you for more constructive and positive purposes. For those of you who do not recall I am Selectman Robert Mitchell and I am writing because I remember many things about our town governance. I remember the clique that brought us the landfill debacle and those that supported it against the town’s best interest and wishes. I remember the freedom of information request I made
Thursday, February 2, 2012
DO NOT RECALL….Remember!
Dear voters:
There are candidates in the upcoming election on February 6, 2012 who want to maintain the “Status quo”. They have initiated the recall and are running to bring back the “status quo”; to reinstate the former town coordinator and to rehire former legal counsel.
I ask that you :
There are candidates in the upcoming election on February 6, 2012 who want to maintain the “Status quo”. They have initiated the recall and are running to bring back the “status quo”; to reinstate the former town coordinator and to rehire former legal counsel.
I ask that you :
What's next Templeton?
In my opinion some people can't wait to throw someone under the bus. They sit and lap their chops just waiting to sink their fangs into someone. Of course it's not a question, ask first then bite second. But with this Oxbow group its bite then ask why? Now I am asking the proper people. Who is responsible to post the election, and the override bull---$400,000? If it's an honest mistake (get over it) if it is deliberate by unknown forces, why? Who are the ones responsible
My belated reminder to Templeton voters
This recall thing is bringing out the best in Templeton voters. “I didn't realize what I was told about the recall of the two selectmen Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell before I sign them" please read the following very carefully, please! In my opinion a few people I tried to protect the wrong doing people in and around the board of selectmen's office, in other offices around town. To quote chairman Julie Farrell, “I am conducting my job as select chair by not letting the town get sued again" but look what is happening this very day
Monday's election
Don't listen the gossip mongers - the Election in ON. The recall people are blaming the Town Coordinator saying that the warrant didn't get posted. Show me on paper where it says that it is the Town Coordinator's job. It is not in the Town Bylaws. however in Massachusetts General Law Chapter 54 section 51 it states
" In towns using official ballots the town clerk, at least four days before an election therein, shall cause to be posted in one or more public places the names, residences and designations of all candidates duly nominated to be voted for in the town, substantially in the form of the official ballot."
Yes, Virginia I know how to find and read a Mass. General Law - and it didn't cost me any money.
So I'll see you all on Monday - February 6 - to stop this recall!!!!!
" In towns using official ballots the town clerk, at least four days before an election therein, shall cause to be posted in one or more public places the names, residences and designations of all candidates duly nominated to be voted for in the town, substantially in the form of the official ballot."
Yes, Virginia I know how to find and read a Mass. General Law - and it didn't cost me any money.
So I'll see you all on Monday - February 6 - to stop this recall!!!!!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Hello again friends
In my opinion any taxpayer in my town of Templeton that displays a recall sign in the center of town with a big spotlight at night must be, and I used the term loosely, must be stupid or was this taxpayer bull---. Like so many others in town have been. Is there no shame for these recall people? It has been proven that select chair Julie Farrell or Bob Mitchell broke no rules nor did they put Templeton in jeopardy
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