Paul working for you.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

at night's Selectmen's meeting

It is beyond me how a member of the public at the bos meeting on Feb 27, 2011 can say to another member of the public that they do not have a right to be there. This person will remain nameless, but I think their mother works at the library. The room was packed beyond the posted occupancy and enforced by the fire chief. This nameless person further stated that if all the extra members of the public would leave that they would be able to continue with the meeting. Well correct me if I am wrong but the bos have an obligation to adhere to the open meeting laws. And if the room is packed, let it be the wake up call that it was intended to be. We the public will not be pushed around anymore!!!

Thank you so much for your blog I read it daily and appreciate all you do to keep us all informed. Keep the good work

Dianna Morrison


  1. i cant belive the nerve of these people and did you guys read mrs wilder comments in the paper today ..

    1. Mike - Mrs. Wilder has forgotten her campaign promises. She ran on a very different platform than the basis for her "governance".

      You know that deceiving the people is not a viable strategy for re-election. Mrs. Wilder must listen to the "People", as in the signs that were painted in a red barn.

      I would hope that Mrs. Wilder could re-assess her positions on the critical issues. Mr. Mullins is another story.

    2. Encourage people to vote for Julie Farrell in the upcoming election. As I see it she would be the best person to keep the board honest, and she would be working for the town's best interest and not her own personal gains...chair or not chair.

    3. Does this mean that the recount has finished and the BOS will not revert back?

    4. Recount is over. Votes remained pretty much the same although it was obvious that many voters were confused; they did not understand the ballot. Whether that would have changed the outcome will never be known. Vote for Julie Farrell as next selectman. The town needs to make up for the terrible injustice done as the result of a group of rogues.

  2. TV8 just showed the 10 minute meeting. That was a great comment from the audience when the Chair was talking about a need to hire a new Treasurer..."because you ran the other one out of town!" Classic. Good job to everyone that went and showed how much this town means to them! Enough of the BS. Let's get all of this back in order.

  3. That was Bob Mitchell who made the comment that "because you ran the other one out of town" and he is so right

  4. sorry to hear the recount failed, but May is coming fast and voters need to remember this whole fiasco when they are casting their vote. they also need to continue to attend ALL the meetings to remind the BOS that people are fed up with the deceptions and lies and they are paying attention and they will remember and they will speak up and voice their concerns and opinions. it's important that citizens continue to be active on the blogs and facebook pages to keep the people talking and keep them informed!

  5. Attend the budget hearing tonight. Ask our new BOS members about debt ceilings! I think Mullins would be a great BOS representative on the Personnel Board!
