Paul working for you.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My belated reminder to Templeton voters

This recall thing is bringing out the best in Templeton voters. “I didn't realize what I was told about the recall of the two selectmen Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell before I sign them" please read the following very carefully, please! In my opinion a few people I tried to protect the wrong doing people in and around the board of selectmen's office, in other offices around town. To quote chairman Julie Farrell, “I am conducting my job as select chair by not letting the town get sued again" but look what is happening this very day
, yup, the former town coordinator suing Jeff Bennett, Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell for doing their job in protecting us taxpayers from "you know what" mongers. Why at selectmen's meetings are only a couple of these recall organizers in the audience? and a certain couple of them always heckle Julie or Bob Mitchell. They don't say much to Bennett because he is always prepared for these hecklers from past meetings. He also knows the open meeting laws, exactly. These hecklers are the very people that are spreading the poison of recall for Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell. I am hoping that all the readers of my blog (good and bad ) research the meaning of conspiracy, collusion and misappropriations of municipal funds. Also payroll fraud and signature fraud, get the definitions out of the newest encyclopedia or dictionary and then asked me which one of these, if not all are or have been done at town Hall. Why do you think the “powers that were” threw me, under the bus so many times for exposing the truth about our tax dollars. And believe it or not, it started "the collusion part" in June 2003, with $1400. And look how farther conspiracy and collusion has come. 2011.

Then thousands of dollars later. We have had a few good selectmen on the board through the years. But they got outvoted by a conspiracy just like Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell have been outvoted on special issues. And then along came Bennett to upset the conspiracy and a handful of people are trying to recall Julie and Bob to gain control over the select board. (Other words 3-2 vote) what do you average, day by day hard-working taxpayers think? Am I right or not, please send comments to Pauly’s Templeton watch-I am patiently waiting for the "big guys" investigation into my complaints with the past town coordinator and other appointed in elected officials that I named in my (under the rug complaints). I just got a copy of the Gardner News and saw the political ad from “let the people speak” this is quite an ad as a political ad. I tried to pay for a political ad and so did Jeff Bennett, but the Gardner News said - no! What gives, The Gardner News, Are your reporters on a"do not interview" PHC or Jeff Bennett? Was John Paul Salamanca put on sanctions by the Gardner news? Is that why he left the Gardner news? I walked up three flights of stairs to bring the Gardner news my ads, but they refused my letter to the editor or even a paid ad. Alberta Bell said she would speak to her editors and give me a call – she never did. I wonder if the Gardner news has had threats to be sued by the powers that was. I am waiting for someone to sue my opinions.

I am going to try to put a political ad in the Gardner news this week, let's see what happens. As Alfred Hitchcock always says, I must remind you people in the audience we do not have commercials, so vote "no" on the recall of Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell February 6, 2012, or we will start doing commercials every 2 min. Hee hee he. Here’s a note to remember selectmen Bob Columbus asked me at the end of the selectmen's meeting - what was I laughing at, I said if a person can't laugh and enjoy it someone should make a law against laughing. Then I, PHC would have to break that law .Sound like a good idea well people that's all for now, thanks for reading my opinion. PHC

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