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Monday, February 20, 2012

Flouride by Peter Farrell

    Templeton residents who have spent their lives ingesting fluoride without knowing what the health hazards are would do well to take the time to learn what the EPA scientists have to say on this subject  these are the Doctors and Scientists who are responsible for keeping us healthy. 

     Many Templeton residents are unaware that Templeton was one of the first communities in Massachusetts to legally adopt fluoridation.  According to the book Truth Decay by Gladys Caldwell and Dr. Philip E. Zanfagna,M.D. on page 20  Miss Florence Birmingham states for the record as a trustee for the Wrentham State Institution for the feeble minded that the children were being used as guinea pigs in the ten year American Fluoride experiment.  Miss Birmingham goes on to state that a doctor opposed to fluoridation loaned her a book published by the Department of Health titled Commonwealth, from which she learned that the Wrentham and Belchertown schools for feeble-minded were being used in the experiment, with the Fernald School used as the non-fluoridated control. 

     Templeton residents may breathe a sigh of relief to know that our boys were spared the fluoride experiments until they read The Plutonium Files by Eileen Welsome.  According Ms. Welsome the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University working in conjunction with the Atomic Energy Commission and the University of Rochester and Doctor Harold Hodge were injecting and feeding radioactive isotopes of Uranium and Plutonium into the residents of the Fernald School.  The military-industrial complex counts heavily on fluoride, as it is the most extreme oxidizer on the periodic chart.  Atomic bombs and fluoride go together like hot dogs and beans. 

     The original experiments on fluoride began in 1945 at Grand Rapids Michigan with the control city being Muskegon Michigan.  The experiment in Michigan was halted early by pro fluoridation forces using the excuse that fluoride was working so well in Grand Rapids that Muskegon need not wait till the end of the experiment for the benefits. 

     The second experiment on fluoridation was done just west of here on the Hudson River cities of Newburg New York and Kingston New York.  The Newburg experiment also started in 1945 and continues to the present.  Even though there is fifty years of statistics available there is no difference in the rate of tooth decay. An interesting aside is that Newburg at the start of the experiment had much higher levels of calcium and magnesium in their water supply compared to Kingston.  These nutrients are associated with good nutrition and good teeth. The experiments were rigged from the start.

     Newburg’s water is also used at West Point our military academy.  Those who have seen the movie Doctor Strangelove may have a better appreciation for Colonel Jack Ripper’s anger.  As fluoride was indicated by the pro fluoridation forces for those whose enamel was being formed (less than 12 years old) it is confusing at best to speculate why fluoride would be needed for the young cadets.

     The Newburg-Kingston experiment was to go ten years ending in 1955.  Templeton began fluoridation in 1951 four years before the results of the Newburg-Kingston trials.

     Fluoride has been associated with lower IQ, cataracts,arthritist, cancer, ADHD, alheimers,birth defects, thyroid problems to name a few.  

     Templeton residents would be wise to take the time to watch the following video this informative piece will pique your interest on the subject.  For those who have less time on their hand this video is superb  

Dr. Paul Connett the author of The Case Against Fluoride and the preceding video has done much to spread the news that fluoride needs a closer look.

     The Fluoride Action Network is an excellent source of info on fluoride.

     Templeton Mass Afa is a facebook site dedicated to informing people on the problems of fluoridation.

     If you would like to sign the petition to get rid of fluoride from Templeton’s water supply or join effort to end fluoridation in Templeton

please contact me at 978-939-2501 or email

     Thank you for your interest.

Pete Farrell



  1. NaCL can be toxic too. Yet we'd die without it in our diet. People can die from drinking too much water or too little. Virtually anything can be ingested in toxic amounts. If you are unconvinced about the benefits of fluoridation see the link below, ask a dentist. I was at one of our local dentists when an 18 girl came in that had to have full dentures as all her teeth had rotted out...By 18.
    For those unfamiliar with CDC, it stands for the Center for Disease Control.


    For 65 years, community water fluoridation has been a safe and healthy way to effectively prevent tooth decay. CDC has recognized water fluoridation as one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century.

    Learn more detailed information on the following topics:

    The Benefits page provides information on the oral health benefits of fluoride to individuals and communities.
    The Safety page provides references and other information about fluoride safety.
    The Statistics page provides access to data sources such as the National Oral Health Surveillance System.
    The Engineering and Operations page provides information on water fluoridation technical assistance resources to state programs.
    Other Fluoride Products describes forms of fluoride delivery other than water fluoridation.
    Guidelines and Recommendations offers technical information on programs, and Fact Sheets covers specific topics. See also Journal Articles, Related Links

    1. As grown adults, we Templeton taxpayers have the right to drink unfluoridated water. If you think fluoride is so great then YOU drink it. If someone wants fluoride then they can get it in their toothpaste but no one has the right for FORCE me to drink it.

      How much do we pay to have this crap added to our water ??

      Fluoride is a nuclear waste product. it would have cost the gov millions to dispose of it properly so what did they do ? they whipped up a PR campaign to get everyone to accept it as a "miracle" cure to tooth decay. why pay to dispose of your hazardous waste when you can get everyone to pay you to add it to the water.

      How dumb are those who believed the gov in the first place !!

      Sheep lead to a slaughter.....don't be a fool ! get rid of it now !!

    2. So Walt...what your saying is we NEED fluoride in our water ?? for the simple reason of preventing tooth decay ?? why is tooth decay such a priority ?? why are people who are to lazy to brush their teeth my problem ??

      heart disease is a much bigger problem here in the should we put statins and fish oil in the water to prevent heart problems ??

      depression is a huge issue in America...should we put lithium in the water to make us happy ??

      hell......we can add ton's of medicine to the water to prevent everything right ? vitamins for people who don't eat right and Lamasil so we don't get foot problems....Rogaine for people who have hair problems and while were at it lets dump antibiotics into the water so no one gets an infection.

      where does it end Walt ?? and why does this nanny state have to shove this crap down our throats when we really don't need it.

      buy fluoride in your toothpaste or mouthwash......keep it out of MY water that I pay for.

  2. try googling "floride in water with relation to Fibro myalgia"- My girlfriend Sue raised all her kids on well water - she made sure they went to the dentist every six months - paid for them to have floride treatments,not to mention braces - why must the government jam something down everyone throats because of parentss who don't take their kids to the dentist. And if the arguement is what if they can't afford it - ask Sue She did it as a single parent, working 2 jobs, no Mass health, 4 kids, and $90.00/wk child support -
