Paul working for you.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Please Read

This letter came to my email I want every one to read it.  I have left out the email address because I do not want anyone to get retaliation because of my blog. and to the person wrote this thank you so much and take care!

Dear Mr. Cosentino, I would like to thank you so very much for all the work you are doing on behalf of all of the "innocent" people in town & establishing this Pauly's Templeton Watch site. Plus, commend you on your bravery, honesty, integrity and unwavering due diligence in finding out & documenting all this information. I believe that you are absolutely correct in everything you have pointed out thus far & know for a fact that you are doing a great service to this town, it's taxpayers & all the citizens that reside here. Even those who don't follow politics or dare ask questions for fear of reprisal are going to benefit greatly from your courage & fortitude in raising the red flag
on some very erratic & abusive behavior which coincides with extremely questionable practices by the CS & GS regime.
I, for one, can attest to the bullying that has gone on for years in this town by a certain "special interest clique", other abuses of power by elected & appointed personnel & suspect that there has been more than one hand in the town's cookie jar. I don't have full proof but intuitively know that there is way way more here than meets the eye!! All this has gone on with no accountability to date, & somewhat unnoticed until you decided to question. You & a few others, like Julie, Bob & Jeff to name some who have been brave enough & committed enough to try to do something about this horrific debacle & bring our beloved Templeton back to it's former glory days when people actually cared for one another & did not just make decisions for a select greedy few. 

The lies that were circulated about Bob & Julie are despicable, if not close to criminal in order to get their old cronies back in office. This "let the people speak" group abused the recall system to the farthest degree possible. They also took advantage of the sick, ill informed & elderly. They should all be ashamed of themselves but there appears to be a bunch of hoodlums here who are devoid of any conscience & incapable of feeling any shame. They will act & stop at Nothing to get what they want. And if Templeton doesn't wake up soon they will leave us totally bankrupt. After they have milked us dry they will be out of here & we will be left flat out of luck. I have my doubts about the voting machines & those who are responsible for handling the process. Too many unanswered questions there, too!

If the recall jerks got people to think that no one can speak at a town meeting, when that was not what was the case at all, then good luck ever trying to speak again with this group of unscrupulous thugs in charge. I was a victim of that bunch of ruffians & CS henchmen & can tell you, I was skewered by them. Now, I don't call that being able to speak my thoughts without a heavy hand being thrust in my face. They caused me lots of trouble & it took me a few years to be able to feel that I was not being closely watched. I couldn't sleep nights because of the threats.

I hope as time goes on there will be more & more who pay closer attention to all wrongdoings in town & will get just how right you & those mentioned above have been. I think you & all who blog here are doing a good job of getting the word out. When the time is right, I will also have a tale to tell about the bullying, false accusations, trying to get me in deep trouble with their lies & setting me up for a fall because years ago I tried to bring out many of the same issues you have been discussing here. I was gone after in ways that shocked me!! I grew up here & always felt safe & free to discuss anything that I had questions about but oh how wrong I was then. I have things somewhat documented regarding those incidents should something "unexpected" happen to me. I can tell you, I was so flabbergasted, scared & in such disbelief that I didn't fully understand what was happening at the time but knew someone was trying to shut me up & cover up things I was trying to make better. Little did I get that they were afraid of being exposed for some pretty damned nasty underhanded corrupt doings. I stumbled, unexpectedly, into their pit of corruption that was filled with lies & deceipt & was basically told not to go that route again or "else"!!

Look out all you evil ones who do your dirty dealings in secret. The secret will be revealed soon. We honest taxpayers in this community have all been ripped off immensely for far too long. Thanks again for this blog site so we can post our opinions, as well. Because I have been threatened in the past, for safety reasons, name being withheld at this time. Will be let known if & when the time is right...

Thank You, Mr. Cosentino, Pauly, PHC,sr. for this opportunity to stand with you!! I am a strong supporter of not only you but have stood by Julie & Mitchell through this whole abuse of the recall system. Being left as the lone trustworthy selectman, I am also concerned for Jeff Bennett's safety at this time. Hope to meet you one day soon. Again, I can't thank you enough for all you are doing. I believe these unlawful shennanigans are going to blow up in their faces & they will all rat each other out sooner or later. Not soon enough for me. I also think these Templeton doings are even Bigger than most of us know at this time. My gut level tells me this is huge & we will likely find other participants that we never even imagined existed but are deeply connected to the old regime & the puppets they have put in place to do their bidding. God Bless you & keep you safe, always!!


  1. all i can say right now is WOW!!!!!!

    Keep up the good work pauly and jeff and maybe chris S will come around soon .

  2. Without any specific details, this is not much to go on. Nothing in this e-mail is actionable. If someone has specific details about abuse of power, they should come forward. Call the Gardner News or Worcester Telegram. Making vague statements is not particularly helpful.

    1. Tammy Coller,treasurer was bullied by Columbus and Skelton - she came forward - and the only ones who tried to help her and have the issue addressed were Julie and Bob M - and they were prevented from bringing it up at Selectmen Mtgs by Carol S, Bob C, Dennis O and Gerry S. Bob C had even written a letter that was published in the Gardner News asking for Tammy's resignation- After seeing how tammy was treated when she spoke up and where it got her - do you really think other employees are going to speak up and risk their jobs? Tammy had had enough and took a job in Ashburnham - we lost a good Treasurer. as far as The Gardner News goes - do you know how many times I wrote letters to the editor and they refused to publish them - letters with the facts. Others Jeff B Julie and Bob M have tried. The Gardner news is very very biased.

  3. your so right Mark, it is starting to sound like a lot of made up stuff, If there is that much proof out there lets get it out NOW before this group sinks because of "suspected fabrications" and the recall groups comes out smelling like roses.

  4. I believe this person is telling the truth and has proof. The fear of retaliation is very strong. Hopefully, someday it will all come out.

  5. I'm sure it is truth, but just writing it does nothing, I have been pushing Pauly's watch to everyone I know, recently I have heard several comments that "If there was that much illegal activity going on WHY has it taken so long", and "If there is so much documented proof there would be no problem having it investigated by authority's", I myself believe what is going on, but without documented proof in the papers or being "under investigation" by State officials, more and more people are losing faith in the credibility of these accusations.

    1. want to see the proof come to my house at 364 Patriots Rd - what authorities should investigate I have go to the Town Police the State police the Atty General the Sec of State the Inspector General the Dept of Rev/div of Local services - nothing was ever done I have letters where they all refer me back to the Board of selectmen -saying its a local problem. I am going tonight to the selectmen's mtg to ask again for a full investigation because I was told by Cheif Whittaker and Lt Capps Mass state police that they need the selectmen approval to start an investigation. Do you people understand why I am so frustrated. I was told by one person at the Dept of revenue/division of local service that "it's only the town of templeton (not important) it would be different if it was springfield or lawrence" People who have been bullied don't want to come forward for fear of retailiation. so stop up my house at the junkyard anytime and I'll show you all my files.

  6. Check out the latest entry on

    People who speak are going up against the power and political clout of K&P ....

    Retaliation is a fact of life in Templeton.

  7. Nothing is going to change as long as things remain shrouded in secrecy. That's how the recallcoming folks hoodwinked the voters.

    I'm not doubting what you say, but people have to ask themselves what price they're willing to pay for keeping things quiet. The former treasurer would seem to be beyond reach of the Templeton BOS. Will she make her situation known?

    People who KNOW of wrongdoing need to step forward if the wrongdoing is going to stop. I appreciate what you've done Mr. Cosentino.
