Paul working for you.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Response to Bernard Heaney, 40 years a resident of Templeton

-Mr. Heaney after 40 years in Templeton you just decided to find time to see how Templeton has been run? What were you doing the other 39 years? How come it took you so long to speak out against people that you think are "bad apples" where have you been for the last 10 years? 2002 two 2011? When all this mess started with the board of selectmen and other elected officials. You must have been on the third stool on the right at the Legion.
You know me personally as a former Marine and I know you personally as a former Marine so that settles that. It's now about your ad on page 5 of the Gardner news knocking Robert Mitchell to the max-also Julie Farrell being knocked for her language. By the way you, yes you Bernie mentioned a “fart in the whirlwind" when referring to Julie Farrell. Now do you think "fart in the whirlwind" is anything like a sexual intellectual? Like on your part of the ad on page 5 in the Gardner news you mentioned Bob Mitchell as a very angry man. If that's the case where have you been at selectmen's meetings when he, Bob Mitchell was thrown under the bus by the very people that you think are good old boys and girls. Bob put up with their bull---for a few years. Yes years. and then he got angry and ran for Selectman three times and finally he won a seat on the select board. Bob has been trying to get this mess cleaned up, along with Julie Farrell. Julie and Mitchell have always been voted out by 3-2 vote. Did you know that? If you attended selectmen's meeting you would have noticed this 3-2 gang as I call it. In my opinion. Now Bernie do you remember the election with Bennett and Skelton? What say now! Bernie, remember the scuttlebutt saying "in the Marine world" is that the way you are getting your info on Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell? Also remember to first fight for rights and freedom and to keep our honor clean and be proud to be Templeton residents. Pretty good huh?
Not so in a handful of residents that have been in Templeton for 40 years or more in still haven't learned the rules. Other words, get permission to speak or don't speak-get it? It's in Robert's rules. But if you don't understand English what's the point of Roberts rule? And as far as Bob Mitchell saying one more part of the board of selectmen needs to be removed, what's the point, look at Jay Skelton's half page ad in the Gardner news. He prints another recall effort could soon focus on the third official. So Mr. Heaney I is still slamming Julie and Bob Mitchell for saying one more part of the board needs to be removed. Is Jay Skelton siding with Bob Mitchell on another board member needing to go? If you want to discuss any of these things I write about, come on up I have my files right in my kitchen. The truth is not "out there" it's here in my kitchen on paper. Vote AGAINST the recall of Julie Farrell and vote AGAINST the recall of Bob Mitchell in vote NO on the 252 Baldwinsville Rd. project. Too many and I mean too many unanswered questions!!!!
Why in the "Devils name", get it? The Devils name. Can't these recall people wait until the next election? I know exactly why. Most of the voters have learned that these people are not truthful and will do anything to upset and annoyed the honest law abiding citizens in Templeton. Wasting our time with cheap sh---. By the way, how do you polish a turd? This might be useful to my friends at the treatment plant hee hee he.

PS where in the world did a former Marine like you learn these dirty words? Bernie when was the last time you recited the Marine Corps hymn? From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli! Thanks for reading my opinions.
One more question for the Gardner news, why is it when I went down to have my simple ad put in as you can see on page 2 these last few days, the Gardner news give me a hard time and almost refused to print it. Yet Mr. Heeney was allowed to write all kinds of lies about Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell and the Gardner news seems to have no problem printing it. Maybe it's time we all canceled subscriptions to the Gardner News!

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