Tuesday, July 31, 2012

a Blog from Maggie

Any possibility of posting this on the blog?
Maggie Balins
We should ALL do this. It COULD change things...
AUGUST 1st to Sept. 1st
Well over 50 yrs ago I knew a lady who would not buy Christmas gifts if they were made in China .
Did y'all see Diane Sawyer's special report? They removed ALL items from a typical, middle class family's home that were not made in the USA .
There was hardly anything left besides the kitchen sink. Literally.

Let Bylaws be bylaws

It seems the former scribe to the advisory board is upset that the Town of Templeton is following its own bylaws. To send a letter to the BOS asking to use town counsel for this issue is beyond strange and underscores the reason why this individual is no longer a member of the advisory board.

My opinions…supported by FACTS!

Julie Farrell

A concerned resident from Carver MASS, we have Kopelman and Page as town attorneys‏

Dear Sir,

I live in Carver Mass. The Town of Carver has had K&P as their town attorneys. They have an awful record and charge to much money. The majority of residents would like to see them go.

Recently, three of our selectmen tried to look into other town council. It did not happen.

Do you have any suggestions on what we can do to bring light to K&P and how bad they are? Can you sign me up for your emails via your blog?

Lisa Martin
Carver MA

This was in my email .anyone want to respond?

Monday, July 30, 2012

from the Selectmen corner III

If one goes to the office of Templeton Town Clerk, you can ask to see the appointments made to the Advisory Board over the past years. You can see that in the past there have been some appointments made to said board by the town moderator in the middle of the year, say in August of 2011. There are other years that this has happened with different Town Moderators. This is and has been wrong if one looks at, reads and decides to follow the Templeton Town By-laws. Templeton town by-law, Article IV - Advisory Committee

from the Selectman's corner II

Apparently Larry Bankowski feels I have a personal bias against him because i have spoke about him on the blog and at selectmen meetings. Nothing is further from the truth. My concerns have been stated and backed up by fact and paperwork. Larry was not recommended for the job by his past superior. In the military when the XO is not recommended for the position of command by the commander, it means that in the eyes of the commander they are not ready, it can be decision making, lack of training, experience past performance and on and one. Larry stated he has been on the fire department for 3o plus years and does not have a basic EMT certificate, flag # 1 Larry was not recommended by departing fire chief Tom Smith, flag #2 Larry took vacation without notifying the Board of selectmen,

where oh where has Scrappy been??????

Theft Alert

Theft of Storm Drains
Date of Occurrence:7/26/2012
Location:CUMBERLAND, RI 02864 US
Material:Ferrous metal
Details:Cumberland Police are investigating the theft of storm drains again. The drains are square type with an X marked in the top middle of the drain. DPW workers used grinders and marked an X in the center of all Town of Cumberland Drains. If any info contact Cumberland Police.
Reported Value:
Additional Info:
Law Enforcement Contact:Agency: Cumberland Police Department
Phone: 401-333-2500
Contact Name: Peter Provencal
Contact Email: pprovencal@cumberlandpolice.com
Case Identifier: 12-2390-OF


The is a debate between some of the candidates running for state rep.
Wednesday August 1st 7:00PM
Narragansett Middle School Auditorium

Rumor has it Mr Caamanos of The Gardner News will be  Moderator!!!!!
OOH BOY!!!!!!

Thank you and Block party info

The Committee for the 250th East Templeton Block Party would like to send out a big “THANK YOU” to the Town Cemetery and Parks Department-Alan Mayo and his crew-for the great work they are doing in getting East Templeton Center ready for the upcoming Block Party-Saturday, August 4th from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.  See you there!!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Senior Center

In my opinion Mark Barrieau is right when he asked about the highway department saving money for the town, was that savings reverted back to the town? Good question Mark. Did the light and water department give the highway department anything on the water breaks? What junk’s did they use on that job? If the highway department did not use "our junks" on non-highway issues, it would not wear out our-junks so fast. Other words like Frank Moschetti says about hiring people out of Leominster to do work per hour instead of local contractors that pay taxes in Templeton.

from Pete F

Hi Paul
Interesting work out of Harvard concerning fluoride on IQ. If you have a chance someone might find it interesting Thanks. Pete.

Harvard’s Jekyll and Hyde
Templeton residents who have been following the effects of fluoride on human health should be curious to see that Harvard School of Public Health has recently come out in agreement with studies showing a drop in IQ associated with fluoride in the water supply.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

From the Selectman's Corner

Taxpayers of Templeton may be glad to know that through the budget and office hours cut, they saved thousands of dollars in a pay period. (exact number at next selectmen meeting) The selectmen have agreed to send a request to the water department to reimburse the town for the overtime wages of the highway department who worked on the water breaks. The accounting firm hired to close out the 2012 books and look at a few things informed us that the one admin person at the sewer department doing both billing and collection along with receivables is bad and needs to change, more at upcoming selectmen meeting.

Friday, July 27, 2012

You are invited! from Denise Andrews' Office

Please Join Chairwoman Alice Wolf & Representative Denise Andrews
& staff from the Joint Committee on Elder Affairs for an
Elder Affairs Town Hall

Wednesday, August 1, 2012 from 2:30PM to 4:00PM
at the Erving Senior Center, located at 1 Care Drive

The Elder Affairs Town Hall Forum will be an opportunity for Second Franklin district seniors, family, senior organizations, elder service providers, councils on aging, health care providers, transportation and housing and municipal leaders to come together and share  about the ongoing progress, issues and challenges facing elders in our region and across the Commonwealth. This will be an open forum where attendees will hear about the progress as well as key legislation and policy matters before the Legislature and have a chance to share their ideas and concerns.
Light refreshments will be served. Please feel free to share this invitation broadly with anyone you think may interested. If you have any questions please contact Brian Eno (Brian.Eno@mahouse.gov or call at (617) 722-2460.
"A test of a people is how it behaves toward the elders. The affection and care for elders are the true gold mines of a culture." - Rabbi Abraham J. Heel

a repost

Found something in my papers that I thought deserved a reprint
remember click on the blue words

Board of selectmen Farrell

I am answering Julie's comment of July 25, 2012. Okay all is said to protect the $220 to Koonce. If you follow the rules, you, yes you Julie could draw up a letter to Mr. Koonce (I will pay for the paper, envelopes, stamp) to return the $220 and it will be the end of the story. If not I will as a taxpayer take Koonce to small claims court for making a false payroll claim and getting a selectmen to sign it.

Campaigning in Templeton

Nice to see a candidate paying attention to Templeton!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


We forgot a a Thank you on the list of fund raisers
We also should have mentioned them in the "shop local" blog we had. Sue loves Valley Florist because she can just pick up the phone and tell them what she wants and who it's going to and they do it beautifully!

And we hope that everyone out there patronizes the local businesses that supported us in the fundraiser!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Investigation into Wrong Doings

There have been many allegations of alleged (just covering my a_ _) wrongdoings in the Town of Templeton. Pauly’s Templeton Watch has brought forth many instances of wrongdoings in Templeton. Pauly has tried to get some type of investigation going to no avail. Pauly has asked the BOS to ask for investigation by the Attorney General’s office. The BOS refused to ask for an investigation or allow Pauly to conduct an investigation. BOS meeting March 5, 2012

There will certainly be a Special Town Meeting in the fall. My proposal is to submit a citizen petition at that special town meeting in the fall to ask for special legislation requesting that the Attorney General and/or Inspector General to conduct an investigation into wrongdoings in Templeton to include but not be limited to:

$220 overpayment to former conservation agent

$14,000 settlement agreement with Jeffrey Ritter w/o town meeting approval

The entire 252 Baldwinville Road boondoggle.

The Casella settlement for $300,000…how did the water department get money from Casella?

Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 - the hostile takeover of the Water Department by the Light Department.

The WWTP contract. The 1991 Assignee and Assumption agreement with American Tissue was determined in a court of law to be invalid. Erving should be on the hook for any and all costs associated with the WWTP NOT the ratepayers and Taxpayers in Templeton. (8-10 million in damages). 1999 summary by Mirick O’Connell.

Writs of attachment – Why did K&P charge the town to follow a bankruptcy case we wren at a party to? Why did K&P allow the Writs of attachment to expire? Writ of attachment 1 Writ of attachment 2 (page 1 is a negative)

Should Pauly be upset about wrongdoings in Templeton? Absolutely! However, the Town of Templeton can NOT afford a protracted legal battle on any of the aforementioned issues. It will take over 200 signatures from registered voters in the Town of Templeton for a citizen petition to be included on the Fall Special Town Meeting warrant. Unlike the Annual Town Meeting, the signature requirement has always been 200 signatures for a special town meeting citizen petition.

Please add your comments on other wrongdoings in Templeton that you would like to add to the list above.

My opinions…supported by FACTS !

Julie Farrell

July 24, 2012
Board of Selectmen
POB 250
Templeton, MA 01468

Dear Board Members,

Due to the fact that the Conservation Agent was again overpaid, I propose that Virginia Wilder and George Andrews either repay the town the $220.00 that Mr. Koonce was paid or they recover the money from Mr. Koonce without any cost to the town. Ms. Wilder as a selectman and Mr. Andrews as chairman of the Conservation Commission had the duty to verify that the voucher they signed for Mr. Koonce was correct. They both failed to do this. Therefore, I believe that the best was to rectify this and prevent any other elected/appointed official from blindly signing a voucher for the town to pay out money is to have them reimburse the town the immediately. We need to start holding our elected and appointed officials accountable and stop saying, oh well it’s too late, he already got the money!


Paul H. Cosentino, Sr.
POB 177
Templeton, MA 01468

Cc: Conservation Commission

I dropped this off in person to the selectmen office.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Stealing our money!
I, PHC Sr am disgusted with the way the end of Monday’s July 23rd selectmen  meeting went after I asked the Chair Chris Stewart to be heard. I asked Virginia Wilder why she signed a payroll voucher for the concom agent for $220.00. well after a little, ers – ors & ums, Virgina said she signed the voucher because concom Chairman George Andrews said it was ok. Pretty good answer huh? George Andrews has only been concom chairman by illegal means. Only 1 year between Grimley  and Andrews

Kudos to Winchendon

In my opinion it's about time the town of Winchendon let the taxpayers in on a big secret, if that's the proper word for the front-page report of the gardner news July 18, 2012-thefts investigate-we the taxpayers in Templeton have been waiting long time to read the official report of that investigation, because here in Templeton we have a special interest about that Winchendon deal, if you know what I mean?

Don't give up

In my opinion if a person wants a change in Templeton, don't just talk about it, put it on paper. So it can be discussed by all concerned. Don't-sneak around with a handful of hypocrites and upset your friends and neighbors, here the ridicule and if you feel you made a mistake, withdraw and forget it all happen. Don't say-I didn't suggest a thing like that. Put it on paper and sign it and of the problem okay. I'm talking about the

Monday, July 23, 2012

another day in Templeton

From Anonymous

And yet another three hour BOS Meeting that could have been managed more efficiently! Just another day in Templeton! Here are some of my thoughts:
Scrappy – Your continued presence on the Board is a disgrace to this community. I, for one, am outraged that someone with such a lack of integrity is one of my representatives on the Board of Selectmen. I am nothing like you, and I would never willingly allow anyone like you to have any influence over my life. We all know what you’ve done, and we think even less of you because of the way in which the situation was handled. Not only did your “behavior result in your no longer being employed,” but you also lied in The Gardner News when you said that you had another job opportunity. What is that opportunity again? How can you sit on the Board knowing that so many people dislike you? Every time you smile or chuckle, or every time you try to shoot the breeze with a town employee, or even Kay Doyle on stage at Town Meeting, all we can think about is how arrogant and foolish you are for not taking responsibility for your actions, and for continuing this charade. What have you contributed to this Town? Any ideas? Anything?
Virginia – Don’t think for a minute that praising Eileen Clarkson for finding ways to supplement her salary makes you look like a kind, caring individual. She didn’t do anything heroic or commendable, she simply wants more money and found a way to get some. So the next time you try the kinder, gentler Virginia routine, make sure you choose the right moment to sing someone’s praises. It’s kind of like when you thanked Tammy C. for her services. We just don’t buy it!
Chris- The “I don’t know anything about that” line is getting old. Do your homework, and show some leadership. We all know you want to avoid conflict at all costs, but it’s making you seem like a weak leader. Instead of scolding Jeff Bennett for holding our Interim Fire Chief accountable, you should take a cue from his lead and assert your own authority. Any individual who is a candidate for a job, and is serving as an interim, has a true advantage in that they can demonstrate their worth as an employee. How much revenue will be lost if we can’t have Templeton EMTs respond to calls? I hope the Board realizes the importance of having a certified EMT as Chief. If you no longer wish to serve, Chris, or if you are unable to make the proper time commitment, just resign. With positions to fill and a host of other matters to attend to, we can’t have a part-time Chairman.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

250th parade

Okay everyone we have decided to do a "Pauly's  Templeton Watch"  float for the 250th parade!!!  So let's get working.

Mr Sunshine - by Pete Farrell

Hi Paul
I have attached a blog concerning sun expose and melanoma with my personal hero Dr. Mercola. I will also paste into email. Thanks.

Mr. Sunshine
Templeton residents who are as confused about when and how long sun expose is affecting their health might be surprised to learn that the major factor to vitamin D production and its health benefits are related to how high the sun is in the sky. According to Dr. Mercola the healthful rays are ultra violet B rays that promote vitamin D production from cholesterol in our bodies. The following ten-minute video by Dr. Mercola is helpful in explaining how vitamin D is produced and how to check for proper sun location using the United States Naval Observatory tables.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


would like to thank all who made the
Fontaine Family Fundraiser a success.

Rhode’s Paving Co.
The Red Onion
Wilson Bus Lines
Candlelight Cafe
The Kitchen Garden
FA Moschetti & Sons, Inc.
Rick Bankowski /ZBoys Heating
Lee’s Hot Dog Stand
Baldwinville Station
Steve & Rosella LaPrise/LaPrise Carpet Cleaning
Joe Boyd
Theresa & Pete Kasper
Janice Morse-Fadden/The Chair Shoppe
The Elwell Family
Ruth & Jim Alie
Kent Songer
Eddie & Linda McClure
Kathy Roth
Julie & Pete Farrell
Doug & Dianna Morrison
Dot & Dan McKellick
Fred & Debbie Henshaw
Bev & Bart Bartholomeo
Sharon& Jonathon Olson
Suki Moore
Dana & Anne Blais
Carolyn & Will Spring
C O & S Garage/Paul Cosentino, Jr.
Pauly Cosentino & Sue Byrne
Pauly’s Templeton Watch

 Special Thanks to:
Templeton Fish & Game Club for letting us use their club for the event.

Pete Farrell & Bob Goodwin for entertaining us all evening with great music.

Kevin Bird for documenting the night in pictures.

All those who donated Cakes for the Cake Walk.

All the people who bought tickets and Raffle tickets and played the Cake Walk.

Over $2,400.00 was raised for Laura!

And those who worked their tails off, Bev, Julie, Carolyn, Will, Darren, Ashley, Carol, Theresa, Deb, Dianna, Doug, & Sue


New Boss in town.

A word-of-mouth has it, that V Wilder signed to approve giving the parasite ex-con con agent $220 for unused sick time. One signature, yes and according to Jeff Bennett, this is wrong. He – the agent, does not qualify for the pay and I have records that say he juggled the payroll sheets, want proof? My suggestion to Virginia Wilder is to go to Boxborough and get our money back now.


Just wanted to let everyone know - We raised $2,400.00 for Cindy and Tuna and Laura. This is what OUR TOWN OF TEMPLETON IS ABOUT!!!!  Thank you to all!!
I'm exhausted,  I'm going to bed!
Anonymously Sue

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Okay all you Blog followers

I expect to see you all Friday night (20th) at the Templeton Fish & Game Club  Bev. Ashley, Julie, Sally Carolyn, Doug, Dianna, Steve L, Rosella, The Onion People, Steve F, Raeleen, Joe, Bob, Carol, Darren, Theresa, Sue have all worked hard - hope I didn't miss anyone, if I did I'm sorry. Let's all support Tuna, Cindy and Laura.  I've checked out the raffle items -  nice stuff!!!! Maybe   you'll see me doing the cake walk. lol, So get you as--- there!! lol Pauly

Settlement vs. Separation Agreements

Settlement vs. Separation Agreements

Please review the Settlement Agreement with Mr. Ritter negotiated by the former Templeton BOS. Please review the Separation Agreement and General Release signed by Mr. Mullins on February 28, 2012.

Mr. Mullins’ Separation Agreement was negotiated by the Winchendon Town Manager, James Kreidler. Please review the recently released Winchendon BOS Executive session minutes from June 14, 2012. Please review the Templeton Executive session minutes to “Get rid of Jeff Ritter”.

 I wonder if Mr. Mullins can now “define the term “force”?

For the record, I did submit a public record request to Winchendon Town Manager, James Kreidler for these records back in March 2012. Why were these records released at THIS point in time? I, for one, welcome your conjecture as to why these records were released. Why would an innocent person sign a document like this?

My opinions… supported by FACTS.

Julie Farrell

From a personnel Board member

Personnel Policy on pq. 23 Section C 
Policy does not pay by hours, but by days. The policy states that 40% of unused sick time would be paid at a rate of $10 per day to a maximum of 40 days.Part timeemployees unused sick time is pro-rated.  The 
gentleman accumulated 275 hour. Multiply that by 40% =110 hrs. 110 hrs. Divided by 8 = 14 days. (rounded up)
14 days multiplied by 10= $140.00.
$140.00 should be paid if unused sick time was 
Rae-Ann Trifilo, Personnel Board Member
Sent from Rae-Ann Trifilo's I Pad

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

They did it again!

Well guess what the ConCom agent with the help of Chairman George Andrews has cost us taxpayers again!!! Seems the ConCom Agent put in for his unused sick time. He had no documentation on how he kept track of it or how it was calculated. Chairman George Andrews and Selectman Virginia Wilder signed off on paying him $220.00 for 275 unused hours. This was not voted at a ConCom meeting! Don't these people check what they sign. if Mr K had 275 hours of unused sick days at 5 hours accumulated a month, 12 months a year plus and 1 extra, so he would get 13 months @ 5 hours a month (per personnel policy)
so 65 hours a year - to have 275 he would have had to worked over 4 years with out taking a sick day. Now Mr k only started working February 25, 2008 for the first few months he gets no benefits, aside from him being on 6 month probationary  period he was under 20 hours - no benefits so on July 1 2008 (fy09) he could start accumulating sick time FY09 to FY12 is 4 years so he never took a sick day yea right.  Now remember George Andrews is the one who back in 2003 made the motion at a concom meeting to just "give JoAnn Burdin the $1400. Left in the concom acct. so it "wouldn't go back to the town.
PS he also filed for workers comp against the Highway Dept and was caught working elsewhere. Do we really need people like this around. when will they stop ripping off us taxpayers!!!
my opinions Pauly

It Takes A Thief…..

It Takes A Thief…..

Today, Wednesday July 18, 2012, The Gardner News reported on the problems in Winchendon. There appears to be a problem with employees stealing  either water or other items in Winchendon.  The Gardner News article references the executive session  minutes from the June 14th Winchendon BOS meeting. I was able to obtain these minutes with a public records request.

I was able to obtain a copy of the Separation Agreement and General Release signed by Mr. Mullins on February 28, 2012. That agreement will be the subject of a different blog.

My opinions only!  Blog On!

Julie Farrell

To steal an election.


Thefts investigated before release of town employees
Executive session minutes detail discussion of situation surrounding DPWworkers
News Staff Writer

WINCHENDON — Five municipal employees who left their jobs since February had been investigated for stealing from the town, according to documents released this week.

Gary Niles, Geary Priest, and Mark Anderson all left their jobs with the Winchendon Department of Public Works in June after they signed documents admitting to stealing town water. The situation was discussed during a June 14 executive session of the Board of Selectmen, the minutes of which were released Monday.

Mr. Priest declined to comment when contacted Tuesday. Mr. Niles and Mr. Anderson could not be reached for comment.

According to the minutes and the respective separation and release agreements the three men signed with the town — which were released Tuesday — they all tampered with their water meters in order to avoid being billed for water used.

According to the minutes, officials first became aware of the situation when United Water, the firm the town contracts with for water service, was fine-tuning the new meter reading system in town. Some of the accounts came back reading zero water use and were flagged, the minutes indicate.

When the information was looked at more closely, four accounts came back showing four to six weeks of average use, followed by six weeks of no usage at all. 

“This (pattern) was repeated and indicative of meter tampering,” the minutes state.

Three of those accounts belonged to Mr. Niles, Mr. Priest and Mr. Anderson, and the fourth belonged to a United Water employee, according to the minutes. 

The United Water employee involved will no longer work in Winchendon, the minutes indicate. The three former DPW employees agreed to pay restitution and give up accrued sick time.

The discussion in the June 14 minutes also involved an investigation into stealing from the town’s transfer station. Two employees — Patrick Mullins and Donald Perini — left their positions at the station earlier this year, and their respective separation and release agreements with the town were also released Tuesday.

According to the minutes, Mr. Kreidler stated at the meeting that the men’s “actions led them to no longer being employed.”

On February 28, Patrick Mullins resigned from his position as the foreman at the transfer station, and Donald Perini  resigned as a laborer at the transfer station on March 1.

Neither Mr. Perini nor Mr. Mullins could be reached for comment.

According to Mr. Perini’s release agreement with the town, he admitted to stealing scrap metal from the transfer station, selling it at local scrap dealers and pocketing the cash. The agreements states Mr. Perini did this with another town employee. Mr. Perini also agreed to make $300 restitution to the town.

Mr. Mullins makes no admission in his release, but agrees to waive his rights to pursue any legal action against the town, and the town agrees to not pursue action against Mr. Mullins.

At the time, Mr. Mullins and Mr. Perini were the only town employees assigned to the transfer station.

In the case of Mr. Priest, Mr. Niles and Mr. Anderson, selectmen Chairman Robert O’Keefe wanted the town to pursue criminal charges, according to the minutes. Mr. Kreidler countered that firing the men and charging them criminally would have resulted in them losing their pensions.

“Just purely through a humanity perspective, (Mr. Kreidler) said he couldn’t set into motion an action that these people of 34 and 27 years of service to the town would most likely result in the loss of their pension,” the minutes state.

According to the minutes, Mr. Kreidler also spoke of his need to protect the town from any legal entanglement, such as a wrongful termination lawsuit, a union arbitration or any other possible liability.

Mr. O’Keefe questioned the decision to not charge the men with a crime, given the earlier investigation at the transfer station and the subsequent departure of its two employees. Some of the water thefts occurred after the two transfer station employees resigned, according to the minutes.

“O’Keefe asked what does this tell us? Kreidler responded they did not get the message. O’Keefe said the message has been received; that it is not a deterrent and they are not listening,” the minutes state.

The minutes state Mr. Kreidler put forward a plan to get the three DPW employees to resign, freeing the town of liability while still making it a punitive action. According to the plan outlined, instead of allowing the men to simply resign and leave with their pensions, the three men would have to give up some of the financial benefits of resigning.

According to the release agreements signed after the meeting, Mr. Niles, Mr. Priest and Mr. Anderson all agreed to  give up their accrued sick time.

Certain union employees in town can accrue sick time and vacation time and get paid for that time upon retirement. Mr. Niles would have been due more than $2,000 in the accrued sick time benefits, while Mr. Anderson was in line for more than $5,000 in sick time and Mr. Priest for more than $10,000 in sick time.

Under the terms of the agreement, Mr. Niles agreed to pay the town $251 restitution and waive all accrued sick time. Of that sick time, 25 percent of the value would go to the town’s water enterprise fund “for damages caused by the (employee’s) actions.” Mr. Niles was paid for all accrued but unused vacation time.

Mr. Anderson made a similar agreement, paying the town $678 restitution and waiving the right to sick time accrued. Again, 25 percent of the sick time value went to the water enterprise fund, and Mr. Anderson was paid for vacation time.

Mr. Priest agreed to pay $26 restitution and waive his accrued sick time, with 25 percent going to the water enterprise fund. Mr. Priest had no accrued vacation time, according to the agreement.

According to the June 14 minutes, Mr. Kreidler told selectmen such a deal in which the transfer station employees  simply left and one made restitution was in the best interest of the town.

When three other DPW employees were caught stealing from the town eight years ago, one of those employees was fired, but got his job back through union arbitration.

The deals did not sit well with all the members of the board, the minutes indicate.

“(Selectman Elizabeth) Hunt voiced her concerns that the Town Manager was being too soft and had concerns in the future with him not being able to fire someone,” the minutes state.

Mr. Kreidler defended his actions, according to the minutes, saying each case needs to be handled on an individual basis and the town’s best interests need to be balanced against the possibility of criminal action. The town manager stated “the bottom line is what is best for the town,” the minutes indicate.

Mr. O’Keefe said the town will take a hard line against future theft, according to the minutes — stating “we will not tolerated this ever again” — and he expressed his hope that the situations discussed at the June 14 session would come to the attention of the public.


Hi Pauly,
Moses is passing out cigars and as you can see I think this is where the expression " Belly up to the bar " came from. What do think? Attached is Morgan and her one day old pups.
In about 4 or five weeks they will love some family's and company to play with. Just call if you want to visit.

Steve L

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

9/11,Oil and the Brute Squad from Pete Farrell

       An apology goes out to Templeton residents who signed a statewide citizen’s petition for an investigation of events surrounding 9/11/01.  Even though enough signatures were gathered in Templeton other communities through out the state were lacking.
      Not to be discouraged information was gathered by myself and other likeminded individuals and will be presented in the following blogs.
     Special thanks goes to Pauly’s Templeton Watch for bringing information concerning 9/11 that you most likely will not get in the main stream media.
Hmm where has Scrappy been??

Theft Alert

Theft of Antique Brass Hardware, Door Knobs & Various other ITems
Date of Occurrence:7/4/2012 night
Location:BRIMFIELD, MA 01010 US
Material:Ferrous metal; Copper/Brass; Nickel/Stainless Steel/Alloy
Details:This theft includes items such as:..10 brass mail slot plates...2 crates fancy cast bass door hinges 5x5 each...20 brass lock sets door knobs, plates & lock box...12 small round brass wall sconces...9 pair fancy pair brass and irons and more. The first theft was between the 3rd week in May to July 2nd. This list is much longer but some items are as follows... nickel ice box hinges 8 in long & filled a milk crate... several fireplace log holders & tool sets...4 sets brass and irons...brass grate 2'x2'...5 brass fireplace fenders 8 in high...2 milk crates fancy brass door knobs...2 milk crates of brass door plates...6"round 10"high brass cylinder, hollow & off of machines...2 milk crates full of M&M man toy mold and stretch armstrong molds...7 milk crates of icebox hardware...6 milk crates of plumbing faucets tub nickel hardware, soap dishes & etc...1/2 crate brass doorbells...40 fancy doorbell push covers...brass bed parts...glass door knobs...copper mailbox looks like a train tunnel but 1 end was solid...brass mail slots...brass light switch covers...brass lock sets...brass light switch covers...brass round rosettes goes behind door knob...Lots of victorian brass door and furniture hardware and lots more.
Reported Value:$75,000.00
Additional Info:Please help us find the person or persons behind this theft and hopefully get our merchandise back. This theft is just devastating to this business. Thank You.
Law Enforcement Contact:Agency: Brimfield Police Department
Phone: 4132453442
Contact Name: Joel Norton
Contact Email:
Case Identifier: unknown...waiting on it
ISRI File ID:MA1207171240399277


What you have all been waiting for….

The following are the executive session minutes and videos of the meetings from March 12, 2012, March 26, 2012 and April 9, 2012. Please review.

March 12  Exec. Session minutes          March 12 part 1
                                                              March 12 part 2
                                                              March 12 part 3

March 26 Exec. Session minutes           March 26 part 1
                                                              March 26 part 2
                                                              March 26 part 3

click here April 9   Exec. Session minutes               
April 9  (E session)                                                                              
April 9 part 1
                                                              April 9 part 2
                                                              April 9 part 3

The blue links should open up googledocs or Youtube videos. I know there are some people out there in “Paulyland” who do NOT like googledocs. If you have another way of compressing large files for distribution via Internet, please share this information! I’m always willing to learn new ways of communicating information about what I think are important issues. 

Blog On!

Julie Farrell

Note click on the Blue dates in yellow highlight and read the executive session  minutes!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Recall supported Shaun Grimley's resignation is here. Read it very carefully and tell me what you all think.

Regionalization of the building department

Looking at the financial structure of the Templeton building department shows that for another year, the department is running in the red. Annual report of 2011 shows (page 15) that the total permit fees collected for the year is/was $23,347.00. The expenses listed for the department shows commissioner salary at $38,033.60, secretary salary at $24,196.68, office supplies at $1,900.00 and post office at $410.00 for a total of $64,640.38 - fees at $23,347.00 = $41,293.38. Taxpayers spent 41 grand to take in 23 grand.


I would like to send a HUGE THANK YOU to, Karin, Hal, Herb, Sue, Julie, Pete, Will (you were a huge help and stayed to the bitter end), David, Bev, and Carolyn. And Seth for his cutting expertise, thank you Seth (I Love you)!
Without them this would not have happened and we got the walls down and it look so much bigger and better. 
Thank you all, words cannot express the gratitude and appreciation of this bigger than I thought undertaking. YOU saved us $6,000.00.... 
Eileen Clarkson

More Video

 Part 3 of April 9 BOS meeting is here

Part2  is coming

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Water Blog

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all town employees for repairing the numerous water main breaks this weekend. The residents of Templeton are fortunate to have such dedicated and hardworking employees. It could not have been easy working on the water breaks with old equipment from the highway department, but the job got done.

Was Erving Responsible? By Pete Farrell

     Templeton residents interested in the history of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) contract may enjoy the meeting of 4/19/95.  EPA User Charge Coordinator Mark Malone was up to explain the User Charge System after contract operator Northeast Waste Services a subsidiary of American Tissues of Mass. was accused of bringing in hazardous waste materials and sickening citizens of the Town of Templeton.  


I just want to mention a few local businesses in town lets do our best to support all local businesses.

Want fresh produce - Ben and Madeline Haley's "Self serve" stand on 362 Baldwinville Rd also Steve LaPrise tells me that they have the best eggs.

The Kitchen Garden  268 Baldwinville Rd is another place to get locally grown produce along with Great muffins, Breads etc. also a great place to pick up a gift.

Valley View Farm Barre Rd - My son Billy tells me its the best corn around and don't forget Archie's raspberries!

Want Blueberries - stop at Yoke Farm on Old Winchendon Rd in Otter River. Terril Davis has "self serve"  right on his front lawn - nice, delicious berries. He also sells Dog houses, rabbit hutches  and picnic tables that they make themselves.

Need cord wood - stop in and see Johnathan Haley 325 Baldinville Rd, I've never seen a guy work so hard!!

Have a favorite local business - come on people sound off.

Oh I almost forgot, seems Steve L will be delivering puppies anytime now. Anyone who has bought one of Steve's dogs knows that they are some of the best Golden Retrievers around! One thing people may not know is that Steve takes his dogs to the Baldwinville Nursing Home to visit with the residents often. 


7PM - 11PM
MUSIC - RAFFLES - 50/50 RAFFLE - CAKE WALK (come and find out what it is)

A note to all who took tickets to sell - Julie has the deposit slips for the account so get the money back to her or Bev. Thanks to all who are out there selling tickets.

If anyone wants to make a money donation directly to the family, there is an account set up "Fomtaine Family Fund" at the Athol Savings Bank, 50 Elm Street Baldwinville 

and thanks to all who donated for the raffle. 

some thanks I have to add - Baldwinville Station (free breaakfast for 4   (Sue says they have the best Eggs Irish)
Thanks to the Ruth & Jim Alie for their donation.

Citizens 4 Templeton

PS Pauly will be there - for all of you who have never met him!

Moon dust carrot, where?

In my opinion the common should be left alone. Cut the grass, trim sides, give it a good look, let the people enjoy something that is natural to Templeton. Who wants the changes? What changes are wanted? And by who? On paper sound off on paper with a legible signature and wait for comments, especially from me phc sr. I want to answer to the 21st-century morons that want to change something just because they say so. Or is someone trying to get a shortcut from just before the country store to route 2A?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

more questions from Just Wondering

Hello Pauly
I have a few more questions/comments today. Regarding the water main breaks. I heard Bud was out there, is it true that he does not get any overtime but Ron Davin the Water Dept head person does? I remember Carol S getting overtime during the ice storm.

I heard that 2 members of the ConCom resigned JoannB and SG. Were they getting nervous because of you, Pauly pushing with the wrong doings? By the way what ever happened to the Concom laptop that was last at Joann’s house? And where is the underwater camera that the commission bought?

Someone on the blog mentioned the water bonds, isn’t there a bond that is out for 40 years and the water dept said it was only costing $25,000/yr hmm $25,000 per year times 40 years equals 1 MILLION DOLLARS for interest only. And Dana Blais says the highway has poor management!
Now let’s get to the executive session minutes. (March 12th) Ok we keep seeing the words “settlement agreement” What can be done  about the fact that this was a settlement agreement and the Bylaws were violated/broken? If I was a resident of this town and a town board or the police came to me and said “ you have violated the town bylaws.” My answer would be “so what three members of the Board of Selectmen did it”, Virginia Wilder, Patrick Mullins and then Chairman Robert Columbus. “What are you doing about them”? It tells the residents that the bylaws mean NOTHING!

Seems Mr. Columbus was working on this (getting rid of Mr. Ritter) as soon as K&P were hired back.  What right did BC have to call K&P and start the ball rolling so to speak. On his own, Virginia and Mullins must have known he was contacting K & P. Is this why K&P waited so long to send out the February and March bills?

Hey Virginia, in the minutes you say that you “have not agreed with many things that he (Mr. Ritter ) has done. Could you elaborate? Tell us what those things are. You Virginia say that you don’t “want them to become  official warnings” “but if you are pushed to the edge you will go there”. Well we are pushing!!!!!! Tell us. 
Ok now lets move on to the March 26th Executive Session Minutes. Did everyone catch the part that said that Ms Skelton had filed a case in Worcester Superior Court to “stop executive sessions”. What did this cost the town? Executive Session come under Mass General Laws. These people just love wasting taxpayer money!

So Virginia, who wrote your motion? (see the fourth paragraph) Lenny ? we all know that you cannot come up with this stuff on your own. And to Mr. Mullins (Scrappy, as you bloggers seem to like to call him) I’m sorry but I can’t help but think that unless JS or BC had told him to “second Virginia’s motion no matter what she said” he probably didn’t have a clue what she said. Did you Pat??

Virginia states  that “she is not pleased with Mr.  Ritter’s performance and she believes there are a lot of problems relating to the warrant because of those problems”. VW what exactly were the problems  and what about Ms Skelton changing and screwing up the warrant? Well Virginia??

Mullins, Wilder and Columbus you are all liars. If Mr. Ritter had wanted to resign he would have just resigned. All he would have said is, I got another job I am resigning, end of story.

Virginia what did you mean when you said “ from what you have seen in the office and your personnel contact with Mr. Ritter, there would be a lot of problems if we didn’t” (let him go)

Virginia, you make a comment that you “would support Mr. Ritter being able to collect unemployment”. Let me ask you, who leaves a job without have another one to go to. Liar, all liars.

Sorry Pauly, I am just so disgusted with this. Can’t wait to see the executive minutes for the 3rd executive session! I’m sure I’ll have more questions.  Chris S and Jeff B, thanks for holding your ground. Virginia and Pat, as you would  say “take a hike”!!!
Could you ask anyone if they have any questions about what was said at the executive sessions?
Just wondering.

If your water service is still affected by the water breaks, please let the blog know. Everyone in town should have received a phone message about the "State of emergency" for Templeton due to the water breaks. I'm not sure if the reverse E911 works, if you only have a mobile phone and have disconnected your land line.
If you know of an elderly person who is without water, please check in on them. It does not take long to get dehydrated in this weather. Hopefully, water service will be restored soon for all residents.
Julie Farrell